Is this girl hot

well is this girl hot

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She must be smart

Tbh yes she is

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Fuck off roastie.

Go to /soc/ you dumb whore.

I don't even dislike women-- Just vapid fucking retards like you.

as a pedophile I find her childlike facial features and freckles incredibly attractive

For the most part, she's pretty but her fucking forehead is huge!

thats a girl(boi)

With a hat on sure..Id bang

that's a big forhead

Cute, yes. Totally would ask her out if she's legal (so fucking hard to tell anymore). If she wore bangs to hide her 5head like Finnish women do, she could be even cuter.

Needs contacts, or at least glasses that don't look like she stole them from a fucking retard


Stupid trendsetter glasses. You looking fucking stupid.

Post more pics OP. We need body pics if you want us to assess whether she is hot or not.

No, she's cute. She's the kind of girl that women don't like; she looks distinct, but in a way that still works for her. I'm sure she thinks she's ugly, but in reality the large forehead gives her a childlike look that'll work on men.

Nope. Her eyes aren't particularly large but the glasses give them a larger impression. As Walt Disney discovered a century ago, larger eyes are more attractive.

Would pump my cummy in her cunny desu



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wouldnt marry her but wouldnt find it gross if she came onto me

haghahahah 6 hjead

No, but i bet she has a line of dudes that want her that she has friend zoned for one reason or another. all while lamenting why the chad she wants doesn't want her. basically a pseudo-robot.

the digits hold my words true

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downvoted and bluepilled

maybe not 'hot' but shes very cute and pretty

Fuck no.
My date was hotter.
For starters she didn't look like an egg.
Her ass was like a young Mal Malloy's.

The breasts are the same size as hers, too.
She never had freckles, but her chaotic eyes and cute puffy hair made up for it.

I just wish she didn't look edgy.

This but unironnicaIly

please kys immediately don't post that stupid shit

if she dropped 50lbs and had a smaller forehead
then, yeah

>that hairline
absolutely JUST

Why the fuck is Lindsay Lohan here?

I like to eat gambler poon

the van has arrived

I'd smash. and jizz inside.

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she's good looking enough to use her face and body for money from thirsty e-pussy beggars. If that's too much work she could always rent out her forehead for conventions and sports games

Yes, I prefer the fake dork look like this but she would just look like every run of the mill Stacy if she took her glasses off.

I bet she's still a cum dumpster thot for Chad though.

she looks like one of those manson family bitches.