Wtf is wrong with me anons?

Wtf is wrong with me anons?
>Getting into VNs because it feels nice to get attention, even from a silly script
>Read Katawa at recommendation of local weeb god
>End up on Emi route
>Get genuine feels
>Bawl eyes out completely over 2D chick
>Come back to earth
>tfw I will never have as intense of emotional highs from interactions with real wimin as from Mongolian cartoon.

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>Wtf is wrong with me anons?
you are an ironic weeb

Why does it matter that you get your emotional highs from vns rather than real life?

Imagine bawling your eyes out over a pedo-bait slut.
Yikes and bluepilled.

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Yeah that's nice OP.

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desu after getting the most genuine feelings I've ever felt in fucking doki doki I've started to avoid vns completely

that's because you've never gotten to know a girl well enough, also katawa is shit ddlc is where it's at

"Weeb god" set it off.

God they're such annoying little zoomer shits. I never thought I would look back and think mid 00s weebs were better.

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jesus this board really is a hive of 15 year olds.

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I never got an interest in vns until this one weeb friend told me to play dd fuck you.

I get your feelings, user. Hanako's route made me feel like that (Lilly's too). I wish I could experience something like this irl, my breathing gets faster and I smirk like an idiot when I confess to girls I like in VNs. It's pathetic but there's nothing I can do about it

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Lord Odin, please let this be bait.

Fucking this. DDLC is one of the worst VNs I read, you faggots are less than normie tier, It's probably the only VN you played in your life

enjoy your first vn babies

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Thank the likes of r/Jow Forums, and their favorite youtube personality who makes funny faces and talks about how epic this place is.

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>your first vn
That's DDLC for literally 99% of people.

dumb janni ban trannies

hiro fucking nuke this literal children board

Allfather spares us not, we must prove ourselves worthy through death in combat and valour.

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KS is fucking basic dude, you're blinded by your emotional attachment to your vn waifu, I bet you'd think AA/AA2 was equally good shit too because you feel an emotional attachment to the characters.

Not much of a surprise, a lot of kids grow up on youtube celebrities now I hear.


The love stories in KS are really wholesome and powerful. Playing through it helped me out with my depression more than two months of therapy

>Bawl eyes out completely over 2D chick
well, /a/nons can write. that's for sure.

Genki? yeah, that's THE japanese textbook. Mary-san anime when?

Lol go cry about it faggot

How hard would it be if I haven't read any VNs or LNs but have eaten a couple mangas?

>things are bad if they make you feel emotions
it's a fucking visual novel dude. if i wanted some big brained story I would read a real book.

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Ddlc is a shit. I mean besides the intentionally "spooky" and fucked up storyline it's only like a few hours of play max. Steins gate was good imo.

Does danganronpa count as a vn? I really like the first two.

you'd understand if you ever played aa series

Why would I need to do that? I don't drink.

>western shit
>visual novel

Have no fucking clue man, I'm a lonely virgin who got eaten up into depression by FUCKING OREIMO. I swear off the stuff for whatever is left of my own mental health.

because it's sims hentai set in high school

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Same exact thing happened to me when I played it for the first time 10 months ago. KS was my first VN and I cried after doing the Emi route as a 24 year old KHV. Finally experiencing what it might feel like to be in love made me realize how much I missed out and I couldn't handle it.

Wow, RWBY Season 6 looks great.

I liked Katawa Shoujo but I never cried at any of the routes, especially Rins who was the most boring fucking shit ever

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tyty dude

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What's bad about something being "basic". DDLC is a mess, I don't care how many gimmicks it has. The first act was unironically my favorite. Also, wtf is AA? Ace Attorney?

>Also, wtf is AA? Ace Attorney?

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You and me fucking both

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I'm pretty sure I still have the pure outrage threads of /jp/ from when the mods were trying to move KS discussion there from early 2012 iirc. Such soldiers. They actually managed to beat the mods.

I remember feeling a void when I finished the anime years ago but I've never played the VN. Maybe I'll start there.
arigatou senpai :3

>tfw you realize you've been an ironic weeb all along
I'm sorry I'll abandon anime now...

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I'm talking about the anime kinsman, it also fucked my perception of my sister. This shit is poison for eternally lonely men.

imagine bawling your eyes out over the most shallow route in the entire game.
>muh shy girl
>muh tragedy
>muh burns

yikes and baconpilled

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It's Artificial Academy mate.
I only played the third one, called Koikatu, but from what I hear, the second one is the best.Haven't been able to get it running though.

Imagine dying an unloved virgin

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The biggest giveaway is "Still an EOP in 2018"

Y'all sleeping on the BEST girl, she made me cry from happiness instead of sadness.

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Shit replied to the wrong guy fuck

Let's start it up together

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>WTF is wrong with me anons?

A: your a faggot
it's daijobu though, we are all faggots. If you like visual novels so much, I personally recommend Planetarian.

whatever dude, just do drugs and masturbate

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>crying from EVN trash instead of real kino

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based rinposter

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Nice bait. KS is topTier
Ayy at least you accept your shit

You're on your own kinsman, I hope Heimdall watches you through this bullshit.

I knew I wasn't the only one with such profoundly autistic taste

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KS was my first VN. did the Hanako route only because the others seemed boring. Only Steins;Gate made me feel anything close to those feels again, other VNs are not doing it for me. Fate is meh, Muv Luv is eh.

Thank you. I will take good care of best girl.

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Oh and Danganronpa was fun, as was 999, but I didn't get those feels. Also played their sequels.

If it weren't for Kirino, Ruri and the one you just posted would be a toss up. By my ancestors blood you know I'm right.

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Steins;Gate is probably the best VN I ever played. Could not believe how detailed the story, otaku culture tidbits, and gameplay mechanics (by VN standards) were.

Yeah, playing it will probably always be the defining anime related experience for me, I doubt it will ever be topped. I loved the setting and culture even more than the conspiracy sci-fi stuff, it was so perfect. After being on Jow Forums throughout my college years and beyond, and having visited Akihabara previously, it just felt so relatable in a way no other piece of media ever has for me. I'm usually bored by glossary indexes in games that sort story info, but in S:G I read every bit of it and I was excited every time a new definition came up that might explain more about otaku culture. After I played it and some other VNs I realized I'd have to just watch the best anime series I could find as the only way to reliably feel like that again, cause other vns don't come close.

I tried Chaos;Child, and the setting is also pretty good, but horror/occult plotline is not as interesting to me. It's not bad though, I should get back into it at some point.

>play VN
>don't feel anything
>just get mad I can't get the route I want
>not entertained really

Holy fuck that's comedy gold

>mfw like all girls
>mfw like Lilly just a little bit more

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>tfw Lilly will never heal your heart irl

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Vielen dank arzt

I liked her the most, until that shit went down in her route. Now I'm just conflicted if I should be pissed at her or the route itself.

I have this fantasy where I would start having sex with Rin. Foreplay and all kidding, then I'd be ok top of her and her legs would be up. It would be like the underside of her leg is pressed against my chest.

Then I would stick my cock in her asshole. She doesn't have arms to push back and she can't kick properly from that position. I would ream her ass until it bled and lick her face and sniff her hair. I want to drink her sweat lick her armpit and breath her musk.

After I finish a few times inside her I want to take pictures of the blood and cum leaving her gaping asshole wound to put on the refrigerator with magnets.

God I would marry her.

>download loli vn
>pound penis at every lewd scene
>finally an actual sex scene comes up after speed reading
>blow load
>there's more scenes
>not horny anymore
>will have to wait a day or 2 till i'm actually horny enough to want to read through it again

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Is this real and if so, where is it?

It's edited my dude

I suspected that but I wanted to believe.

still trying to get over it, this life fucking sucks

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Lilly sucks and is a boring, substanceless character.

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>being kind makes someone substanceless

This list gets longer every time I see it, is there even such a thing as unironic weebs anymore?

No, but being a hollow shell of a "character" is

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>mfw only fucked up hanako's route on the first try

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Oh, you meant Rin. I thought you were talking about Lilly.

I didn't particularly like Rin, but she did have a character and some conflict about her. And her route had a plot other than "Boring bitch likes me because uhhhh..?"

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>I dont like X
>I could be doing something great right now and spending time on things I enjoy
>instead I create a post dedicated to discussing X

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This is now a Lilly thread.

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I have a folder dedicated to every Katawa, because there's something to enjoy about all of them. Except for Lilly, because she's boring and there's nothing to her to enjoy.

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fucking all my keks user blessed

doesnt deny being 15

close this

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I'll close Lilly in a fucking cellar

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Read Muvluv. You won't regret it.

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>first Katawa playthrough

lmao welcome to the rest of your shitty life

Rinfriends only

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pic related friendorignal

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>he still wastes time on thing he hates

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What are you guys' favorite eroges?

This was the last VN for me. I was having a lot of fun and then it suddenly hit me: I am a fucking loser and the closest thing to romance I'll ever get to in my life is this. Then I could not keep enjoying it and deleted all my weeb games afterwards.

thats fucked dont rape my waifu

She is only for cuddling and missionary

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>cuddling after rape in missionary

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I started this game once but I just couldn't go through with it. It made me realize I'm a heartless, superficial bastard because no matter how cute the girls are I just can't accept their physical disabilities. I feel bad for this to this day.

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