For the two i selected to respond to, im avaliable to talk
Nathaniel Bailey
I'm sorry man. I feel the same way more and more frequently these days. I thought that my life had improved, that I finally understood the complex interpersonal systems that govern the everyday life of the people I thought were normal. But... the more of a chance I gave myself to grow, the more lost and isolated I feel now. The more you knpw, the less makes sense. I cry a lot nowadays, in bed, standing up, sitting in public areas even. The more I try to relate to other people, the more I forget who I ever was. This is a terrible place. Please, get me out of here.
Jaxson Reed
Pick up a hobby OP, I started to feel like that after I finnished school and spent my days doing nothing and working some shit wagecuck job. I started running, it's great, you get to experince pain, let out your frustrations and exercise makes you feel better anyway. I'm not saying this is ultimate fix, but it's something
>I have an increasingly huge urge to fall down onto the floor, scream, cry, laugh, roll around, and shout what's on my mind What's stopping you OP?
Thomas Sullivan
You're probably trapped in a never ending cycle in your work, right? Maybe it's schooling that's got you or maybe you don't work and stay inside all day like I do.
If you're able to escape it like quit your job, save your money first, save a few thousand then get out of there. I want you to try to travel your country in your van and leave all of what's got you down behind, if you have family issues that can't be resolved, leave, toxic relationship, leave, dead end job, leave. It may be hard to leave if you've got that connection for so long but please I want you to get better, I don't know you but I can relate to you. Please, buy a van and try to travel around as much as you please, clear your head whether that be meditation, LEGO, video games, doesn't matter. Just clear your head however you can and get back on the road, don't keep up with anything toxic, disconnect from pop culture, politics, what ever gets you down.
I believe you can get better, try to get a good counselor and some medication if that makes it better. Be better than me, don't be the NEET, you own yourself, no one owns your consciousness. You can do it, I love you
Evan Thompson
I know exactly how you feel, OP. Work, Uni and home life are all tearing me down and I was never that upright in the first place. I've been trying to reach out for help but it feels so dumb to not even be able to cope with one course and an 8 hour part time job; I just feel fucking embarrassed and ashamed to ask for help even though I truly need it. You're not alone
Dylan White
He's talking to the bot, user.
Jordan Robinson
>5,000 IU/day helps more than jew SSRIs t. anonymous medical doctor with 30 years of experience in the field for sure
Luke Thompson
i know where your coming from, (did i use the right your im stupid so.) you feel there physically, but emotional you feel as if nothing matters anymore and seem like you were happier when you were younger or atleast i feel like this, another person not living up to their potential, and feel alone in the world as if your different but try to fit in to onlu find your self working and hving few amount of real friends, and when your alone you just sit and think about death, but death seems like no escape, because in some way youd miss the feeling of nothing-ness.
Michael Hill
Do you work a job? A fairly low level one?
Welcome to the world. You are a human animal, with an urge to hunt, interact, examine, explore, mate, sleep and binge. But instead, you are bound by law and custom to get up at 730am for mr shekelstein and do the dumb robotnik work that a dumb robotnik will shortly take off you. Life has become a million little stressors applied CONSTANTLY, never giving you a hit of adrenaline to deal with it, merely constantly draining your reserves of dopamine. Why do you think so many people are turning to hardcore drugs and over-eating to claw some of that good feeling back?
Life is, now, as I said, a million little stressors and NO great discoveries and NO thrill of the chase. Those little stressors will fucking grind you down waaaaaaaaaaayyy the fuck down.
The only thing to do is to self-actualize towards a goal like early retirement, or having two well-brought-up children, or becoming a leading expert in your hobby or interest (even if you don't work in the field). If you do not feel you can do any of the above then the pain becomes meaningless. You cannot even offer it up to god, knowing as we do now that that's a load of bullshit. Thousands of years ago we gave up free roaming for the working of farms and safety. We got a lot out of the deal, but it took a fucking lot too.
And with the west now losing its comparative economic advantages over the rest of the world don't expect to EVER get to loosen your belt. You're going to work until you die. You and me both - Believe, son.
Owen Perry
Try smoking weed. I've never felt that way in my entire life. You need to chill out and accept that life is a fuck.