/fast/ - #396 - dont forget why you're doing this edition

/fast/ discord
What is /fast/?
>Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

What’s the difference between intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc.?
>Intermittent fasting: Fasting for a certain amount of time with a short eating window. 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hour eating window) is the bare minimum.
>Water fasting: Fasting with only water.
>Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

Why should I fast?
>Read all of these, they might answer some other questions you may want to ask.

How do I safely do an extended fast?
>Take snake juice, or just supplement electrolytes.
>Potassium chloride =1 tsp (No Salt)
>Sodium chloride = 1/2 tsp (Himalayan Pink Salt)
>Sodium Bicarbonate = 1 tsp (Baking Soda)
>Magnesium Sulphate = 1/2 tsp (Food Grade Epsom Salts)
>Mix these in 2L of water and sip it throughout the day.
>[OPTIONAL] 2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar and 4 tbsp lemon juice. DO NOT MIX with snake juice, drink separately.
>You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent farting.

Won’t I go into starvation mode?
>No. The mainstream definition of starvation mode is a myth. Read the FAQ linked below for more information.

Will (something with calories) break my fast?

Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
>You can do whatever the fuck you want. We recommend avoiding those, sweeteners especially.

Do I need a multivitamin?

Prolonged fast Q&A: fast.fandom.com/wiki/FAST_FAQ

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why are you guys losing the weight? what is your purpose?

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to fit nicely in clothes and be comfortable in my skin. ive done it before, and the feeling is more satisfying than any piece of food i could put in my fat fucking mouth

>to fit nicely in clothes and be comfortable in my skin. ive done it before, and the feeling is more satisfying than any piece of food i could put in my fat fucking mouth
yes, brother. thats the stuff right there.
i want to useful to the people i care about and not be a fat fuck if they need my help doing stuff
ive never been in shape my entire life

I've always wanted to reach my potential body wise.

I'm a pretty good looking guy for a fattie. I am tall, smart, funny, have a career, etc. My body is literally the only thing making me self conscious about my life, and it's crippling, to the point I'm a lossless virgin when nobody would ever suspect that meeting me. I also love sports, and it's a damn shame I've never gotten to play at any sort of competitive level given I'm not a bad soccer player for my size I just have zero stamina since I'm obese.

I'm really stressed out do to work and could really take the edge off. What weed like on fast? CBD? I hear CBD can call people down, increase focus, help with sleep. How about a shot of vodka? I know that last question is ludicrous in a fasting thread but would it be the worst thing ever? I'm really craving a drink. 5 days fasted ATM.

how to accidentally shoot your own leg or foot one day

This may or may not be obvious but I still have to ask. Once you enter ketosis after completely dropping carbs for a while, you enter ketosis.

However, what happen once you refeed on low/no sugar and low carbs, is the time to get back into ketosis decreased due to low amount of available carbs or is the time of it constant, purely based off your body/genetics? Thanks.

I want to lose the weight so I can figure out whatever I have anything to go for with my body. I don't want to be Skeletor, just very slim, no muscles.

being able to move in sports is a big one

only one way to find out

it will be lower/quicker than if you were to refeed on a meal high in carbs. on my most current fast, i happened to eat almost no carbs but veggies before starting. i was in ketosis way faster. didnt even do it on purpose

because im 32 years old im 250 pounds and i feel like my body is falling apart

trips of health. gotta stay in shape to see your kin grow up

I'm 33 and was 277 about a week ago. I'm now 260 but it feels like it's slowly down for some odd reason.

I guess my 2 sandwiches fucked me up.

dry fasted for 5 days, waist size the same, and my bf went from 17% to 18% according to bf scale (inb4 inaccurate af).
why is this happening? its because of water retention?

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>to see your kin grow up
>tfw nobody in my life
>tfw hypogonadism
>tfw infertile
>tfw only my adrenal gland produce some T that is low enough to be that of a woman

Have been dry fasting for 3 days now. How long should I keep going? Will it be much better or worse to break it with some coconut water tonight, and go for another 3 days, or just do like 7 or so days of dry fasting?

How the fuck do I make it past day 2?

I’m 177 pounds, a hair under 5’10, and have zero muscle mass (can’t bench 1pl8) and I’ve found I can’t fucking fast despite clearly having an incredibly high BF%.

I’m considering eating 1000 cals a day (On keto, been on it for a year) instead and lifting 3 days a week just because I can’t get over my hunger at all.

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72 hours down 72 to go famalam next stop under 200 lbs for the first time in a decade

Is a dry fast worth doing if you're only doing it for about 18 hours?

if I do a snake juice fast, and I weigh 350 pounds, any idea how long it'll take me to get to 220?
I'm only doing this because I want to fuck traps and get a trap gf. Not even lying.

to get a trap gf unironically
I want to fuck cute girls(boys)

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On OMAD is it better to eat before bed or after waking up

Absolutely based.

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I'm at 72 hours again, and again feel like fucking death. Weak, light headed, headache, short of breath. Every fucking time. More juice, less juice, more concentrated, less concentrated- nothing seems to make any difference. I think I just have to do 72 hour refeeds. I really wanted to see if I could get to the day 5-7 high some people always talk about.

y-you too
honestly it's become my lifes goal to acquire a trap gf I can love roughly on a daily basis because whats the point of not doing what I want
but before I do that I gotta lose weight and be ripped

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Just suck it up and accept that you're going to feel like shit for a while.

Don't be a bitch.

You can do it.

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Because I'm about to turn 30 and for the first time in my life I don't have a six pack. I cannot respect myself until I look aesthetic again, especially when it's always came easy for me. I never had to work to look good, so I'm especially ashamed for letting myself get soft.

Respectable goals my friend.

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to become a effeminate boy and a trap

Should I though? I'm not fat at all, starting to think I should just do consecutive 48s or 72s. I would keep going, if I were retarded, and didn't understand these are early signs of being dangerously low on electrolytes soon.
>drink normal snake juice
>shit my guts out constantly
>dehydrated and depleted of electrolytes

>sip normal snake juice extremely slowly and carefully
>constantly on verge of shitting myself
>every fart is a shart
>still dehydrated and feel like shit

>new snake juice recipe
>same fucking thing, just combined it with the fresh water
>same results

>dilute new recipe
>no longer dehydrated and shitting guts out every 5 minutes
>still have all symptoms of low electrolytes by 72 hours

Someone help me please. The hunger is nothing for me, and I want to keep going, but I'm not about to ignore when my body is screaming somebting is wrong either. I just want to figure out how the fuck to get more snake juice in me without shitting my brains out every 30 fucking seconds.

Also forgot to mention my main issue is I start being unable to sleep at this stage, and my brain stops working to the point where I can barely do my job. It's one here have to be on my A game mentally. Luckily it's Friday, so hopefully I might recover over the weekend and not feel mentally reatrded and on the verge of death by. Monday. I barely fucking make it though the last meeting though when usually I'm the only one in IT with enough people skills to actually make them productive.

If your bf% is that low then maybe you actually shouldn't fast. Or at least keep them short.

Might be time for weights and steaks.

I'm around 12-15%. Can take a picture when I get home. I can see the top of my abs, but not the bottom. It's not just insertions/genes either, because I have a six pack when I'm lean. Pic related was at about 24 hrs in. 6'4" about 195lbs here.

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im 80 hours in and i kinda miss food bros
but i shall persevere as long as i can

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Shit bro I'm sorry to hear that. Could always make Bank and go do some sex tourism after you get fit

Vitamin Water Zero on a fast: yea or nay? I'm too lazy to make that snake juice concoction.

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Most of that shit is sweet enough it'll spike your insulin and lower the impact of your fast.

Hey Jow Forums, I have been fasting for about three weeks now. Lost around 25lbs, from 268lb. I feel good. I have been going to the gym only taking one rest day a week. A couple of days ago I read the Intermittent Fasting reaches plateaus and the way to combat it was to refeed at least every two weeks. Well today was that day and I felt like shit. I am still under my 2090cal deficit. But fuck me if I ever want to to this again; made me get really upset and genuinely angry at myself ( i even feel horrible). I was eating only around 1400cal daily. Today I ate around 1985cal. My question is, do I need to snake juice if I want to do a 36hour fast? I want to fast at least 24hours. I am tired of being a sack of shit.

How can i do a 24-36hr fast safely? Is is true IF has some plateaus?

Lads, I'm getting salt stains on my shirt while cycling. Also my gf said I taste salty. Should I take NaCl off my snake juice. Do you think I have any underlying condition.

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I wish fasting would get rid of my gyno.

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Well damn. I had one at 24 hours in. Currently 48 hours in. Should I go an extra day to make up for it?

It's up to you. You're close to abs, but I'd start bulking or you might risk skelly mode if you slim down any more.

As a beginner can I build muscle on keto OMAD with less than 1000 calories?

just gotta bust through dude. i stop being hungry around the end of day2/day3

i have no idea what it feels like to have a six pack, but it probably feels great. do it, man

sending stronk vibes your way

i would leave it alone.

i usually start drinking snake juice on day3. it will depend on your workload though. if youre expending electrolytes you might want to just drink it on day 1. i dont know much about IF besides that if you keep a small eating window it doesnt spike your insulin multiple times a day like a normal 3 meal day, and it keeps your metabolism higher because of that.

according to snek man cole, long duration, LOW intensity cardio during a fast will crush any plateau you run into.

i am not a doctor, but i always get salt stuff on my tanks when i do sweaty cardio. youre probably fine, but it really depends on you. if youre sweating out salt it means you are using the electrolytes youre drinking. but again, im just some dude in the /fast/ thread so take that with a pound of salt. pun intended

>tfw even if i get thin my gyno will still be there
>tfw chest gains just push gyno out further

fuck this shit

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>Already down 9 lbs in 2 weeks
>Losing hair like crazy

Should I just stop fasting and try something like OMAD instead?

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>doing as much 72s as i can
>finally look my self in the mirror shirtless
>finally ok to go to the pool, man boobs are gone
>re feed one 1 (one) meal
>see my self in the mirror
>have a beer belly and small man boobs

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>go to supermarket to buy some laundry detergent and bottled water
>have a moment of weakness as I pass by the candy aisle
>fill up my bag with all kinds of sugary shit and end up breaking my fast with a pound of candy that I ate on my way home
Welp, at least I didn't die of refeeding syndrome.

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>used to happen that when i refeeded almost immediately took a shit
>now when i refeed after my fast it takes me 2 or 3 days to take a shit
what went wrong?

what are you refeeding on? if i eat something high in carbs my body wants that stuff out immediately. just protons? and im good

mostly fast food, i eat some fruit before the meal then i eat some chicken wings, or steak and i get back fasting again

from my understadning, is that when you eat stuff high in carbs after a fast you get a massive insulin spike. that will make your body evacuate that stuff. so you gotta ease into that unless you dont mind shitting your brains out

how long are your fasts, and what do you refeed on?
chicken wings are so delicous user.... and they easy my hunger for the first 30 hours

usually my fasts are 48-72, some 4days, and the longest ive done so far is 15 or 16. trying for the full lent right now. we'll see what happenes.
my refeeds were almost all garbage in the beginning and i would have the shiets. after figuring out the insulin spike/evacuation thing i started refeeding on stuff like steak and eggs. i dont immediately jump into another fast though like i should

after you refeeded how ling did you take till you started your next fast? what makes me fucking angry is that if i refeed at 12 pm on my next fast i have to refeed on like 1:30 becuase it takes me like 45 minutes to refeed and my refeed hour keeps moving

I have Chad bones hidden under 60 kilos of solid extra fat

does anyone else have to do like 4 captchas with multiple panels and slowly fading in and out pictures?

sometimes a few days sometimes weeks. i made a lot of fuck ups
i wouldnt worry about that 45 minutes. if you want to keep a strict routine just do it. that 45m wont matter too much

let your inner chad out, user. its your duty to yourself

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do you work out while fasted? have you tried dry fasting?

It'll grow back, user. Push through.

yes, but my lifts are pretty weak. ive only dryfasted for 24 one time. im going to try some out on this fast. hydrate 2 days, go dry 2 days. idk yet for sure though we'll see

im 5'11 and started at 220 now im at 185 and man boobs are one inch away to be done, do you think if i dry fasted they will go away? im a bit afraid about doing one

sorry I can get a daddy to help me pay for college/credit cards.

if the snake juice is fucking you up just try water fasting, take a little pinch of salt if your feeling shitty

i lost 50 lbs, gained 10 in one refeed

Adderall makes fasting a breeze. I'm so not hungry you couldn't force me to eat.

I dont want to turn into a fat, unhealthy piece of shit like my dad. Hes strong, for sure, but that doesnt make up for the fact that hes carrying around an extra person with him, and it makes him look like an idiot.

Beginner here, only fasted for max. 48 hours. I was thinking of fasting for at least 3 days starting tomorrow. Can you gain muscle while fasting at all, or is working out only for preserving muscle? Is using a sauna okay on a snake juice fast?

I took a warm bath today and almost passed out so I'd be cautious

Eugh, broke a 40 hour fast tonight with some junk food at a party. First time ive had carbs in a month. Feeling pretty bloated right now, but what would you bros say is the best way to get rid of this toxic shit?

Obviously I fucked up, but should I just do another 40hr fast tomorrow? Or will my body try to conserve these carbs?

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Is it normal to feel very weak and lightheaded when waking up after more than 24 hours? I felt like I could barely walk and keep my eyes open. It did not feel like normal tiredness.
I took a warm shower and it got rid of it. Is it safe to continue the fast?

Best weight loss drug out there, but your sleep bro

Go to the gym every fucking day

you slept for 24 hours?

Get testosterone injections ffs, you have a disease and that's the cure
Would you tell a type 1 diabetic to just "toughen it out" instead of injecting insulin?

Drink your snake juice

This is a stupid question but do you guys chew gum at all when fasting?

I used to, but it can cause an insulin response and kick your body out of ketosis so I stopped

Non caloric foods don't spike your insulin you retards otherwise you would die of hypoglycemia.

Is drinking black sugar-less milk-less non-instant pure black coffee bad for yout fast?

Google shows me that apparently it's good for you and increases ketones and fat burning.
So is caffeine good or bad?

Can I use rehidromix to make snake juice?
Here's the ingredients
Glucose, sodium citrate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, banana aroma


Why would it be bad for you?

It increases fat burning ant autophagy.

I'm asking since in the previous thread there were people shitting on black coffee and saying how it stopped their fast.

probably because they added fucking sugar and cream into it

I water fast for 40 hours. Take a super small hit of green at half way through the fast at 20 hours then coffee at 36 hours. Slam all the food I can at the 40/44 hours if I can hold off till then

Sub 200 is tough for me, proud of you user, you can do it, I'll be there too soon

> 3 48h fasts (36h dry) per week
> train 3 times per week
> eat maintenance +500 kals on eating days

Only went from 77,6 kg to 76,6 kg in one month. What kind of hell is this?

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Go another 40, not a huge deal. You feel fine in the morning

They're literally retarded and don't know anything about biology.

What macros on feeding days?

Bros can I do a coffee fast to lose the fat? I take it with a little milk. It's sustainable for me, all I want is to lose the pounds.

Coffee has no calories you braindead idiot. You'll never lose anything because you're too dumb.

How long do I have to dry fast before my cardio counts as dry fasted snake cardio?

I often chew the meat on my fingertips, will human flesh break my fast?

If you're drinking milk you aren't fasting. No calories allowed

I was talking about fasting for over 24 hours but guess I was so fucked up I couldn't into language

>scale went down 4 lbs from day 2 to 3
>only went down 1 from 3 to 4


Guys what the fuck is snake juice ?

Meme name for electrolyte drink

>5'11 ft
>159 lb
>Have been doing OMAD all week, I only eat chicken breast and salad every meal
>Feel pretty good and fresh

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