Living in a small town has completely destroyed my life

living in a small town has completely destroyed my life

I no longer like music, I dont like tv, I dont like video games, I have no interest in girls. I literally just lay in bed and cry and wait for it to end. im no longer human.

god allowed this to happen. people allowed this to happen. the government allows this to happen. you will all burn in hell for sitting by and watching this and doing nothing.

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>allowed this to happen

Don't blame others for your problems. *wink wink*

Op what the hell am I supposed to do about it? Stop crying and just fucking leave, get a bike and go.

Living in a small town is the best OP, if you lived in a city youd probably get mugged by a nigger every other day. or something. wouldnt that be weird?

I commented on this thread, I did something.

Jokes on you bitch.

No you have destroyed your life, you are the only one to fault when your life is getting out of control or lifeless. Stop trying to be a useless fucking retard and blame everyone except yourself for your life problems like a spoiled child.

Either shut up and live with yourself with how badly you fucked yourself, better yourself so you're finally happy, or just fucking kill yourself. Those are your only options, all of them require you to stop bitching about shit that's your own fault.

no god is targeting me and the population as a whole is out to get me and trap me here so im a prisoner and dont get the life I deserve

You allowed it to happen you misrible fuck... YOU!
you really think that someones going to come save you?? You really think anyone cares?? Well guess what asshole... They don't. It's up to you to make a life for yourself, only attractive staycies get otherwise. So either shut the fuck up, get the fuck out there, and do what you need to do to fix your life, or off yourself tonight. There are no free lunches in this world. Not even for those sub human Stacies. Either do something with your life, or die trying.

If you can't do that OP, you don't need to be here and you need to die.

I need to die but I cant. theres no way out because the world is out to get me and make it impossible because im black

Fuck off you actual child. I think you should just kill yourself because only an absolute loser would think this way.

Just fucking end it you absolute waste of human life.

yes you can. Buy some rope and look up how to tie a noose. or if that's too painful buy a cheap gun and blast your brains out.

You're just too pussy to do it because you think everything wrong happening to you is not your fault. Well these issues are and you're too pussy to either fix it or kill yourself, you'd rather blame other people who couldn't give less of a shit about you for your own horrible life.

just end it.

dude just go get laid man. when i got my gf my life had meaning again, quit being a self loathing faggot

>My life is shit
>it's everyone else's fault
>it's the entire world's responsibility to fix me, not mine

Imagine being this entitled. Solve your own damn issues or an hero yourself

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living in a city is exactly the same, except that you are forced to coexists with thousands of people all the time, even if you don't leave your room because you most likely live in a building, and they are insufferable and a good part of them aren't even white.

no nothing makes me happy. I could be in a small town and be handed a million dollars and have like 30 hot model bitches fucking me and id still be sad. I wouldn't even be able to fuck because im so sad.

id rather live in a city in a box or tent and have nothing then have a billion dollars here and multiple mansions with lamborghinis and my own private estates and multiple businesses making me thousands of dollars a day

im not kidding its really that fucking bad out here. id rather be nodding off on drugs with the homeless in a city then do this

my towns pop is 2000, pretty small, i love it, go live in the city dude, im telling you, youre gonna want to come back. i live up in the appalachian mountains in NC, i didnt go to the capital (Raleigh) until i was 24, i literally wanted gtfo of there ASAP. fuck cities.

Go out and try to do something with you life, get a job or try to get a gf. (Even if you're not interested in girls.) Yeah, life sucks and yeah you deserve to feel sad, but staying at home isn't helping one bit. Just focus on improving your life instead of all the shit that's bad about it.

Yeah small towns suck. Almost everything around is dead or decaying. The only people that live there are old people that grew up there, while all the young folks are moving to the big cities. The town itself is too small to get any real amount of tax dollars for infrastructure either through federal or local means. Not enough people in the town means that businesses can't take risks, so you don't have anything interesting around, just the same restaurants that have mass appeal and can conceivably attract enough people to make a profit. Nothing unique, just homogeneity. A lot of the prime real estate goes unused as there's nothing to even put there. Most small towns will be dead in a few decades. Get out while you can.

I cant god ripped that from me I cant even go be homeless

>you will all burn in hell for sitting by and watching this and doing nothing.

What do I do to help you?

wtf are you talking about? i dont understand!

He's a bitch and can't accept responsibility in the fact that he hates his life due to his own poorly thought out actions. He's too much of a bitchpussy to take his life by the horns and do what he wants with it and instead blames everyone else for his problems.

there's your translation, you're talking to an actual wastebasket, don't bother.

Just move to a big city. It's not rocket science dude.
>god ripped that from me
What are you, Jonah and god is going to send a big fish to swallow you if you try? Just fucking do it instead of sitting there in your shithole town and feeling sorry for yourself.

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OP is a nigger. He got a dui on xanax or something. He used to post daily