what a fucking disaster. I'm realizing now that this was real
> I thought about dming her on IG before it happened
> she made a final "cry for help/attention" post
> decided not too because i have a policy against dming egirls
what a fucking disaster. I'm realizing now that this was real
> I thought about dming her on IG before it happened
> she made a final "cry for help/attention" post
> decided not too because i have a policy against dming egirls
Imagine thinking you have any reason to kill yourself as a 15 year old 'white' girl in USA.
You know, attempted suicide is a crime, but actual suicide is not? Wacky world.
that doesn't mean shit. fuck off
wahhh chad dumped me i want attention
every time
good riddance
Suicide is a sin, she's in the seventh circle being torn apart by harpies right now.
t. no
You fuck off normalfag! She has lost all the privileges now as she is burning in hell.
Is suicide a sin? I'm going to need scriptural reference.
Are you also 15/16 OP? Tell me the truth
you were thinking of dming a 15 year old
>implying normalfags know that Armenia isn't white
She has more balls than me, I'm too pussy to kms
Exodus 20:13
That references murder, not suicide. Try again.
Ive met her before she was famous. Yeahh it sucks. I used to talk to her and she was somewhat nice too me but I got terminated and never found a way to talk to her again. She seems headstrong at that time and she was just 12 and I was 14. When I got deleted she posted a wojack pic on her ig.
When I've heard of her suicide I was surprised and saddened because it's something I would do and not her because she got so much potential.
Actual fucking brainlet
i was 18 now im 19
Kill yourself, faggot. You're the brainlet.
Not realizing suicide is murdering someone
Either the bible is a work of fiction and you're a sucker or jesus sits in heaven making children kill themselves
>people born after 2000 are already killing themselves
Murder, by definition, is taking someone else's life, i.e. anyone's but your own.
Look it up, you may be surprised that you've been using the word incorrectly.
Now in what kind of wacky world would children be killing themselves! Bonkers
You of all people, being on this board, should know that regardless of if you even have problems, THINKING you have problems because the things you value and the things you have right now are so wildly far apart from each other that there is no point going on, it still ends up feeling just AS bad and crippling as having real problems.
Thinking the world is going to end still leads you to prepping and shit regardless of if it will end.
Most christian sects consider it to be the same as killing.
who cares. just some dumb white roastie who had it all.
your fault for being an autistic fucktard, your bloodline shall now be cursed for 1300000000000 generations
idk who she is, any recognisable picture?
I don't feel any guilt over it. "yeah that bullshit IG post you saw was from a girl hours before she fucking died"
she was literally 15 cmon
The bible also mentions cases of justified killing, like war.
i remember being 15, there were definitely lots of roasties back then too
I still can't get over a certain 15 year old zoomer femoid. she's probably the reason for a chunk of my nihilism
le epic roastie xD
attempted suicide is a crime so the police can break in and stop you and send you to the bin and probably make you pay a gazillion
no reason to break into the house of a dead man
basically don't fuck up
Well in the normalnigger world, it is, but in the eyes of God it is considered murder of the highest severity.
Suicide is the ultimate rejection of God's gifts, and sends you straight to purgatory i think. Do not pass go, do not collect 200.
That's really fucked up user.
I don't know why the file got deleted. Maybe I'll get banned soon.