Are dips really the "squat of the upper body" ?
Are dips really the "squat of the upper body" ?
Are squats REALLY the squats of the lower body, though?
Weighted dips maybe
Weighted pull-ups
Are curls really the leg extension of the upper body?
The overhead press seems more analogous.
Are bicep femoris curls the hamstring curls of lower body
if you have the mobility for it and remember your push/pull balance.
The first one is demonstrably wrong didn't bother with the rest. Stop posting retarded shit. Bench works tris and delts much harder than chest. Chest is secondary on bench press.
>chin up
>traps lit up as secondary
>rear delts not lit up at all
>lats primary
>forearms and biceps secondary
Whoever made this is a dumb motherfucker and doesn't even do chin ups properly.
fucks up my sternum, do not do them if its the same for you or else rip pec muscles
Really depends on your grip width
If your grip is narrow as fuck then sure
Never feel any chest activation on bench, did dips and felt it immediately.
Depends on your form as well. Personally, I only feel chest most of the time on bench, especially with pause reps. Never felt shoulders working and only get little tricep pump.
Weird. Could be a mix of your proportions and form. I'm with long ape arms almost to knees and I only really feel chest on bench.
Once you start doing dips, you'll know what it feels like to work your chest to its fullest. Just dipped for 3 with 160lbs hanging off my ass the other day.
I can do unweighted dips, but cannot do unassisted pullups
What is wrong with me, Jow Forums?
maybe because dips are 10 times easier than pull ups you imbecile.
The issue is you never train your back
just compare the ROM of a pull-up and a dip you absolute moron
>lower traps are active during a downward pull
>rear delts are active so they fucked that up
>lats are the biggest muscle involved in the chin up and a primary mover as they fully extend and contract
>forearms and biceps are the secondary movers as they fully contract during the movement
You probably have a shit back and are fat