Sup Jow Forums. I often find references to confederates in American culture...

Sup Jow Forums. I often find references to confederates in American culture. RU Wikipedia says it was one of the parties in your civil war, that they included only slave-owning States, and virtually nothing else. Can you tell me more about them, their ideas, their symbols, what place they occupied in American history? I mean the confederates 1861-65 years, and not modern followers of their ideas.
I apologize in advance for all possible errors in this and other my posts, the translation was made automatically.

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better send him to

I know Robert E Lee was actually a really nice man and only took his illustrious position because of how loyal he felt to the state of Virginia

pretty good for google translate

>yankees wanted more control over the south in general
>one of the ways to do this is to get rid of the slaves because the south was agricultural
>south says "if you vote for the candidate that wants to destroy our economy then we'll secede"
>north overwhelmingly votes for Abraham Lincoln
>south votes for oppositio
>north has more people
>south secedes
>4 months pass with north blocking supplies to the south (illegal)
>lincoln still occupying foreign forts in the south
>north attacks the south
>most of the war happens in the south and northern generals often use tactics that include killing and raping civilians and burning fields and towns
>north signs paper that says "slaves are free now in your country" to destabilize Dixie
>it works
>eventually the north wins because the UK never intervened on the south's side like the south was hoping and because the south wasn't as well organized because it was a confederacy
>reconstruction era
>try and slowly change the culture while propping up southern ideals under the yankee banner
>now they're a bogeyman to devalue the south's opinions on things

As for symbolism, the south had several flags associated with it over time, including the Bonnie Blue Flag, Stars and Bars, Rebel flag, Stainless banner, and blood-stained banner.

Their ideas were not terribly far from the north at the time, simply that they believed in more decentralized government whereas the north and Lincoln wanted a more centralized government, but slavery was also a central crux of the south, and basically supported its entire economy.

Other than that there's not much to say. They were good old rebels, that's just what they were.

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I don't know there may be people around here with some more sensible neutral answers. I'm not an expert on murrica myself but I wouldn't be surprised if /his/ and Jow Forums throw the same slanted shit in your face

I guess I didn't make myself clear. I need to see how most Americans perceive confederates rather than historical facts. The historical facts I may find myself.

Holy shit can you take it easy on the nationalism, that's my heritage you're calling cheating stealing rapists

I guess I was wrong
Ah well c'est la vie

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Because you totally achieved your heritage with your own hands

Oh if you want actual opinions then basically
>everywhere except the south sees the confederacy as a racist "villain country" from history
>the south mostly sees it as a two-sided war and doesn't like that it was slavery that drove the conflict but still admires the rebels

I'm a little biased but come on, it literally happened. You can read Sherman's Memoirs. Not saying some southerners didn't do it the few times they went up north, but barring the rape it was genuine tactics from the yankees.

honestly it was historically accurate if you ignore the obviously opinionsted bits

the virgin goober peas versus the chad uhhhhh steal food and burn the farm down

I'm not judging man like I said I don't know enough about it.
Seems like OP was specifically looking for biased responses anyways

Alright, didn't mean to sound snappy or anything


I didn't think you sounded snappy man it's all cool

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North got controlling and added California as a free state without balancing it out so there were more abolisionist delegates in the government than pro slavery
The south was understandably angry as allot of them called for imdediate abolition, which would destroy the southern economy and way of life rather than slowly getting rid of slaves. Also the south loved states rights, they tended to think more like the articles of confederation rather than the Constitution
Bingo bongo the Civil war happens and most of the fighters didn't own slaves and just wanted to keep states rights and now everyone demonizes Dixie because "much slavery"

>tfw u like killing people more than u hate blacks

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>1 1 1 1

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Basically this

They lost the second revolutionary war, thus solidify a strong federal government and diminishing the power for individual states. Oh, and don't believe their moral justification was about slavery. The North still had slaves.