How true is this statement?

Should you stop worrying and consume whatever you want or do you benefit from eliminating certain food COMPLETELY OUT of your diet?

Attached: everything-in-moderation-stamped-in-concrete-paver-stone-in-sidewalk-BM26BD.jpg (1300x957, 390K)

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Including moderation

the only thing you should wipe out of your diet is cheese and milk desu

its terrible for your skin, inflames your muscles, and is one of the most calorie-heavy ways to get protein in

you can eat so much more delicious shit if you cut milk and use efficient sources of protein like tuna/whey

I can handle milk just fine and I actually like.

sure dude, this is the /goodenough/ board after all

ok ill go tell the maasai that their milky bloody diet is unhealthy. i hope they can hear me from up there

If you eat literally whatever you want you'll get fat. Most people do this and get fat.

You can apportion some rough amount of calories a day/week to junk and you'll see minimal impact on progress. Replacing a 600-700 calorie well-portioned meal with 1000 cals of pizza once a week isn't going to be much of a hindrance

Drugs of all types, including alcohol, caffeine, etc
Any type of plastic recipient/tool for eating
I think that's about closes the list of things that are simply bad to eat

most people are conditioned to eat crap. you think a newborn would see a fucking nature valley bar as food?

suicide in moderation is generally always bad for you.

Blanket statements, by and large, are retarded.

It should really be "Anything in moderation" not "everything".
Meaning that everything has a safe sizing.
Suicide isn't a thing.
You always have to do something else that results in suicide which in moderation wouldn't have killed you.
Even a bullet to the head wouldn't kill you if you shot through less of your head like through your cheek instead of your temple.

Can you live without sugar?

You American or something?



Yes but nothing is written in stone ;)

I mean, almost everything has sugar.
Do you also not eat any fruits?

Not that guy but fruits are a meme

No I don’t eat fruits

What do you eat?

Faggot question. Surprise surprise OP

I make most of my meals natural harvest.

Only gay people can't answer it.

moderation is in reference to frequency only.. so, you're just wrong.

I eat 1 or 2 fruits a day. And eventually get about a teaspoon of sugar in the bread I make myself and eat.
That's about it. Maybe stop buying processed garbage.

>Refined carb, added sugar, 2 fruits a day
Dude that's a shitload of sugar

Is American flour filled with sugar or are you just being dumb?
It's two fruits and 5 grams of sugar.

Refined carbs turn into glucose

Yes and? Or are you under some false assumption that "muh insuline spike" is what is wrong with sugar?

Are you under some false assumption that insulin spikes are good for you?

They are irrelevant unless you're chugging sugar like a regular American or are diabetic.