Dad, 6'2

>Dad, 6'2
>Mom, 5'8
>Me, age 15, 5'7
>Me, age 16, 5'7
>Me, age 17, 5'7
>Me, age 18, 5'7
>Me, age 19, 5'7
>Me, age 20, 5'7
Why haven't I grown AT ALL?

Attached: 8AC9AB0D-3DC4-41A1-983E-B6E1FECA866F-10155-000007BED6593E3C.jpg (300x360, 35K)

>dad 5'6
>mom 5'1
me 5'8
BAM BAM I won the manlet genetic lottery

That's not your real parents

You got his short genes and her short genes. Height is polygenic, he has some short genes despite being tall and she probably had some tall genes as well but you got short genes from both of them. It happens, and fairly frequently.

Dad 5'7
Mom 5'3

Me 5'10
Ain't complaining because it could have been worse

Go excersise when your body is still developing. You have until 25 untill your finished so go get it user.

It CAN be done

Should have done sports
Should have eaten healthy
Should ha e gotten some sun
Should have slept during the night

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some people just have shit luck, Ben Affleck is 6'4 and his brother Casey is barely 5'9

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lmao he aint your dad boy

not him but
> best friend's mom 5'5,
>dad's 5'8
>he's 6'1
weird genetic shit happens

>Dad 5'2
>Mom 5'3
>Me 5'6
I was fucked from the beginning

>weird genetic shit happens
Yeah, like how his mom accidentally fell on that tall man's penis, she's just genetically clumsy.

What type of excersise? Not op but ive been lifting for years and still a manlet

he has DNA records and everything tho

because you sit on your ass all day eating and drinking shit and staying up all night

You probably ate shitty junk food instead of getting proper nutrients.

is there a chance for growth at 20 if i completely turn my health habits around

this is BS, I know people who ate junk food and barely slept that still peaked at 6 feet tall
my brother almost never eats, when he does it's ramen, soda, and chocolate and he's 5'11

Now I need to explain why I don't exist to women or maybe as a child

Dad 5'3
Mom 5'5
Me 6'2(when i was 13)

Livin a good life

Do what you were built to do. RUN friend. Run to the end of the world.

Or for you a few miles a day, EVERY DAY will help you out. The first 20 days will be rough but after that you will push through the wall and your limit will get further after each run.

Swimming is also very good.

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>Dad 5'8
>Mom 5'2

Me 5'4
its rigged from the start

>dad 5'7
>mom 5'10
>me 6'3
thank you based manlet dad for marrying up

>Mom, 5'6"
>Dad, 5'8"
>Brother, 5'8"
>Sister, 5'5"
>Sister, 5'5"
>Me, 5'11"

honestly no, nothing noticeable at least

>mom 5'7
>dad 5'10
>me 6'0
literally no other women in my family are tall i don't understand it at all

I wish I was short. You people really don't know what you have.

If you stopped growing at 15, you most likely developed an eating disorder or some kind of health problem and neither you nor your parents had the brains to realize it.

>dad 5'4
>mum 5'6
>me 6'1


>dad 5'7
>mom 5'2
me 6'0

>dad 5'8
>mom 5'4
>me 5'9

>dad 5'11
>me 5'9.5
Guess that's what happens when you max out at 120 lbs.

>dad 5'0
>mom 5'5
me 5'7
if you are a girl don't date bellow 5'6... it's nightmare I can't imagine being 5'0

>Dad 6'
>Mom 5'4"
>me 5'11"
Thankfully I'm still growing

>dad 5'10"
>mom 5'7"
>me, 6'0"

The power of good nutrition from a young age

>dad 5'7"
>mom 5'5"
>me 6'1"
Get dabbed on you fucking manlets. I didn't even eat right or slept properly in my formative years you fucking nerds

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Manlets are getting pussy and you are a khv. Bitter much?

Lmao fucking manlet you should start HRT and transition into the girl you were suppose to be

Shouldnt have been a picky eater user.

>Manlets are getting pussy and you are a khv. Bitter much?

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Its an entire thread filled with people who should take the pink pill also if you short cucks have a dick smaller then 6.5x6 you need to trap out or be a sissy twink bottom and let real men pound your boiholes

You mean manlets are getting their boipucci fucked

Congrats user, it's virtually impossible for a guy to be shorter than his mom, but you've beaten the odds.

>Its an entire thread filled with people who should take the pink pill also if you short cucks have a dick smaller then 6.5x6 you need to trap out or be a sissy twink bottom and let real men pound your boiholes
Look who we got here boys

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Not him but I would smash that sissies boipussy

dad 5ft7
mom 5ft4
Older brother turned out to be 5ft11
I, fembot, am 5ft5

>Dad, 6'2"
>Mom, 5'4"
Me, 6'0"
Feeling alright desu

People like this are meant to be fucked silly and abused I bet his boiclit doesn't even work it should stay limp and soft

>Mom 5'2
>Dad 5'4
>Me 5'7 at 19
>Little brother 6'0 at 17

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How big is your dick though user height means nothing if you got a little shemeat, you need a big cock and that cock has to swag

>Not him but I would smash that sissies boipussy
>People like this are meant to be fucked silly and abused I bet his boiclit doesn't even work it should stay limp and soft
Boy oh boy, seems the tranny internet defence force has arrived

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A watched pot never boiIs user

>5'4" man gets with a woman 2 inches taller than him
Is there still hope for manlets?

Literally same


that's not how height works, that's not how any of this works

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maybe 30 years ago, not now

mom, 5'6
dad 5'6
me 5'6
bro 5'9

>dad 5'10" or 5'11"
>mom 5'3"

>age 14 6'0"
>age 15 6'1"
>age 16-present day 6'2"


I have bad news user...