Perfect world

Dear R9k,

What is your perfect world?

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A dead world.

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We live in the best of all worlds objectively speaking. But me? I want a Death Note

Early stage captialism before it starts fucking with the value of life

>Voluntary(but free and universal) immortality/agelessness
>Technological progress as a primary objective in society
>High morals, creativity and critical thinking being valued by all
>Moral consistency among individuals
All of these combined, this would be the best world.

Basically a Linkola or Posada's world where all of the human race is obliterated from existence except maybe a few who can contact the aliens.

A world where everyone's life is a challenging and rewarding adventure.

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literally just 2006

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A world of great personal potential where you can train to, for example cut a barrel with the air from a slash, or study magic and change your body.
Also a god of fate ensures people get the necessary emotional support by putting them with the right people.

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The perfect world. Absolutely based

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> No criminals (thiefs,murderers, gangs etc)
> No cancer, ebola etc
> No pollution
> No mass immigration
>No focus on being PC, people are too sensitive nowadays.
> No "race/gender quota jobs/school positions", simply get the best person for the job.
> No physical possibility to get a child unless you can support yourself.
> No more than 1 child per family, earth is getting overpopulated as it is.
> No person should be without a job unless they can support themselves.
> No fucking insane apartment/house prices, a place to call your own shouldn't ruin your forever.
> No beggars
> No ads
> No callcenters

Orig ofc.

Adding no religion

>adding purposelessness

A meritocracy
destroy the family unit
breading rights are only given to those who earn it
children are raised by the most qualified
people will be assigned the job they are most qualified for based on an aptitude test
no mater what you can move up or down based on performance.

But with a freak accident that killed all the republicans and legalized weed

A place where the Secrecy of the ballot / Black ballot remains undisturbed.

A universe completely cleansed of all life. Yes this even includes machine life.

Everyone but infp killed off, we nice now motherfuckers.

not based meme-tier answer

2006 was a good year, optimism was very high. Then the economy crashed, as such is what happens when optimism bubbles burst.

no world because nothing is perfect

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WW1 never happened, and if it did, the Germans won. Countries like Apartheid South Africa are allowed to progress to liberalism naturally without outside pressure.

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Oh shut up you Pangloss-tard. This world is shit, can't you see it?

A world where I'll know whether you're a leftie, ambidexterous, or a schemer :)

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>WW1 never happened, and if it did, the Germans won
Someone's read Democracy The God That Failed.

One world government

Where I'm omnipotent

A world of my justice
A world where people's cries aren't unheard.
A world where a real God interferes

Nothing and no one goes unpunished
I decide the line

Reminds me of that comic where Batman gets Superman's powers and ends up fighting crime 24/7 by zooming across the world where ever it's nighttime and eventually goes batshit on Superman, telling him of all the people he's neglected by ever having lapses in crimefighting with those abilities. He loses his mind and goes as far as to kill Bane and attack Catwoman for stealing from a drug lord.

Basically, his borderline omnipotence gets results(Gotham's crime rate turned to zero with Superbats on patrol) but has diminishing returns in the form of instability when he never stops fighting.

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A world with no life forms. Life is stooopid.

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One where hard work is certain to pay off. So this:

>destroy the family unit
What the fuck, whats the point of a meritocracy if there are no functional humans? How do you think trannies came to exist?

Id rather die than live in such a degenerate society anyway.

Honestlyy this.


One where I can simply trust people unconditionally.

That's the one right?

A world where every nation is National Socialist and Christianity being the only religion on the planet.

No one ages past 18. Traps and femboys look cute forever. Women are all slaughtered and replaced by artificial wombs. Men and traps are the new social order.

Just a world where bullshit like imaginary genders, various self diagnosed mental conditions used as a personality trait accessory and silk glove handling people does not exist

A one where no suffering exists. So basically, this existence cannot sustain such an ideal, therefore it must be eradicated along with anything and everything that inhabits it.

>tfw the universe is just a failure like me......

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A cyberpunk future in which humanity has spread across the stars. I have my own ship and my ideal gf in the form of an android, and we make our living hunting down criminals and rogue synths.

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A world without suffering, because anyone who suffers dies.

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the perfect world would have actual monsters to fight, and it'd be a prestigious position to be a hunter of those monsters where people like me can group up with like minded folks and hunt them down with people cheering these hunters on and where you can have a somewhat meaningful death without growing to be old and infirm, but if you do manage to survive the beasts you'll have grand stories with little regret and will have young wannabe hunters come to seek your advice til you finally pass away peacefully amongst friends or barring that sappy end you go out in on last blaze of glory on a hunt pitting your wits against a particulary dangerous creature so you can act as bait/ get in the fatal blow as you help protect the less experienced from being suffering a career ending injury

interesting concept: in a perfect world morally, you would need telepathy or a god, because how do you know what the truth is?
my personal perfect world?
I would be god.
I would be able to just relax in the knowledge that nobody could hurt me, and I could be alone whenever I wanted, drunk or hell I wouldn't need to drink because I wouldn't be so nervous all the time.
I could just kill all of the people who wronged me and build a beautiful house in the middle of nowhere
people disgust me, I've met maybe one or two people who actually understand life, and the rest of just sailing around freeloading off of other peoples world ideas without forming their own.
the "the world is meant to be enjoyed" ones are the worst.
always sadists.

pastoral society overseen by benevolent magical beings

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A world without niggers, women tranies and jews

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this, based & nukepilled

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Sounds comfy desu-nee.

One where I have a loving gf.

no jews, no spics, no niggers, and no jannies

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1.Pain is grossly inconsequential compared to the pleasure now derived by living.
2.Death is a choice, and grants you a new life in another world of your choosing, or is the end of your consciousness if you desire.
3.Loli robots indistinguishable from real ones are granted to every individual in desire of owning one.
4.Food is no longer processed, only made to be tasted as our bodies are now self sustaining.
5.The African population has disappeared.
6.The jewish population is contained as a shape-shifting civilization killer to use against alien enemies, currently all idle in vr money making and culture influencing games.
7. Babies are now made with perfection in mind, no more diseases or bad looks.
8. Vr has evolved to expand as largely as different universes being simulated to please the the player, be it by a horrifying experience or a power fantasy etc.
9.Every race is contained within their own equally distributed countries.
I can't make it perfect so i'll just do whatever else is needed if the situation comes.
or this

Benevolent God sends guardian angels to secretly guide everyone through life, ensuring they all live long, happy, fulfilling, virtuous and non-degenerate lives. People go through challenges and suffer, but there's no arbitrary or unnecssary agony, just trials that are inevitably overcome leading to greater good. Everyone ultimately finds some fulfilling purpose and place in the world. Earth is a happy place, full of things to explore, to do or to become. All world cultures are reformed into idealised versions of themselves, their differences rendered mostly atmospheric or aesthetic, with the same moral standards universal. Reduced human population concentrated in most interesting and pleasant parts of the world. Every locality has its own unique and attractive atmosphere; no more featureless American suburbs, dystopian Chinese cities or Indian slums. No more race, no more gender nonesense, no more sexuality or perversion; sex is a private affair and a minor part of culture. Religious doctrines disappear, but spiritual experiences remain; rituals and rites, temples and shrines are just a part of life, varying with locality and culture, but no religious identity, belief or fervour. Benevolent God doesn't need worship. No life after death, except maybe a temporary thing like you get to go back as a ghost to deal with some unfinished business. Death isn't oblivion though, it's just like the end of a book. As the book still exists, the whole life exists in eternity. The human race exists as a great eternal tapestry of individual and collective microcosmic narratives.

>be Somali
Probably Germany winning WWI or Siad Barry handing over a free election and letting go of his power meaning we didn't go from ok to a warlord central within the space of two decades.

Either one is good.

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