>what the fuck why was i warn-
What the fuck why was i warn-
cringe jannies
>issuing warnings
Getting fucked by a tranny would be less feminine in comparison.
Audible kek, thank you.
Actually wholesome
i got banned from pol for "pedo bullshit" a couple months ago. these reddit mods are fucking cancer
this tbqufhf (to be quite unambiguously, frankly honest senpai)
>uuugh just call the suicide hotline we don't want to hear you bitching
yeah totally wholesome
i made a thread on /tv/ about middle east documentaries and some fag spammed the thread with pro israel infographics so i called him a kike and i got banned for a week
>posts magapedo bullshit
>gets banned
What did you expect, rapefugee?
No, it's
>call professionals who are trained to deal with this instead of whining to NEETs and trolls and other mentally ill people
You deserved that ban. It's a 4channel board. No anti-Israel things there. That can get someone fired.
reddit and anyone who uses it is actual scum. I hate reddit beyond reason
Son, there's nothing professional about modern mental health care. If you were anything other than a normie, you'd know this.
psychology is the biggest fucking meme. literally an industry built around lying to peoples faces.
yes i agree. pretty much all mods and jannies are reddit users though. hell most anons are too as far as i can tell.
The only professional I want is one that will take me out to the back room and shoot me. That's the only way to cure a defective brain.
You and me both, one day hopefully it will be optional.
ok this is epic
we literally plebbit now. how long until we get (((warned))) for telling trannies to kill themselves?
Their warnings don't mean shit, I've been warned at least 4 times for random bullshit and nothing has come of it.
why don't I ever get these when I suicidepost douchebag mods
also ban trannies jannie plz
That Janny a cute
>posts ITT are getting deleted left and right
I wonder how long he'll manage to do that on a board where half the userbase is suicidal
yikes, these j*nnies are really not the bees knees
I'd be pretty pissed if I got this message. Some rando doesn't get to decide if I hurt myself or not
those tranny jannies are really fucking pathetic, they banned from all boards for 5 days because I was calling out their obvious shilling in this board