I tried and failed to kill myself this weekend

I tried and failed to kill myself this weekend.

Ask me anything before I try again

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If you failed on your first attempt wouldn't you just do it straight after the failed attempt? The fact that you're making a thread on Jow Forums makes me think you aren't actually going to do it.

Fuck you, dirty attentionwhore.

how the fuck do you "fail" killing yourself
just inhale carbon monoxide or something

The attempt made me violent ill, and I lack the means to do it any quick or painless way.

While you're correct to assume I haven't actually made any specific plans to immediately try again, my situation and circumstances haven't changed, so the same chain of events that led me to try will probably lead me to try again.

I'd be lying if I said this wasn't probably a cry for help of some kind.

But the fact that the cry for attention goes to Jow Forums, and Jow Forums of all places, should speak to my mental state.

This board used to be a sort of haven for the broken and alone, although its obviously become more of a haven for trannies and bait posters.

i hope that you find redemption one way or another user, all will be as it was supposed to

Atleast you're being honest about attentionwhoring. That doesn't excuse you're behaviour, but it's less bad than lying about it.

What's the matter?

what method did you use if you don't mind me asking? I think I fucked up mine as well and I'm wondering how much brain capacity I even have left, it's that bad

It's too late for redemption. I couldn't turn back even if I wanted to.

I've had an inescapable constant knowledge of existential futility. For a long time I ignored or tried to forget the pointlessness of it all through blatant hedonism and relationships with friends.

Using the friends and times shared together as motivation to keep going. But now all my friends are gone and life has moved on without me.

I don't have any future worth looking forward to, and I lost the only reasons I had to keep going.

I tried to overdose on a cocktail of prescription and illicit drugs, with large doses of alcohol.

Unfortunately, several years as a drug addict have afforded me an above average tolerance to narcotics.

I woke up Saturday afternoon and have spent much of the time since then vomiting or asleep.

shoot yourself in the fucking head. with a gun, you'll fucking die this time.

yeah, sounds like you're in a potentially worse situation than I am rn, good luck with whatever you plan next, I hope it works

>I've had an inescapable constant knowledge of existential futility.
Nigga, everyone has that shit. You're supposed to get over that after highschool (uni if you're a laterbloomer). Life is meaningless, create you're own meaning by setting goals and achieving them. It's about the journey, not the destination, all that jazz.

Just find out what things in life are important to you and work at that. Don't be a hedonist, because it is literally impossible not to fail at. You will NOT always be happy, that's physically impossible. Get over yourself and stop being a whiny faggot.

Getting access to a firearm with a history of mental health issues is difficult. Not to mention it costs money.

If you're in the Las Vegas area and would like to lend a gun, I'd be happy to accept.

you dont understand what i meant apparently, i was not trying to talk you out of it

The destination has been nothing but loss and disappointment, sprinkled with occasional escapes with drugs, sex, or friends.

Those escapes have been dwindling for years, and have finally come to an end. I don't see a point in continuing the journey if the end is the same as the path to get there.

>Get over yourself and stop being a whiny faggot
Working on it

can you gift me red dead redemption before you go?

Hello user thank you for reading this far into my post
So it has come to my attention that several faggots have reported they "attemped" to commit suicide but have failed. Now let us suppose you wish to kill yourself via gravity. My question is how do you exactly define failure here, is it either:
>A) trying to build up the courage to jump off a roof, but failing to do so
>B) jumping off a roof, but surviving, with or without injuries
>C) other, please explain in your response

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It's like you didn't even read what I wrote. The destination is irrelevant.

Crushing debt and a wageslave life is part of the reason things have gotten as bad as they have.

Most buildings high enough to cause grievous bodily injury have access to those floors restricted, and the glass is shatter resistant.

In addition, I have no intention of causing a scene or traumatizing other people with my death. Id prefer for it to be as private and unnoticed as possible.

After a life of being next to invisible to everyone I know, the last thing I want is to give them all something to pretend they care about. Im sure many of you can relate.

The destination is irrelevant. The journey is irrelevant. It's all irrelevant.

The only things that make life worth living are the experiences and people you fill them with.

But once you're run out of things and people worth living for, whats the point of going on? When you know each day will be a dull black and white rerun of the days you've already lived, why would you chose to keep going?

Hope is the carrot dangled to make the horse walk. And the hose is tired. The kind of tired sleep wont fix.

It's impossible to run out of "things" to live for because those "things" are abstract goals.

Fuck off shill. This is a false flag psyop

Why do attention seeking fagtards like you always avoid answering basic questions? Everybody hates you and the world will be a better place if you tripped into a wood chipper.

Not having balls to suicide != failed suicide attempt.

XD, my fellow Trump supporter

How many years have you lived to get to this point?

Some normal fag across the street tried to kill himself during the weeked. Are you that kid, and did you get "saved" by your friends?

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I'm still waiting for a response afadfasdfsdf

Posts like this are either from underage b& or just some of other dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. Did you even read the thread dipshit? Obviously he knows shooting himself is going to kill him ya fuckin nincompoop

Have you tried to creating your own meaning for existence? Religion seems to be a good answer for many. Take the Christ-pill before you kill yourself user.