Pic very related for me
My goddess
Pic very related for me
My goddess
Post body with timestamp (you won’t )
Anyways don’t forget these discord faggots like op have names and addresses, Aeromatics (tranny discord) name is Nicholas Fedorov
Full info on 8chn cow
She's fucking awesome.
Trump supporters are unironically some of the most uneducated DYEL faggots I’ve ever met who vote against their own economic interests
More information please, I want to know where these threads come from
>lifting for a fucking retarded somalian commie with the reading level of a 5th grader who is taking the democratic party on the national level because she thinks mohammed was a real prophet and not some child molesting conman who has more loyalty to terrorists than the United States of America...but she calls out da jews guys
>Trump supporters are unironically some of the most uneducated DYEL faggots I’ve ever met who vote against their own economic interests
Go fuck a 9 year old, Muhammad
You're being too kind, my friend.
>voting for free shit instead of voting for the economic principles that made your country great in the first place
Yes I'm sure more big government will solve the problems caused by a massive inflated corrupt bureaucracy that has no fiscal discipline
Where’s that timestamp? It’s almost as if “lift for” posters don’t actually lift
She's unironically great because she's helping seal the deal for trump in 2020
You proved his/her point beautifully dickwad.
> some child molesting conman
Sounds a lot like trump
And still no body
To crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women
>fucks porn stars and celebrities
>fuck stolen little kids in dungeons and then brutally murder them
Sounds about the same
The Fuhrer
> don’t criticize alpha daddy drumpf
Baby dick alt right incel detected
>somalian muslim
You're beyond saving. I sincerely hope you're not white.
Its funny to see how Jewish pets are now turning on their handlers
Yes yes lets import millions of low IQ shitskins into America hahaha
>shitskin starts ralling against Israel
WAIT NOOOO not like this REEEEEeeeeeeee
The real story behind AOC and Ilhan Omar;
You and Jow Forums are the reason this board is shit fuck you faggots
I would take trump over Hillary every day
Post body and timestamp
Trump made fun of Epstein for going after "younger girls" hes not a pedo he just fucks whoever he wants
Dont worry Im sure the Mueller investigation will actually turn up something that will smash cheeto hitler and give you Mike Pence lol
I’m a professional bodybuilder. I don’t need to prove that to this thread
Bernie 2020
die, commie
Daily reminder that Omar married her brother to get US citizenship
>said as he’s raiding
(You)re the only person who needs to go back
I’m looking more forward to Trumps crushing 2020 defeat with a dem majority senate + house and president Bernie
This world is fucked without us at the helm, even if they wipe us out there will be some solice in the fact that their fate will be worse
Jow Forums go on chapo
That’s why I’m still waiting on the timestamp? We already know no one on discord lifts
Just like no incel on Jow Forums or the r/thedrumpf lifts
socialism is shit
national socialism is the shit
Post body and timestamp
Democrats run creepy uncle Joe massage your kiddo Biden, Geriatric Commie Bernie, White hating mudshit commie flavor of the mouth
Im sure all of these choices will go over well with the country lol
The Democratic Party is in full blown civil war. You aren't winning shit. Pelosi cant control her new based black women and they are shitting all over themselves. This party cant even accept the free market as a good thing
Democratic Party is dead nationally
She looks nice.
baller move
>shes the boss
I laugh every time I remember, Trump is practically guaranteed the election and the meltdown is going to be almost as sweet as last time
congrats for unearthing the conspiracy that ... *checks notes* campaign funding exists?
socialism only works when you only have high IQ white people and even then capitalism works better
Eliminate usury and put reasonable limits on the free market. smash cronyism. end government bloat and waste
the free market isn't that bad. we just abuse it constantly and then say the system we now have is it.
Why are we paying so much in taxes?
Why do we have so much regulation?
Why can't we stop getting involved in pointless wars?
Why do we have to give billions of dollars away to other countries?
Why do we have to let insurance companies fuck us out of decent medical care/costs?
The solution isn't nat soc its just common sense free market without all this extra bullshit. Unfortunately America is now nonwhite so it might have to swing natsoc for any decent future
Mein nigger
> free markets are good
> implying late stage capitalism is sustainable at this point
> implying the Republican Party won’t be annhilated and burn to ashes by the end of trumps term
Its much deeper than that, son. Watch the video;
Republicans are a rapidly diminishing party
>Buying and selling stuff at a price the seller and consumer agree on is bad
lol get a load of this fucking retard
>no body with timestamp
>mfw waiting
Them maybe, but not you.
>he focuses all of his efforts on Texas while Virginia, the rust belt and the American heartland all run into the arms of the Republican Party
Trump will win in 2020 in a landslide. The wall will be built. The Democratic Party is going to collapse and emerge as the "mudshit I hate white people commie party" and then you will be purged off the face of the earth
peak reddit humor
Hey, maybe. But trumps still going to be president till 2024
See british politics for a comparable pattern
I lift for him
>president bernie
Trump will win in 2020 because he hold the right and the middle.
Democrats have swerved hard left in an effort to appeal to a radical wing within their party...which is still too small to win nationally. The result will be normie dems dont vote or switch like what they did under Reagan.
>the war party
>the anti airplane party
>the anti cow farting party
>the baby murdering party
>the reparations party
>the communism is okay party
>the i hate israel party
>the high taxes party
>the party that doesn't believe in actual borders or law enforcement party
>the pedo party
>the MS13 party
>the "free shit" party
They have literally no platform except EVIL DRUMPF and the Russian scandal is now a total joke. If you haven't killed yourself as a democrat already youll be wanting to do so soon
Republicans are shit
Most people want universal healthcare and higher taxes on the wealthy, not more trickle down supply side economics that dosent work done for the 50th time
>the i hate israel party
Wtf i love the dems now.
It really is a fucking mess. I'm not Republican but seeing how shitty the dems are run right now I refuse to support
Hey trannies, is that way
Your raids will only drive us more right
ALSo this is what Aeromatic looks like
More info on encyclopedia dramatica
Here you go
i aint watching your brainworms shit
>>voting for free shit instead of voting for the economic principles that made your country great in the first place
When did the US become great and what was were the marginal tax rates during those times?
Lmao holy FUCK
People actually lift for this? Did someone posting pictures of hitler make a leftypol incel so butthurt they made a thread?
>universal healthcare
No most people just want affordable healthcare which could be allowed if we actually let the free market into the healthcare industry instead of protecting it behind corrupt insurance companies that make everything 100x more complex and expensive than it needs to be. Free up the generics. Force hospitals and doc offices to post their prices. Let them fight over customers
Most countries that have universal healthcare also still have private because they understand...univsersal sucks. Its slow, the wait lists are long and the quality decreases. So if you have money you go private
Universal will just make everything worse and more expensive
But thats okay because you love to suck government cock
>taxes on wealthy
Rich people (who have jobs) already pay almost 50% in taxes...doctors, lawyers etc
The ultra wealthy (like you are talking about) dont have jobs and have legal teams to hide their money for them. Those loopholes should be closed
But what you are advocating for is destroying successful workers who already pay a shit ton in taxes. Taxes that are wasted
Can't handle the truth, huh. Sad
Incels only exist on the right and far right
Also universal health care is more efficient than America's system. The government should tax the rich and invest revenues in scientific research, infrastructure, and education. Elections should be run using Approval / Score voting, with Proportional Representation for the legislature.
Culture war is distraction.
you're describing the democratic party like it's monolithic. there is a demsoc vs corporate centrist schism which will be resolved when the leftists gain enough momentum that the establishment dem paid-to-lose shitheads start to fear they're losing their grips on power. same happened with the "never trump" GOP dorks who fell in line once they saw the way the wind blew.
femcels are leftists, so are antifa
Trickle down economics works when the decision makers in a company prioritise their employees over pr and virtue signalling
Its okay but normie boomer mom and dad aren't going to like that especially in bumblefuck Ohio
Why do Protestants worship Israel so much? These fucking retarded freshman congresswomen are a gift that keeps giving
Hopefully we can start talking about the USS Liberty in schools and then abolish dual citizenship in Congress
Alt right propaganda is brain worms . Literally brain food for uneducated guillble dumb rednecks to covince them to vote agiasnt their own economic class interests
a girl in work...
>Most countries that have universal healthcare also still have private because they understand...univsersal sucks. Its slow, the wait lists are long and the quality decreases. So if you have money you go private
this is not an inherent problem with universal healthcare, it's failures in the implementation
When did Jow Forums become filled with alt right boomer shitheads?
>tax wealthy
>they leave the country or hide their wealth
>oh no now the country doesnt get anything
Reminder that left-wingers will never make it because gains cant be redistributed, no matter how hard you suck that government cock.
>more efficient
>proposed universal healthcare systems would instantly destroy the US economy because we have absolutely no way of paying for that
Yes Im sure universal healthcare will work out great
>normal white person with a job gets shitty mediocre healthcare from some pajeet
>mudshit goblino on welfare will get the same healthcare even without working
Socialism! Where everyone gets a shitty deal...especially the people that actually work for a living
>voting for your own replacement and socialism is your economic interest
Sounds like they already hide their wealth through republican propped tax havens in Cayman Islands
Stop being a bootlicker
>people come in a Hungarian self improvement aesthetics SharePoint and complain about them self improving while spouting leftism cancer
Nah girl, you the incel
wealthy people have no nationality. they are so far above the limitations of geopolitical boundaries.
Defeatist cuck logic.
Why would the rich spend so much time, money and effort trying to lower tax rates if they're fine just up and leaving the United States.
Almsot 5 years ago now, my best friend was killed in a hunting accident. He was 14 at the time. His favorite movie was Saving Private Ryan and we watched it together a few weeks before it happened. The line Tom Hanks says at the end of the movie: "earn this" has stuck with me all these years. My friend didn't deserve to die, but he did. He will never grow up, never have a wife and family, and never know all of the pleasures I will get to as I get older. So whenever I'm not feeling motivated, I think to myself "You have the gift of life, whereas he doesn't anymore. Earn it."
>left-wing morons raiding fit
>any kind of political moron raiding fit
A bit like communism eh? Kek
lol this reminds me of
>communism works bro it just hasn't been implemented correctly
Kill yourself
Socialism works in fucking Sweden (when it was lily white...jk its going to break in the next 20 years now with the fucking muslims
See, if you watched it you'd understand its not muh evil "alt-right" propaganda. Youve just got issues with the truth.
I’m usually against doxing but these people have child porn
>>proposed universal healthcare systems would instantly destroy the US economy because we have absolutely no way of paying for that
do you think capitalism is working for most people
Id rather have 500 f35s than spend whatever it will cost to feed,clothe, house and care for all of South Americas rejects
In some ways your friend was the lucky one