What is a good intermediate program? Like 3 times a week fullbody. What is the difference of a intermediate program vs a beginner program
What is a good intermediate program? Like 3 times a week fullbody...
This is a good, reasonable, question. Therefore, you'll likely get only autistic shouting in response. Goodluck.
depends on your goals but Montana Method is 10/10 if you want something that's different to the usual recommendations of 5/3/1, Texas Method, Madcow etc.
intermediate programs will generally increase stress on a weekly basis rather than from workout to workout and the stress will be split up more between the days (i.e. not constantly grinding sets
of 5 close to your 5rm)
>if you read this you're a faggot
I do this on 1800 calories a day, 180grams protein, 6 foot 2, 190lb (trying to lose weight slowly)
The Bridge
>What is the difference of a intermediate program vs a beginner program
Varations and loading schemes.
>What is a good intermediate program?
The Bridge
how's highschool going kids?
Weekly progression, more volume mostly. 5/3/1 is too slow considering most people call themselves intermediates well before they actually hit that stage.
Is that the Opera House in Sydney?
Should I call myself intermediate / doing intermediate workout?
>5"11 / 220lb (yes, I'm very fat)
>Squat: 305 x5
>Dumbbell chest press: 95lb x5 (can't do barbell - problem with shoulder)
I'm stalled and bored.
Weekly gains
Daily/workout gains
Example bench
Day A
Bench 5x5
Day B
Bench assitance
Day C
Bench 5x5 +5 lbs from Monday
Day A
Bench 5x5
Day B
Bench assitance
Day C
Bench 10x10
Week 2
Day A
Bench 5x5 +5lbs from last day A
Day B
Bench assitance + 5lbs or more reps than last Day B
Day C
Bench 10x10 +5lbs from last Day C
Something like that with weekly gains.
More advanced would be bi monthly or monthly gains
It’s used when you start stalling to be able to add more weight
>tfw girls like this actually exist
how do you know what weight you're using on a day
you're intermediate of you can't progress on a beginner routine that you're following correctly while eating and sleeping enough. does that sound like you?
The Bridge
how many lbs are you losing per week? I feel like your defict is unnecessarily huge
Pretty good, thanks for asking!
A beginner program is one that is designed to let you complete a full stress-recovery-adaptation cycle between workouts. A good intermediate program is one that recognises that this cycle now takes longer (typically weekly programming). TM is the archetypical one, where you have a volume day (stress the body enough), a light day (recovery while not detraining), and an intensity day (use the adaption of your new strength to push PRs while not doing enough volume to stress the body again).
You can do full-body (i.e. TM), or you can split (most powerlifting programs will dedicate each day to one of the big 3, for example), which puts your different body parts at different points in the adaptation cycle at any time.
At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter, just make sure you accumulate work and recover from it and you’ll get stronger. If you’re not a beginner any more you should be experienced enough that you’re starting to get a feel for when you should lift more and when you should go lighter.
yeah, just find a fat girl with mascara.
Seconding Montana Method. Depending on your conditioning/work capacity it might be a good idea to start with The Bridge though. My work capacity was terrible coming of SS, since you're encouraged to just increase your rest times when the weight get's heavy. I don't think I would have been able to get a away with 2 minute rest times on the hypertrohpy day in MM if I hadn't done The Bridge and their hypertrohpy template first to improve my work capacity.