I'm afraid that my boyfriend want to break up with me because I'm fat (overweight ~5kg) and I know that I have to lose...

I'm afraid that my boyfriend want to break up with me because I'm fat (overweight ~5kg) and I know that I have to lose some weight but it's difficult to tell my parent "yo buy just salad"
And also I am afraid that my stretchmark can get worse and I may look skinnyfat
I hate my life

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eat less


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I trying but I must eat healty and not just less

fuck off roastie cunt

no you dont, you just need to eat less

eat less, exercise more

Its a basic equation and you're over-complicating it. You eat to gain energy, you work out to spend energy. If theres energy left over, you store it and get fat. If you expend more than you take in, you lose weight. Its literally this fucking simple, even at Phd level.

Doesnt matter what you eat, just that you eat less and work out.

I skip breakfast, i eat just 50g of pasta with just oil for lunch and dinner depends, sometimes i skip also this meal.
Still fat


ok how much do you really weigh


fat bitch i bet you are 5' and 73 kgs
No wonder your """"bf""""" doesnt want you

Fast or count calories, remember to be honest

There's your fucking problem

pasta with "just oil"- oil has a ridiculously high calorie content. Flavour it with some chopped up basil and some tomatoes or something instead. The more veg the better

>skip breakfast

You deserve to be fat, dumb roastie.

stop fucking eating fatty

I'll help you if you post physique

based and smartboypilled

You are right I am 5'3

just post body you euroslut

how fat are you womanlet goblin bitch nigger

You’re 13 kg too fat, not 5. Sorry for the reality check.
Exercise and eat less and don’t cheat and don’t be a stupid bitch whining that the world doesn’t take care of your self inflicted problems and you should lose 15 kg of fat easily in a little more than 1 year

my gf is 5'8 and 120lbs, this bitch is like 30kg too fat

3 months if she is hurrying
losing weight is fucking easy
i lost 3 kg in just a week how? became fucking sick and didnt eat LITERALLY nothing

start fasting, roastie


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Lower calorie intake, aim for more proteins, eat something that isn't roasted in Mcfat, drop anything with sugar and eat black bread. On top of this, exercise because you'll look like shit if you just lose fat.


Jesus, all you had to do to keep him around was to open your legs more and close your mouth more.

People think "healthy"=health potion=consumption counters negative things. No. Healthy food is food that doesn't take as much toll on your body. Take supplements such as effervecent tablets and consume on a caloric deficit. Consume as in count the food, the sauces, and the lattes or other drinks you're drinking.
Congratulations on trying to keep your man by bettering yourself instead of doing other things that I won't mention.

Ptdr go le quitter ton mec si il pense que a ton physiques et tu trouveras un mec qui penserat pas seulement a ton physiques

Wtf mon message et pas passer

Quitte ton mec avant qui te quitte parcque si il est la seulement pour ton physiques c'est que c'est un gros con et peut être que tu trouvera un mec qui pense pas seulement a ton physiques

>"this wasn't the answer I wanted. Give me one that will validate me" ~OP
Literally just eat less. If the calories aren't there, you will lose weight. Every human being has a daily caloric burn; calories that are consumed in generating body heat and used to power the organs. If your caloric burn is 2500, and you are only eating 1200, your body will start using fat as energy. Eat small meals and take multivitamins, or just take multivitamins, don't eat for a while, and drink only water. Fasting works. There have been multiple documented cases of people losing hundreds of pounds during long term, extended fasting periods. They took only vitamins and drank only water and coffee. You obviously don't need to lose that much, so just don't eat for a few weeks while taking dietary supplements for essential nutrients so you don't fucking die.

Or you could just exercise while counting your calories you lazy cunt.

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Clearly a bait thread you morons

if you are man kys

if you are woman kys and show bob and vagene


Im 60 kg and 1,69cm rn (goal is 50 kg)
Me and my bf meet when i was 80 kg , during the year where i lost the 20 kg i had a bad mentality about food (a lot fasting - borderline ED).
This messed with me so much that he got mad at me and told me that he'd rather have me at 90 kg if i could just be happy. Since then i just accept my body and dont put any feelings towards it - im just gonna track my calories under 1200 and work out. Im gonna try my best and dont stress myself feeling that my best isnt enuf.

>tell my parent yo buy just salad

Thank you I wish my boyfriend can undestand me like yours do

btw. show him u even try
go with him to the gym - cook with him - talk about u wanting to lose weight and if he knows sum stuff.
It helped me

He don't lives with me, I live with my parents, when I come back home from school I usually found my lunch already cold because my mom prepared it for like 1 hour before I exit from school...
But everytime I tell him how my weight change

Eat less, if you gain weight you are eating too much. Also your workouts dont burn 800kcal, you are Lucky if you hit 150kcal burned during a workout. That is a decent sized glass of milk to put it in to perspective

Take the meal ur mum made u and eat half of it.
Then eat the other half as soon as u get hungry again (this way u eat the same amount but u feel like u snackin)

>60 kg and 1,69cm
That's a normal weight for your height. at 50kg you will probably start to look a bit too skelly. But at 80kg you are fat. I'd say that losing weight is about 90% diet so look at what you're eating now and reduce the portion size, figure out if you something dense in calories and replace it with low cal foods like vegetables/fruits. Cut out processed foods and drinks. Someone up above posted to skip breakfast. Don't be a retard and eat something.

>~5kg overweight

more like 20
my advice is. eat 2/3 what you eat right now. daily hour walks, simple home routine with bodyweight 3x/week (squats, yoga poses etc)
after a while transit into more demanding exercises if results won't please you (running, gym, sort of fitnesss/cycling bullshit classess).

or just cry your fat away at night and become feminist boyfriendless monster at day.

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oh sweety,
i found my ways.

I agree my gf is about 5’5 and 120lbs and she’s currently losing weight because of chub

Those are my stats except I am 2 inches shorter. I think the ideal weight for women 5'5 and shorter is 115 or lower depending on how short. For me at 5'3 my goal weight is 110 since I'm not very muscular.
You can eat the same foods. Just use a nutrition tracker like MyFitnessPal, and make sure you log everything you take in. Every ingredient in a meal. Log the oil you cook with, everything you drink, weigh the sugar you put in your coffee, etc. Use this TDEE calculator to determine how many calories you should aim for


Pay attention to your satiety signals as well.

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imagine this being the extent of your life's problems

pls be male

do you know how many fucking calories oil has? are you retarded?

god lardasses are so fucking retarded holy shit

Read the sticky

what do you eat?

If it makes you feel better, my ex was around your weight but 3 inches shorter.

She was the one who dumped me because I'm a mental case.

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>i hate my life
literally 1st world problems meme
For real now, get fit, go to the gym, a lot of women i know are afraid of the gym because they think they'll end up with super muscly arms and look horrible, don't worry it's not like that, so just start doing sports/gym or something because most of the time food ain't cutting it

Since you honestly look like a girl and that you put work into it, I'll give you an advice you wouldn't usually get on these forums. After losing the weight look into Layne Norton's reverse diet book, because that amount of calories is unsustainable and you'll regain much of your weight. I want you to be able to retain your weight loss. Your bf should be proud of you, hope someday I get a girl like you.

you'll get fatter by doing that than just eating a proper meal, also DO NOT EAT PASTA if you don't work out in any way, you'll just get fatter and fatter!


Skipping breakfast in not bad fucking brainlets

Spiking your insulin first thing in the morning makes weight loss far more difficult than it needs to be, and skipping any meal is a plus for CICO

>implying that's all you eat
Only pasta and oil ? No soda, no candy, no chips, no alcool ?
Don't delude yourself, install a calorie traking app, and try to keep it around 1500kcal per day you hog

This, going OMAD + scoops helped me lose 40 lbs and drastically change my body composition

You fucking goblin shemale cunt your kind disgust me get the fuck out of here and get lifting or something you fucking slag god i absolutely hate you people

Unironically keto.

I know it's a meme around here but my gf went 162cm 67kg to 60kg in a month on keto and has managed to keep it at around that by cutting out most of the carbs.

A lot was bloating (we're suspecting she has some level of gluten sensitivity) but it's also pretty hard to overeat on meat and veggies.

Bread and pasta are really the fucking worst and you should cut out those from your diet completely. You can after a month bring back rice and potatoes if you just wanna maintain your weight.

Skipping breakfast is fine, but it can cause you to overeat during lunch. I'd suggest having a 2 egg omelet as breakfast, season with salt and pepper.

Lunch chicken/fish with green sallad (watch out for fruits and sdressings)

Dinner meat n veggies.

>Having this much rage to put into your lifting
Going to make it.

Easy. Eat less and do hiit

I want to fuck you on all fours while you eat cake out of a dog bowl without using your hands. Then I want to fuck your cake filled mouth

OP, if you have difficulty counting calories and controlling diet because your parents are cooking, just play it by ear. try to always be at least a bit hungry throughout the day, no snacking, and eat small-normal portions for meals. if you're overweight your body is used to eating more than it necessarily needs, so it'll feel unnatural for a while. weigh yourself every couple days and if there's no change after a little while, just do more (or I guess, less) of the same.
t. hungry skeleton


Also add oyster sauce and lemon zeste on that omelet and blow your own mind

Women are the nigger of gender.

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>I'm afraid that my boyfriend want to break up with me because I'm fat (overweight ~5kg)
So you've eaten so many cookies, and you've been so lazy, that you're now "afraid" and need a hug, as so you come here, to a place where there is no mercy, and you think you're going to get one, because you've been lazy and gluttonous.

>and I know that I have to lose some weight but
Oh shit, there's a "but" in there. Do you have to kill somebody?

>it's difficult to tell my parent "yo buy just salad"
No, what you tell them, is that you want nothing but skinless chicken, or even proteinpowder, and then you start on supplements like magnesium so that you don't eat chocolate or other sugars. ...and if they refuse, then call CPS.

>And also I am afraid
You are so very afraid, OP. Good. Be afraid.

>that my stretchmark can get worse and I may look skinnyfat
Well, I guess you just have to die then. Nice seeing ya.

>I hate my life
Do you think I motherfucking love my life, OP? At least you had your fucking cookies. At least you got to play videogames all day long. At least you had a fucking boyfriend, and think you can just get your way if you claim that you "feel afraid". Come back when you've survived three attempts on your life, and THEN talk about "feeling afraid" of your fucking cocopuffs.

That’s very lovely! Thank you a lot!
I’ll definitely look it up, and u’ll definitely will find a nice gf !

PS. Your wimpy girl-fear made me so mad that I did 1 1/2 slow and controlled chinups while thinking about it.

Whats up with people being triggered if u don’t breakfast. I do intermittent fasting at 13:00-14:00. Breakfast is overrated.

the edge, too good. go burn off some of your rage in the gym ya tool

See .