Are you supposed to look at thots at the gym or mind your own business?

Are you supposed to look at thots at the gym or mind your own business?

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they go there for you to look at them and fuck them.
its like an irl tinder for them.
but if youre based and redpilled you either ignore them, or go to your own home gym

Do whatever you want. Is it distracting from your workout? Then stop. Do you enjoy looking at asses and find it doesn’t detract from the quality of your workout? Then who’s gonna stop you? Who is ACTUALLY going to walk over and say “hey you can’t do that”? Do whatever you want

Look at them discreetly, or overtly if you catch them looking at you first.

Depends on how alpha you are.
Just joking, no woman minds betas looking at them unless they think you're gonna try to flirt or rape her.

You need to ask yourself one question

>am I Chad?

If you can truthfully answer this with a yes then you may look. Otherwise, no

if a woman starts squatting in front of me, i'll go somewhere else with my weights.
i'm there to lift, not to look at butts

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Unironically based and pure pilled

Really, thots should be ostracized . The only ass you should look at is your gym bros to check his form and in the shower

namefag calling me a fag

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If you look like pic related, you can look. Otherwise, you're a creep and she's going to put her sweater around her waist until she leaves the gym.

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>not using the free test boost to lift more weights and do more reps
It's like you guys want to be dyels

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Stare fuck blatant thots until they get uncomfortable and leave. Treat normal women working out with indifference.

based and redpilled
Gymthots are gainsgoblins

based and redpilled

>chad/beta mentality
Unironically commit seppuku

You mean
>am I a Brad?
Chads don't give women what they think they want. Also Staceys don't go to the gym looking like thots.

Nice reddit spacing, off you go

Nah. Chads don't have to play fucking mind games and pretend to ignore the thots. They just strike up a conversation and are fucking within a couple hours.

only on your last reps to get the test boost

Yes I do, it's like extra motivation to go to the gym tbdesu.

>being a chad means banging thots

If you have the time and energy to stare at anything other than the floor/wall between sets then you aren't working hard enough.

But I wish I could destroy one someday because that's a lot of accumulated frustration to see all these asses and refrain myself from doing anything.

Completely ignore them. They're lifesucking attention whores.

The more attractive you are the more frustrated they'll become. They'll wear even skankier clothing until the local Muslim imam declares it absolutely haram and launches a jihad against thottery

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You are supposed to mind your own business, but it's not that big a deal

This form is pretty good right?

>autism speaks

Mind my own business and read my book in between sets

but can u honestly say there is reason to wear croptop and spandex bottom 2sizes too small if u dont want to be looked at

Its alright, her feet position is weird. She's having such a wide stance, and toes pointing straight forwards, her knees cave a bit in as a result of this, she could try a more narrow stance and/or rotate her toes outwards. The narrower stance would also help her get deeper and ATG

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any guy who has 1+ more gains or looks than you

"woah bro respect women dont be like that"

>woman glances over at him, looking him up and down, and smirks, letting her doughy eyes glaze over as a sign to him that shes down to fuck

"sorry mr i'm just a fit incel, i didnt know any better, enjoy fucking the thot"

"its okay thanks bro"

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In all seriousness, no. You care about your own business.
Here at my confortable desk, after working out and the obligatory shower,...I could watch this webm the entire afternoon, my negro.

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It's awful.
too wide a stance for her hip structure, which means that she cannot mechanically hit depth
knees are not tracking her toes either, which also trigger this problem
feet should be angled outwards a bit more
her walk-out is incredibly inefficient and takes literally too many steps
there doesn't seem to be any strain on her, so this must be lightweight, no sign of her really trying to maintain upperbody tightness and bringing her shoulderblades together

just bcause she’s dressed like a thot doesnt mean she isnt a nice well adjusted girl who might make a good girlfriend

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I’ve been training myself to hard stare at them even if they look back at me awkwardly just as a practice in transcendental psychosis to kill my selfconcious instincts

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>being this much of a cuck

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>"woah bro respect women dont be like that"

>he thinks chad is a white knight
he would probably start smiling at you without catching her attention then look at the ass too

>any guy who has 1+ more gains or looks than you
I am 9/10 in looks and zyzzmode, and I would never do that to anyone, even if it's a fucking 3/10 master wizard doing it

Why is the correct form so important?
In the end, isn't it just about straining my muscle just enough so my body tries to fix them? So why is it such a big deal if I mess up one rep?

to protect your lower back and knees

if youre squatting heavy enough 1 rep could throw your back out. if you continually do bad reps it will gradually wear out your back and one day it will give out, sending you to snap city

holy shit getting Jow Forums is so risky

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>zyzz mode
most body please

n-no homo

The bitch hits no depth

Yes they do. Until they're ready to settle down desu.

A bold claim. Post pic

>why having functional spine and not being in pain constantly for rest of your life is important

big questions here

He won't because he's not zyzz mode

mm yea

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story behind this?

sniff their brappers

I am a red blooded man, while I don't make it too obvious, I do ogle the birthing hips of female gym goers. I give a bit back by revealing my hip bones, and 'discreetly' adjusting myself by putting one foot up on a step. These thirsty holes can't help but gaze upon my junk, imagining me airtighting them while covering their mouth so they don't make too much noise. fuck yeah.

Yes, of course.

If women want to dress in a way that gets attention, or makes their ass/boobs very visible, then you should make sure to noticeably stare directly at them.

This is impolite, but that is OK. Men used to be obligated to be super considerate to women, because men used to also have a lot more social power. Being caring and considerate was a way of showing that you wouldn't abuse it.

But now women want to be "empowered" and "independent". Fine- they have managed to get a lot more social power at the expense of men. So you're a cuck and a fool if you don't try and impose some sort of costs on them, since they are currently benefiting at your expense.

I shamelessly stare at any half-attractive thot in the gym. I'm surprised I haven't been caught or called out yet.

God put women in my gym for me to look at their asses. If I wasn't meant to, they wouldn't be there.

I would have said the same thing 6 months ago. I would posit to you that meaningless endeavors of the flesh don't do anything to contribute to your own betterment. Energy spent chasing thots only provides momentary pleasure of the penis and maybe the brief feeling of affirmation of getting that tail, catching your prey in a sense.
I don't think anything could have changed my opinion about it when I was a young man either, but I feel obligated to at least advocate for virtue. I'm not talking about finding God or anything, I would say that you should be doing whatever it takes to find a wholesome woman that would be a good mother and wife, and that you should be trying to get your life on track to be a good husband and father, whether it's finding a career or identifying and aligning yourself with values that you can live by and pass on to your progeny.
Unfortunately it is very difficult to find a suitable partner because it's not just your penis that you're looking out for, but your unborn children and even their children.

Just thinking out loud here user. I don't expect to change your mind, I'm just sharing what it is that has given me purpose.

this but dont just go to stare at girls

Your attention feeds their ego and their ego feeds their motivation. So by looking at them, you're only helping them lift. Keep looking user.

Yeah obviously. I just meant that it is ridiculous for women to expect men to be courteous to them, for example not staring even when they wear revealing outfits, when they have ZERO urge to help men in return.

Therefore, helping women with their issues is a silly thing to do, and you shouldn't ever feel bad for staring at their asses or cleavage.

That same girl you're looking at doesn't care if men lose their jobs on the basis of bullshit sex harassment. As such, no one should care if she is actually harassed, since she herself has zero interest in actual justice, only her immediate personal priorities.

how do i make myself look photoshopped and fake af?

you look at them if they look at you first, which will never happen anyways because you're deluded into thinking you look good because you lift but you have a face only a mother could love.

photoshop yourself

i was waiting for her to shit her pants
too much time on /b/

I agree with you 100% about the fact that women have no empathy for men and we should have no empathy for them, but on the other hand, I think women secretly enjoy being stared at, so I go out of my way to ignore them.

im lookin wherever the thicc white bitches be

Only based post in thread


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Looking at them boosts my T and helps me lift more weight. All these anons are faggots.

They're there for the test boost. The sudden surge of power as you see thotbellinas gooch and push through one more rep is what christmas is all about Charlie Brown.

what does that even mean? your working out too hard for your eyes to function? does looking at a nice ass and u Push or Pull weights distract you from breathing or counting in your head?

If you have to debate whether or not you should be eyeballing the spandex sporting women at the gym then you're not doing it right

She's not the first girl you wanted to fuck or would fuck or actually fucked and she won't be the last. The gym is a place to focus, to turn in on yourself and reflect on what your muscles are telling you, it's a moment to meditate on everything from your life to what's working in your workouts.

If her ass passed by your eyes then stare or glance or whatever, but going out of your way to gaze at an ass means you're not focusing.


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Are you retarded?
Look, it helps to push a little more

based but cringepilled.

i just ignore them.
for whatever reason this seems to really piss them off.

>working out, doing some seated overhead press
>good looking girl with real tight pants start working out in front of me
>literally pushing her butt in my face
>her pants are so tight you can see her pussy form
>I brought a book to read between sets since I wanted to stop using my phone
>start reading
>forget about girl
>she walks off after 2min
>walks to the station behind me, doing the same exercise

Do you know how hard it is to focus when you're preparing for a PR lift and she is walking right in front of you over and over again to catch you off guard and ruin your focus!!!

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a guy threw a bunch of weights on gym thots

based and blackpilled

>reading a book in between sets
How autistic are you?

If you're unable to say no to sex or the prospect of sex every time it rears it's head then you're not getting enough sex already
Fine then, acknowledge the ass, but don't break your reps and don't take longer than normal to get back into it

this is the only answer to OP

what else am i supposed to do, look around like an idiot and scratch my balls like the rest of the gym monkeys?

i watch them in a disgusted way, making sure they saw me

id mire for a few and save for the memory banks then continue working out

>he doesn't look at gym thots in between sets
free test boost.

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Train the body as well as the mind

Enjoy the eye candy, allow your test to peak, and hit PRs. But don't go after them, they're all trouble.

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They only want you to look if they find you attractive.

Guys whatdo if gf is a gym thot? I personally don't give af. Should I care?

This is facts brother