Alright boys, I'm hammered and I need to vent. I was broken up with two weeks ago, but this girl was the best thing to happen to me. I've been in serious relationships before and have had plenty of hookups but no one was ever like her. Plus I've had a sinus infection, pink eye, midterms, and my depression has gotten even worse. I'm gonna talk to her about how I feel next weekend and hopefully convince her to come back. So let's talk about our feelings and offer each other words of encouragement.
Feels thread
Tough shit see a doc and lift through the pain
> I'm gonna talk to her about how I feel next weekend and hopefully convince her to come back.
Don’t do it breh, be strong and move on
I've realised my life is pointless and is never going to get any better. anything I do to better myself still ends up with me being alone.Also at the same time I also realise that even if I wasn't alone and had a lot of friends I still wouldn't be happy and I would get sick of them all. All I want is a few really good friends but I don't see how that will ever happen.
God fucking damnit I just want some sleep
Finally sticking with the lifting schedule, getting on well with my other life stuff, but for the life of me I can't fucking sleep at night
The only time I had consistent sleep was when I was put on Trimipramine, but that had so many side effects (dick problems, permanent headaches, loss of joy in doing most things) that I couldn't go on
Please bros I'll try anything hit me with all suggestions medications, exercises, drugs, anything
Alright bro first off, just accept that it is over man. Nothing is sadder than a man coming back on his knees and begging to a women. Shes already getting piped by another guy by now, shes done, move on, get over it.
Secondly, theres a reason she broke up with you. Whatever it is fix it. Put yourself 100% into lifting, doing school, and excelling.
Seriously, just accept that she is dead to you and sucking 10000 giant cocks in hell and move on.
Have a consistant bed time. Wake up at a consistant time in the morning. Abstain from drugs, do more shit during the day so you use up your energy and are ready to sleep and recover. Don't break from a plan thats working because of 1 day fuck up. Just get a short night of sleep, wake up at the usual time and get on with it. Stop making sleep so goddamn complicated.
I hate whiny cunts like you. Wahhhh im so sad my life sucks. Just kill yourself if youre fucking serious you little bitch. Don't have the balls for that? Then shut the fuck up and stop being such a misanthropic emo little faggot.
How old are you user?
Thank you for the reply, but I still can't sleep even if I spend the entire day running around doing shit. It's like my brain is unable to wind down at all.
I feel like Im trying to figure out it all, but on the same time I understand I can't. for fuck sake Im a void. i feel like gondola meme.
how long have you been together breh?
broke up at the end of last year and after 6 month I finally feel kinda good. was my college sweetheart. give it time and try to improve meanwhile, you gonna make it
>girls i like don't like me
>girls that like me i don't like
>clearly this is entirely my fault for having high standards and being far less attractive than i think
>keep lifting because my only instinct is to prepare so i don't fail next time
>still fail
>keep lifting
having high standards is awesome. you gonna make it
>this girl was the best thing to happen to me
I'm sick of hearing men say these things. You need to learn to value and love yourself over any of these thots before you can be in a relationship.
So many dudes seem to jump into a relationship as soon as they can and never learn to properly love themselves independently of the relationship, then put all their emotional weakness and pain on the partner.
You should not be in a relationship until you are the best thing that can happen to someone else.
>implying girls can enrich your life in an LTR except for kids
>hopefully convince her to come back
Its over, it will never be the same again and you HAVE TO M O V E O N.
got drunk yesterday on my own
didn't text my exe even if i wanted to
best buddy kinda threatened me because i drunkenly wanted to make out with the ex he's living with
he told me he wants to wing man one evening for me to get my head straight
and all i want is a gf
24. Also I didn't mean to come off as saying my life sucks, just that I'll never be able to be happy. I realise that the problem is within myself.
>go to gym/uni/grocery store
>get mired
>go to party
>girls ignore me
Stop being a faggot and start dating people
and get lied to again just because they're trying to impress me? nah man
Why should i even wake up anymore.
Had a fwb thing going on with my ex the last 2 months Thought she'd want more, asked her and she had already slept with another guy I bolted, was distant with her and told her that this arrangement of hers is done
She texted me that she doesn't want to continue this, because she's having guilt thoughts all over the place and she doesn't want them That this is hurting me and whatnot
Texted her drunk that "the only way this could continue is just the two of us"
Her answer was she doesn't want the intimate stuff to continue, if i wanted to stay in contact i should text her
Went drinking a week ago, texted her that i don't want to loose sight of her, she replied "i'd verym uch like that too :) we're gonna figure it out!"
last thing i heard from her, i ended this shit almost 3 weeks ago, not once did she text me how i am (i feel like a depressed piece of shit mind you)
TL;DR: after 3 months met my ex-gf again for 2 months, we started making plans for trips, sleeping with each other, she was distant for a week, talked to her and she slept with someone elese because she felt pressured
Okay then go die alone but stop crying on us we're getting wet
>staying in contact with ex gf
Stop it. Fucking stop it.
Not anymore, for 3 weeks now
Keep it that way, you are going to gain nothing from her without pain.
Nigger, I don't even have standards
>a 8.5+/10 woman told me that she's in love with me
>told her that I'm not interested
>because I'm obsessed with a 5/10 thot who chose some fat, lazy freak over me
>my ego is so damaged that everything I do, I do to impress her
I'm trying man
you still have and want to have sex with a girl while shes taking another dick. meh beta
It's not that my dick's talking, more my bruised ego i guess
I quit alcohol for good 2 weeks ago. I realised i will never be able to drink without wanting to have more so that was a long overdue step. From here on i dont even know where to continue because i build up my last 10 Years to getting drunk on the weekend. It feels surreal. Any ideas ?
Stop fucking around with whores you idiot. She is worthless.
Probably so
>girl problems
>look normal but sad and lonely
>miss bunch of signals and chances
>chase before it's too late
>still sad and lonely but now anxious too
Fuck I was on a slow burn towards a better life with study, fitness and work. Not pleasant but steady and functional. What are the signs of oneitis anons, I seen many an user fall for this trap. How do I not fall into it?
99% are behaving this way. women are pretty savage beings.
I smuggle when I hear my ex still being on tinder after kinda betraying me with a turbochad.
get more friends, loneliness is a major cause of oneitis
a shame though
>being around other people makes me anxious, irritable, and uncomfortable
>being alone makes me depressed
How do I fix this?
I feel lost user
Fuck off no one cares about your shit story you keep spamming for weeks reddit fag. Enjoy your last (You) from my part.
but youre not faggot. youre just weak and depend on another human being to make you happy and feel loved. go out, sculpt yourself and make her regret that shit when shes drving her van with "kevin on board" someday
See, here's where i start to think "it's not going to be me who's at her side"
Just want a cutie to cuddle.
Been trawling tinder, might be meeting up with one girl for a second date soon but I don't think she's too keen so maybe it won't happen.
Ah well, always nice to meet new people, keep on the grind fellas.
>be me
>miss ex
>whine about it to my close friend
>meanwhile start helping a girl from my year with math
>maybe it'll help me forget about my ex
>we meet a lot and she seems to like me, at least as a friend
>friend tells me to ask her out
>do it
>"with great pleasure user;)) but after the finals (FUCKING MAY) because there's whole lotta studying to do"
>now I still miss my ex but also am disappointed about getting semi-rejected
thank god im enlisting in september. maybe that'll take the edge off
>I'm gonna talk to her about how I feel next weekend and hopefully convince her to come back.
Dont. Shes gone and words are only going to help her justify her exit. If you want her back ignore her. Focus on yourself and your goals. You may find with time in and calories burnt that someone cuter will come along, and the girl in question will fade.
If you talk to her like youre planning - you are a bitch. Worse - you are her bitch. And shell never respect you. Move on.
you're expected to speak at parties user not just walking around with flexed ceps
Self improvement, projects, hobbies, adventures. Find people who dont drink or who drink modestly at most.
I fly aircraft on the weekends. I dont have a drinking problem but i basically cannot drink because of i fly, and i enjoy flying for an hour or two way more than drinking.
I don't know guys, but loneliness is quite a bitch, i learned through years to not let it infect my mood, but sometimes the pain in the chest is unbearable. Also i slowly become more and more antisocial more nihilistic, more cinic. I really don't know how things will go for me, but i feel lonelier than ever.
>thank god im enlisting
Fucking civilians LMAO god. You're gonna regret it my autistic friend.
>but after the finals
woman for "nah but thanks for the attention"
this is something i should also do but it's so freaking hard user, not texting her, not checking up on her
nah mate i wanted to enlist since i was a little kid and now that im actually very close to it it makes me feel good
i asked her because my friends insisted that she likes me. it proved them otherwise lol
do i now get the permission to whine about my ex again?
Is this a girl posting thread?
>be in Korea
>dated multiple girls so far
>made out with a couple, turned down sex you with one because she had cats at her place
>seeing two girls I’m keen on for different reasons
>girl 1 with 1 date (over 8 hours). Is a qt 3.14, smart and very sweet but most likely conservative so no idea how physical stuff will go down
>girl 2 with 2 dates is artsy and used to sleep around. Got a great rack, fun and we’ve made our already.
It’s kind of ridiculous but I already want to gf girl 1 just now. Thing is I have no idea how much longer I’m in Korea, so her conservative nature may prevent anything from happening. On the other hand girl 2 is guaranteed fuck buddy, but I don’t want to sleep with her while there’s a chance with girl 1.
I guess I just have to wait and see.
>do i now get the permission to whine about my ex again?
whine away user i'm doing it too
but at the end of the day we might just bemissing them way more than they miss us just sayin
Who cares about feels.
Focus on tasks not feelings.
>but at the end of the day we might just bemissing them way more than they miss us
i know that. the worst thing is that i rejected her after we broke up. and then after a really long time i met her at the party and we acted as if we were together, again. to some extent.
i didnt make a move and man since then i feel like pure shit, especially that she's in a relationship.
when i met her at the party she barely started that relationship, was maybe a few weeks deep into it. im quite sure she would sacrifice it for me. but now... 6 months deep... not gonna happen.
>at the party and we acted as if we were together, again. to some extent.
did the same exact thing man
You autists need to get over your exes lmao. Nothing will ever be gained looking at the past with nostalgia goggles on. Direct some of that energy to your future and maybe it won't be so shit.
I hope you're not an american who glorify your military or you'll be sorely upset when you realise how shit it is.
>Direct some of that energy to your future and maybe it won't be so shit.
that's easier said than done user, at least for me
i mean it was little awkward at first, i didnt even know she was gonna be there. but after the initial awkwardness...
she gave me the good ol hug, almost fell asleep in my arms, and just kept sitting next to me and shit.... fuck fuck FUCK FUCJ
same man, mine is most certainly with another guy, iknow him and i will see her at a party in a month too
>You autists need to get over your exes lmao
>I hope (You) you're not an american who glorify your military or you'll be sorely upset when you realise how shit it is.
no, t. eastern european. i want to spend some time in my country's army and then see if i can get to volounteer in ukraine, syria or just go to french foreign legion. i enjoy nothing in my life except reading about wars and watching war footage from ww1 to afghanistan
Heh pretty srunk right now boys but its guiness so carories arw up = gains knownsayn gaha
Few girl here but wont fuc em cause cant even talk ro them when drubk hshhahahah wtf brehs
Were all gonna make it
Computer is having massive issues that I should be able to figure out but I can't, so I'm taking it to a PC repair shop on Monday, even though I don't wanna. Just hope all my Uni stuff won't be gone.
On the bright side, I smashed a PR and my sister said she'll come to the gym with me tomorrow.
I nothing but absolute contempt for you little bitch faggots always crying about tfw no gif and omg my ex, me sad.
Its but a peanut, you fucking absolute homos.
You're worse than teenage women of the last century.
Who the fuck ever promised you a good woman? Nobody.
And your shit attitudes are only going to drive women further away.
Buck the fuck up and stop giving these semen demons your full attention, 90% or more of them have the proclivities and emotional intelligence of a pre-adolescent man at best.
Why do you think we used to manage everything about their lives? Were our ancestors so different from us?
I bet your forefathers were probably those bitch ass wagon riding flat top hat faggots who recited poetry to their 15 year old wives they also received a dozen or so goats for.
The difference is the power!
We used to have the power of society and the state on our side, now the best we can do is either change our society, or somehow with luck and magic, defeat them at their own mind games at every single turn.
Idgaf about this shit anymore, all threads of this variety should be moved to fucking /b/ or something.
t. Used to be like you cuck faggots
mine is with a girl...
if she was with a man then I'd just beat the shit out of him for fun and coping
but a girl? what the fuck can I do? what kind of retarded attention lacking coping faggot woman you have to be to end up as a lesbian?
>be me 22 yo
>haven't had a crush or something in 6 years, literally feel nothing for any girl
>this made me feel somewhat depressed
>meet a qt girl at uni
>perfect girl: qt, good ass, sweet, funny and somehow conservative
>i get a mega crush on this girl
>being talking and flirting with her during various weeks, she given me good signals
>the day i was going to asking her on a date, i see her huging and kissing with a guy outside the library
>guy was literally a chad, 6'2 at least (i am 5'8), square jaw 8/10 face
i was feeling depressed because i didn't feel anything for a girl in 6 years, now that i get a crush again i am feeling even worse. This chick never mentioned her boyfriend, i think she was not flirting with me just being fryendly but you know when you are in love you dont think correctly. Fuuuck this feeling again, hold me bros :(
>my sister said she'll come to the gym with me tomorrow.
she hot?
Well she can grab guys with ease I guess.
>texted her that i don't want to loose sight of her, she replied "i'd verym uch like that too :) we're gonna figure it out!"
gonna give that a BIG YIKES
I want to go out on weekends, but all my friends have disappeared throughout my early 20s and now I'm 25 and got nowhere and nobody to go with. Feels fucking bad man.
>tfw found out my dad isnt actually my dad through dna testing
>parents confess that they went to a sperm bank cause dad suffered traumatic groin injury in his teens and was infertile
>literally a cuckbaby raised by infertile male
>be me
>be poorfag
>barely have any friends
>have nothing to do so get obsessed with bodybuilding
>Too poor for gym subscription and protein
>work my ass off for 14 hours a day for 2 months to pay for gym membership and afford good food / whey
>visit gym two times a day
>as I visit the 2nd time today, a dude stops me and tells me I'm not allowed to enter
>tells me I'll have to pay more if I wish to use gym more than once
>double the price I pay
>turn back and leave for home
I'm crying as I'm typing this, this happened like 30 mins ago, lifting is all I had. I'm gonna try calisthenics for now cause I have no weights at home.
Not only he asked me to leave, he also mocked me.
Yeah in hindsight that was a big yikes, trying to salvage something i uess
The stupid thing about deteriorating relationships is the less effort you put into the relationship and the more you put into improving yourself the stronger the attraction to get that person back.
In the most simple way someone stops liking you because they think they are worth more or can do better. The problem isnt the relationship, it's you being worth less than them in their minds. The solution is to improve yourself physically, mentally and socially. An attractive fit guy who has fun hobbies and a good job/social life is more attractive than trying to pander to a person to make them like you by fixing the relationship. You're not having arguments and ignoring each other on and off because the relationship is bad, you're doing those things because someone has more power in the relationship and wants to pursue something else.
After all if they liked you, you wouldn't have any problems. Giving them more of you isnt going to help, you have to become a better version of yourself.
Then when they come back you dump them hard and move on. Never look back.
>The stupid thing about deteriorating relationships is the less effort you put into the relationship and the more you put into improving yourself the stronger the attraction to get that person back.
which is just plain dumb in my opionion
I'm lucky I don't get hung up on women, I have a gf who I love but if she decided to leave me I would just get on with things, don't rely on other people for your happiness
There's some truth in this, but it's not the be all and end all
>I have a gf who I love but if she decided to leave me I would just get on with things
yeah no you wouldn't
>back in school after taking 10 years off
>not doing well in my classes
>not sure if I even want to major in my current major
>feel like I will get kicked out and have to go back to working at my shit jobs
When my gf is coming back from work im.prolly going to break up with her. She has everything you'd want in a girl, smart pretty 5'2 115lbs redhead, works out, good job, completing her masters right now.. Been dating for 7 months but i just couldn't get the feeling of true love i felt before.. Gotta say that she chose me before I chose her, and just went along with it.. Sucks because I know shes rwally in love and itll beak her heart but i cant straddle the fence anymore between staying & leaving, and if I cant have it all I dont want any of it. Guess ill just continue to chase the magical unicorn
>but if she decided to leave me I would just get on with things
thought the same, and honestly wasn't even upset when we broke up. some time passed and bang now I cry myself to sleep thinking about her. women are the jews of the gender, involountary deception is their weapon
Know that feel bro, atleast you're aware and not just staying in something that won't work just because the convenience of it.
i can't forget my exgf and i feel every day like shit, almost 3 years since we broke up. She's now with another one and i'm sitting here, trying to convince me that i don't love her anymore when she really was the girl of my life.
Only going to the gym and watch myself evolve makes me forget about suicidal shit
>Been dating for 7 months but i just couldn't get the feeling of true love i felt before.
so instead you give up "true love" is a hoax you idiot if youre with someone and you like each other and can communicate well, be glad man jesus
>staying in something that won't work
>she's everything you want a gf to be
the problem is user not mustering up the courage to go through with a serious relationship
The chest pain is the worst. It feels like you get stabbed from the inside of your chest. I know that feel user.
Try a 135kg deadlift. It will lift away the pain i guarantee it
my country is in deep shit, there wont be any change and things will only get worse and i may not be able to afford going to gym in a year or two brahs
youre retarded user
for believing in "muh true luuuv"
Sounds like you got a lot of love and friendship in you. Go give it to others dude. Don't hog your goodness. Share that shit.
You won't impress anyone until you put yourself together, bucko.
Don’t get back OP
NO WOMAN respects a man that she initiated the break up with.
Plenty of fish in the sea. Seriously trust me.
Also never take advice from a woman. Confide in your bros. Irl or make a hundred threads here even if one random user calls you a cuck. Never ever take relationship advice from a girl. Always men should confide with fellow men only.