guys i am on day 73 and the urges have been non stop today, i woke up to a dream of sucking my own dick (felt good tho) i have worked out, cold shower but they keep coming back, help me stay on track!

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No one should ever be on day 73 of no fap. Go out to a bar or some shit and find a girl to fuck, jesus.


Just gotta stay strong and keep yourself busy my man. Just ruined a 70 day streak by forgetting that.

enjoy your prostate cancer

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Take the chastity pill. At least until day 90 to reset your brain.


nofap is actively bad for you. Just dont look at perverse stuff stick to memory/imagination/lewds but no videos of other people porking. also dont death grip or chafe your shit up and use smart timing. dont wank right before the gym

>day 25 of nofap
>tfw no sisters to surprise in the morning with cuddles
>tfw no sister to massage your muscles
>tfw no sisters you can love and kiss on the cheeks

sexual repression inherently leads to perversion. See: Catholicism.

get out this thread you jew kike

i feel you bro, i have gotten some incest related dreams

It's not really incest though. Like, I just wish I had a sister to cuddle with and kiss and be really passionate with


bro that is incest, why not say girlfriend

Shit I'm on the second day.

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rape won't break your streak

Sexual freedom inherently leads to perversion. See: any western nation.

shit, meant for this bat whatever