I made this girl fall in love with me and after a few months decided to just hurt her as much as I could. I was only LARPing I never liked her.
I was told this was the wrong thing to do, but this is R9K?. I only started trying to manipulate her as I wanted $$ to help my friend who I was worried would kill himself.
So R9K is it bad to hurt females? I thought I was getting back at the roasties for once. was it wrong to use this roast to help my friend or try to?
>X was mean to Y, thus I am justified in being mean to Z desu if you're asking, you already know you were in the wrong. You lowered yourself to roasties level. You became the roastie.
Julian Garcia
No one cares you faggot lol
Nolan Murphy
Not sure if pink is a LARP or just extremely low IQ
Either way nothing of value was gained or lost, you're an idiot for wasting time (LARP) like this and clearly a retard as well
Noah Perry
OP im going to get the teacher on you
Eli Miller
damn, you're on a whole other level of pathetic. first time in years I've actually cringed at something over the internet
Juan Cook
Yes. Apologize and read the,bible
Nicholas Johnson
Does reporting actually do anything?
Owen Jackson
>You lowered yourself to roasties level. You became the roastie. I thought it was ok to give them taste of their own medicine.
I guess I was wrong and I need to improve as a person.
Jayden Gomez
>hurting whores to help a brother out
>being a sentimental pussy
Gabriel James
>I feel no empathy >I wanted to help my friend You are a massive faggot Op
Andrew King
If this is real the girl is either retarded, naive, out of touch with normal human behaviour or all of those three.
Either way you shouldn't take advantage of those who can't defend or help themselves. You're an asshole and you know you are.
Nicholas Cook
OP should apologize
Matthew Myers
>not being an asshole arbitrarily is the same as being a pussy This is why we can't have nice things.
Kevin Long
OP >youre a fag and you lowered yourself to a roaties level
Op, you're the most pathetic human being ever. wow. fucking hell this is literally the first time in a while i've cringed at something so hard in a while.
John Williams
She has shitty grammar. Is she european or middle eastern? It's very distinct. Also, did you ever call her? I need to get on discord to do stuff like that again OP. You and me are similar people. I think you should post that vocaroo and her art. I want to see
Both of you are shit. The roastie for falling for your shit and you for wasting your time. Honestly both of you sound 13 or something.
Blake Ward
Also I fucked up the colors in the sc. Blue is me red is discord ''e-girl''
Chase Smith
What a complete and total waste of time and effort. OP, fuck off.
Jayden Mitchell
I love it. Despair like that is exhilarating, but i feel bad for her. Not sure how to judge unless you drop context on the stuff with your friend. What's up with that?
Ian Morales
uh, neither. it's just indicative of a completely fragmented core on your part. the brain doesn't allow itself to see its own trauma, otherwise you'd be rendered catatonic or suicidal, but it is fully visible in what it does.
tl;dr everyone can tell you're a sad loser and this is just piss in an ocean of piss
get better bud
Ryder Gray
it's impressive how someone can write all that and not say anything meaningful at all
Colton Turner
How do people manage to put themselves out there and look for love again after getting spit in the face like that? No wonder many end up bitter.
Anthony Parker
Why don't you just go gay for your other friend with the censored name.. You truly are a faggot.
Gabriel Flores
op is flamboyantly underage and should be publicly executed for his crimes
Jace Brown
>r9k defending roasties
fuck all of you cucks, go back to facebook, OP is the hero we deserve
Elijah Phillips
she would've done it to you, so it's self defence
unironically well done
Lucas Green
How do you even get into situations like that?
Nathan Ramirez
that's a big yikes from me op
Ian Roberts
get back at a roastie who did something not some random girl you fucking retard motherfucker you're just as bad as roasties now
Im honestly trying my hardest to feel bad, but she chose this. Did i loose my empathy?
Jaxson Ramirez
>that's a big yikes from me op
Will you yikes faggots shut the fuck up? Fast forward 6 months until you get tired of your favorite trendy word please...
Jeremiah Turner
No, just your fucking spelling, capitalization, and punctuation, you idiot.
Xavier Gonzalez
You are right, she did choose this. She knows he's an asshole and a jackass. Typical, some women think they have magic powers that can completely transform a horrible mans personality. The type to let men abuse them for years. OP must have sent her a really attractive photo.
David Cruz
Of course you're in the fucking wrong If you wanna be a total piece of shit, more power to you, but what the fuck how do you not realise how fucked this is. It's so cruel. She only wanted to be nice
Brayden Bennett
Wow yikes man.
Who hurt you?
Luis Ross
all girls are roasties no exceptions every single woman alive is the scum of the earth, every girl is a piece of shit, every girl is a waste of life you dumb cringepilled cuck
Christian Wood
If someone does something bad to you, it doesn't mean you automatically have to do something bad to them
Sebastian Howard
Stop it. Get some help, user.
Oliver Wright
Maybe I just feel bad about how stupid woman are thinking that picking the asshole is gonna somehow end well.
Jace Watson
Yeah, you are an asshole. There's a case to be made about her being retarded for trusting you, but it doesn't change much. Do you think this poor retard girl is anyhow equivalent to manipulative roasties who actually intend to or don't care if they hurt you? She isn't. Intentionally hurting people and then needing to be told YOU were in the right is also just kind of pathetic. At least own being a piece of shit.
Jayden Nguyen
Good for you, practicing self-eugenics Bad analogy because retaliation in general is usually justified. This is more of "if x hits you hit x back, not fucking y"
Hudson Kelly
You wouldn't be here without a woman. You just sound like a bitter neckbeard kek.
Nicholas Brown
Yeah, no way either of those people are a day older than 15. You forget sometimes literal children populate this place
James King
If this is not fake I hope I'll talk to you one day and fucking break you like you did with this poor girl lmao
David Harris
This is true to be quite honest, I've been here for years and Ive talked to "fembots" and femanons, most of the times they were like underage, 13, 14, 15, 16..
Pretty sure the girl op talked to is underage without a doubt, I recognize those patterns.
Btw some of them were black lol, and the white ones were literally ugly as hell so..
Luke Jenkins
>Ive talked to "fembots" and femanons, most of the times they were like underage, 13, 14, 15, 16..
No wonder, anons on this board fucking love underage girls. They'll chat them up and make them want to post here more.
Isaac Allen
This 100%. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a women intentionally hurting people for no reason is just a nigger thing to do in general, and doing it for money to give to a friend does not make you a good person OP.
Parker Green
Morality is fake. Anyone stupid enough to develop feelings for text on a screen deserves exactly what they get.
Jackson Murphy
How do I get a girl to like me like this? Ugh I want to abuse a cutie. And where do lolis get money from what the hell?
Parker Bailey
Op is this the first girl you're manipulating?Were there any others in the past?
Adam Russell
I really gotta stop coming here. Only a sociopath could simultaneously peruse this board while bettering themself as a human. I liked it more when everybody was sad, there was still some capacity for improvement there. Now this board is like /b/ for people who think they've gotten too mature for /b/
Levi Jones
omg faggot can you fuck off, you already posted this pic in another thread of yours Gunjy no one fucking likes you just piss off this website you faggot
Connor Bell
It all makes sense now. I genuinely hope he slits his throat. Genetic garbage.
Isaac Hernandez
>Besides ;) you promised neet bux babies Send her my way OP I'll treat her right. Sorry you've got so much hate in your heart for women, but it's jewish feminism that made them that way, not really their fault