How do i use my chest when benching?

How do i use my chest when benching?

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i dont understand that comic. is the joke that his roommate is a trap who he jerks off?

>is the joke that his roommate is a trap who he jerks off?

I sure fucking hope so

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His roomate is hot so he jerk it erryday son

The joke is that he faps to her every day.

She's just his roommate, so they don't fuck, so he has to jerk off instead.

You use your lats.

Retract your scapula and make an arch with your back.

If he wasn't such a pathetic masturbating loser, he would've had enough balls to get a job and thus would be able to get a non-slut wife.
Great motivational comic OP.

how do i use my lats?

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do this and make sure to bring the bar down low on your chest (around your sternum). i feel chest the most when i do dips so i just try to emulate the dips position on bench

That’s the same girl from that one comic, yeah? The one where she runs before dawn and eats coffee and toast for breakfast.

Yep. She and some other female roommate get into cutesy physical fights about random shit as an excuse to tease readers with side boob and implied lesbian shit

It's literally impossible to not use your chest when you bench. Just push the weight up and stop overthinking it, bud

>t.tiny triceps

>So much strength in THAT arm


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where's the rack and the safety bars ffs

>jack off right handed
>left arm stronger on forearm exercises

It's a meme and a lie!

This. Just make sure your arch isn’t too big. I find it helpful to slightly flex my glutes, helps keep a stable arch with good foot drive.

Every time I bench I feel it in my shoulders

desu, when i bench my right arm is stronger than my left

he has to put up with the pain of JUST being roomates. ever notice how many small details are fucked up when dyels write about the gym?
>no rack on bench
>"nice arm strength" when he's front lateral raising 225
>basketball shorts
doubt writer has ever stepped foot in a gym in their life

>front lateral raising

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>front lateral raising
Is your gym in non-euclidean space or smth.

Jesus how retarded can you be? If you cant do something as basic as lifting weights correctly you should fucking neck yourself. Fucking brainlet

Jack off with my right, left arm is bigger

he's clearly raising his arm in front of him. he's not curling it, he's not rowing it, he's not dabbing it he's front lateral raising it

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I do front lateral raise and lateral raise. Never knew the name though, just called them shoulder ups

>Never knew the name though, just called them shoulder ups
You should do more rope-ups or neck-slits. Faggot

Widen your grip cuck

I've no idea as well, only happens at medium reps for me (8-12), doing 3-5 is all triceps. I remember I used to have really good mind-muscle connection as regards my chest a few years ago (learned to bounce chest with almost no muscles there) but lately I can't find the right position.
So as I said, try doing more reps with more controlled form, or just do dumbell bench, dips, or cable crossovers (and cross the across the midline like Jeff says).

it's called a front raise son

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Why would you censor the name when anybody can see that it's Lucas Werner from a mile away

Can you show me how?

based wingman

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What is the point of this comic??? To glorify DYEL nihilists?

No it's one of the few times a DYEL has made a comic about the gym where they're not coping. He's just admitting to being a cuck and jerking off to his hot roommate all the time

Post it

he lifes with a degenerate trap together. he salute to pics of hitler all day in hope he comes back from his grave and cleans the world. this is why his arm is that strong.

retract your scapula so you have better pec activation, slight arch in back (will form when you retract your shoulder blades), keep your ass on the fucking bench
have your hands shoulder width apart
the bar motion isnt completely up and down, and your elbows will flare a little, around 30 degrees is natural and acceptable
change hand and grip so the bar is directly above the wrist, and the wrist directly above the elbow joint
now press with a weight

I'd be right happy to

>Is your gym in non-euclidean space or smth.

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this artist is a beta beaner that pretends to be an alpha with a great life and 2 girlfriends

The drawer is most likely haven't put a step in gym because he forgot to draw the bench rack.

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24/7 atrophy from constant use and no rest. Meanwhile the non dominant arm is pumped up through scheduled workouts and gets adequate rest/recovery outside of the gym.

What’s wrong with basketball shorts? They’re the most common and comfortable form of attire for the gym. If you knock them you’re either just an autist who’s been here too long or are a leglet.
But your other points are legit, the artist/author is a dyel faggot

oh look it's THAT guy again

i was just memeing and needed a third point to bitch about

>he doesn't wear dolphin shorts
truly 'that guy'

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>tfw big quads just make it ride up in the middle

I too have the bar right above your lower chest / nipples. Make sure that you have a somewhat wide grip and lower close to your chest. Have a slight arch in your back, so sinall that only a hand can barely slide through.

>dolphin shorts
thank you user. those shorts are my fetish and i never knew what they were called

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what the fuck do traps have to do with this you fucking degenerate.

>angled rack
>bar height can only be adjusted in steps
>no safeties
>bench way too narrow
>bench looks slippery

The guy who designed that atrocity should be hanged and quartered. The sad thing is that half of gyms have garbage equipment like this because the owners are completely clueless.

Wear that to the bathhouse and not the gym please even that's a bit too gay for me

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shut up slut

Should have replied to the guy above me dubs fag

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