My comforter smells like my gf's vagina


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lol what does a vagine even smell like?

a nice fish stick

how do i unsubscribe from this blog?

That's fucking disgusting
girls are fucking gross
why are women so gross

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Am I correct in inferring that you are a person who has only recently engaged in heterosexual activity in a manner such that this would be an unusual occurrence, and are actually inviting us to imagine a scenario in which that situation would make sense, thus adding significance and meaning to the event?

I, for one, encourage almost every situation that would result in your comforter smelling like your gf's vagina. It's a wonderful and beautiful smell, I'm sure, the intermingling of fabric softener, your own bodily effluvia, and the culled juices of her self-lubricating genitalia (the glandular secretion a clear sign of her arousal ). It's basically magic, isn't it?

Sorry, that's two questions.

Sometimes fishe, sometimes other smells. It's wonderful.

scratch your taint and smell it, it's basically like that but a little stronger and saltier depending on how well she cleans her shit.

You recognize, sometimes, how familiar it is to your own genital scent. You remember how you once learned that the fetus begins as neither male nor female, but there is a chromosomal alteration, a Y that develops for whatever unknown reason, which begins the transformation of testes from that which, without the alteration that shifts XX to XY, would become ovaries. They begin to travel, pushing out what would otherwise be the vulva, in which would form a tripartite pair of labia, inner, outer, and the vulvic shell, all of which form a tunnel from the cervical opening, beyond which will develop the womb. The first meta.

That collection of nerves that develops around the upper enclosures of the labia is brought forward, the penis beginning to develop as the scrotum fuses, the connection between the urethra and vas deferens (or ductus deferensus, as the modern nomenclature prefers, but which should require the renaming of the vasectomy as the "ductectomy," shouldn't it?) the fusing of a tube that would otherwise remain situated at the front of the vagina with the sperm-highway that juts out from the testicles, the cables being laid far before the roads would ever be tested, the production of sperm not being worth any devotion of resources until the body determines that there is any viability for it to survive in the first place [this is a bit of a Lamarckian error but it's hard to explain the period of time between birth and puberty without it, right?].

What you smell is the lack of sperm, because otherwise, it's almost the same fluid. Seminal vesicles combine with the cowper's gland to create the ejaculate by which the semen is cast forth, but otherwise, the glands that create this fluid are pretty much the same as her moist crotch. You are drawn to it ineluctably. You are repulsed only insofar as it is like your own scent.

I'm not a biologist, and this is probably more of a poetic analysis than it looks. But I hope it answers your question.


[tips fedora]

Lol no, fuck that. The fedora meme is a toxic reduction of masculinity to a warped and feigned deference to feminine superiority up to the point where you believe they secretly want your spooge, so you will lick boots until they decide that yours is truly the noblest.

God, that's fucked up.

Masculinity and Femininity are absolutely an equal force in the universe. It's literally the dialectic of Yin/Yang; it's like as old as the Tao, which is among the earliest shit we came up with as humans with any respect to the idea of them being necessary and equal sides to the same coin.

Because with all due respect to the diaspora of gender-identities, and the acknowledgement that identity itself is not a stable thing, and can change and transform many times throughout a life, when it comes to the context of sexual interaction itself, you sort of have to take one role or the other: do you give, or do you receive?

The problem is that we have mixed up our emotional labor with our genders. "Giving" is associated with masculinity in terms of sexuality, because the penis gives sperm to the awaiting ovaries, and we include the ability to develop life in a womb as fundamentally "feminine" (when it's, as we must recall, the first state of being for any body until the Y chromosome develops in terms of probability). But "mothers" (watch Aaronofsky's "mother!" after realizing that it's a factorial symbol at the end, which means sum-total as you recede an additive series back to 0) are expected to "give" their energy to their children and all other members of society that it's like we don't understand how there could be a separation between the biology and the identity.

This gets complicated, but I'm pretty sure that if we can understand and spread this message, a lot of good will be done to heal the gender wars that have occurred as a result of the battle for supremacy as a binary.

I honestly don't know what it is outside of a tulpa, but I do feel like I understand an ideal of what the "Yin" or "Female" is, because it's what I've been searching since I first discovered it at like 5 years old.

I'm serious. I remember it. I thing her name was Aisha. We were sitting around a circular table, a large one, and she was about opposite me, and when she had to answer a question, I just looked at her face, and stared into her eyes for a moment, and I think she may have met me with hers, and it was like some bizarre portal opened up inside me, this sense of exactly what I could not be, but found beautiful.

It's pretty hard to defend in scientific terms, I'll admit, but I think a lot of people might identify with the tale, so I figure what's the worst that could happen, right?

Negros or Spics

So eating pussy is pretty gay then?

i have autism now LOL

My comforter IS your girlfriend's vagina

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Lower than gay, according to Romans / Italians

I mean... maybe. But if it is, then I'm as queer as John Waters' moustache.


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Disgusting cunt

These dudes had it right.

Well, I'm sexually autistic, probably, so that makes perfect sense.

One could say I was a regular cunt-eyes.

So, basically I'm just pointing out that biologically, the human fetus starts out as female, because the XX is default status. If you reject science or something, then you're not gonna get it. But if you don't, I'm just describing how babies develop genitalia, which is sort of the main way we tend to draw a binary in terms of gender, so it's probably something people should know.

I'm not saying that having a penis makes you straight, though. That's the mistake we make, is assuming that having an XY chromosome means you want to procreate with females. You want to have sex with who you want to have sex with. That's between you and your dick or vagina, though, or whatever in-between you possess.