/plg/ - powerlifting general

Well, since none of you faggots will make a new thread.


>GDE (genetic dead end)
Exercise low-responder. High injury rate, no sports background, weak willed.

>BONER (Bench Only No Effort Retard)
Wants to have the admiration and ego of someone who lifts, but doesn't want to get the squat or deadlift of someone who actually lifts. Copes with a combination of bench press and autism.

>CUCC (cuckold uninjured crying canadian)
Identify as injured, without medical diagnosis. Trans-herniated. Purposely do self-destructive programs like PH3, Smolov, etc. They wanted an excuse to quit.

>VOLEM (voluntary evermediate)
Late beginner, early intermediate. Panics when the bar gets heavy. Program hops, works on technique, or sabotages recovery as an excuse to not progress.

>CHODE (communist homo of dick eating)
Angry, godless little postmodernists who secretly loathe strong, masculine men who won't fuck their boybutt. Some transition into ugly rat faced pedos, others defend said CHODES. Also known as PHAGs (projecting homo ass goblins)

>TCHAD (tries consistently hard all day)
The Isleys, MAs, and other guys with average genes who actually like competing and getting stronger.

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Other urls found in this thread:


the goat

Easy day tomorrow, week 4 of nuckcuck bench 3x int. Only some doubles at 112.5kg and some 5s at 105kg. Very light.

Might also do OHP singles up to 90% or so so CE I'm testing OHP max on Sunday day. Or should I just rest it? What would be better for results?

Normally I'd say no, but...

>Criminally autistic
>Not aesthetic
>Garbage squat (ELITE bench press though)
>Talks a LOT more than he actually knows

If he's got patrician taste in waifus, he's basically Jow Forums incarnate.

>BONER (Bench Only No Effort Retard)

This acronym is now officially FIGboy approved

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Need some help with bench but cant grab a vid right now. I've honed in on the form that works best for me, but my grip is naturally really narrow. Not close grip level, but slightly wider than shoulder-width. Should I correct this or just keeping going until I can't? It's the most comfortable and stable way I've found but I can see the ROM is crazy compared to being super wide.

If it works best for you there's nothing to fix

ok, thank you

Should I really give a shit if my right leg is smaller than my left even though I have a fairly smooth/even squat?

I jut my knees out every time I squat heavy and I have breddy gud glute activation. But for god's sake my left leg is huge cause I love to start and end my walk out with my left leg.

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what is a good way to improve deadlift? im weak off the floor

Add in some deadlifts where you pause right off the floor and/or 1-2" deficits.

I know a guy who is ~200 lbs, benching in the upper 300s, with a grip that's basically "wide" shoulder width. If it's working, don't worry about it too much.

Try deadlifting.

thanks for fast response. ill try those

Ok, thanks


I can hardly wait to see /ourguy/ Luke crush it at worlds. the future of powerfatties is bright

I'm new here and VOLEM seems to describe me perfectly. An IRL friend told me about this thread some time ago, how strong do you need to be to begin powerlifting?

>How strong to begin powerlifting
Powerlifting is literally just training for squat bench dead, it doesn't matter what the weight on the bar is when you start, only when you're on the platform

Let me rephrase that. Am I going to make a fool out of myself on the platform if my current PRs are 155 kg, 90 kg and 170 kg at a 77 kg bodyweight?

I'd assume as long as you get your ass on the platform who gives a fuck.

I've seen almost 300lb "powerlifters" deadlift sub 600 and WIN at local competitions.

>never competed before though
So I wouldn't know for sure. I'd assume it's just up to your Wilks' at that point.

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No, as long as you learn how to do the commands and practice timing. Powerlifting is the weirdest sport I've ever seen, everyone is supportive as fuck to their direct rivals before during and after the meet

>Let me rephrase that. Am I going to make a fool out of myself on the platform if my current PRs are 155 kg, 90 kg and 170 kg at a 77 kg bodyweight?

You'll only make a fool of yourself and get bullied to suicide if you show up to a meet without having a fucking clue how to do the lifts in the context of a meet. By which I mean, learn the goddamn commands.

What if I started accusing strong guys at my gym of not being natty and calling them out on my IG (I have 12k followers) and then made them pee in a cup, but then just drank it haha.

I wonder what it would smell like haha

How do I wash my knee sleeves? I actually want them to shrink and get tighter, so can I just throw them in the washing machine and dryer?

Or do I have to air dry them and have no hope of shrinking them?

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> washing gym clothes

washing machine

anyone else find that lowbar is a complete joke? literally why would you put the bar there. just rest it on your traps. that way it's naturally midfoot. no gay ass forward lean neccessary.
i'm serious. try out highbar for a while. you'll find it much more comfortable. i used to be all about lowbar. made the switch a month ago and never looked back.

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>Blatant bait about one lift over others
>All poorly capitalized

Post squat, sport.

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High bar feels like a less natural position for me. I still need forward lean with it and it feels less solid because less of my body is in contact with the bar.

Fuck off VOLEM.

Meh, squat style isn't important. I'm guy with long femurs and really short torso and I don't feel difference in muscle activation between both styles. I do find high bar more comfy for high reps and I don't have to worry if I hit IPF depth cleanly every rep.

>accidentally overshot my top equipped squat double today

After squats yesterday the bottom side of my hyps feels pretty tired/sore (just around the circle for the greater trochanter in pic related), this never happened before but I just recently became able to really push my knees out and engage my glutes squatting.

Is this normal or am I straining something?

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Normal. Only concerning if it's a different pain than DOMS.

I'll post it again cause previous thread died right after I posted it there

Should I change gym?

TL;DR: in my actual gym I have a coach that doesn't give a shit and the equipment is shit but I'm surrounded by elite powerlifters that are always happy to give me tips, in a different gym I'd get actual coaching, better equipment and save a lot of money, but everyone there is an intermediate. Stay or leave?

Long version:
The gym I got to now is a generic commercial gym with a lot of machines, a platform and 4 squat racks, one of the PTs there is an actual powerlifter who holds a couple national records, but he kinda doesn't give a shit about actually coaching me the movements and he pretty much makes the same program for everyone with minimal changes

The second gym is a powerlifting only gym, lots of equipment, a coach who's extremely attentive and actually makes custom plans and coaches people appropriately and it would cost me less than half of what I pay now, but I notice a lot of focus on geared lifting (I'm not interested about it)

The choice would seem obvious but the thing is: the gym I train at now is full of extremely good powerlifters, they pretty much win first price at the raw nationals for every weight class every year and they all get coached by that same dude (so even though we're all pretty much using the same program, it really seems to work) and they all give me tips and help me when I need it, while at the powerlifting gym there's only mediocre athletes except for the owner's wife who went to IPF world's last year. So what would be the best choice? Going to the gym where the coach doesn't really give a shit about me but I'm surrounded by very good athletes that can help me or to the more specific gym where I actually get a coach but everyone's an intermediate?

If you genuinely need coaching, then choose the second one, because a coach that doesn't give a shit about what you have to say and doesn't make a program based on your needs isn't a coach that you should hire. As long as the second coach is experienced with raw coaching then I don't see a problem.

Asked this last thread but whats the consensus on the best 3 day a week program. Wilks is like 295 or so.

And please dont say madcow or TM

The first one. Why would the coach give you free coaching anyways? Im assuming you are not directly paying him for that.

stronger by science 28 free programs

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How much stronger does a moderate dose of gear make you?
Let's say my max bench is 350 while natural, what numbers am I looking at after a year while on some, but not a huge amount of gear?

> after a year
probably 450lbs lmao

man what is even the point of staying natty fuuuuck


finding a reliable source is hard, thats about it

What are the best beginner programs for strength gains?

Try hard thrice a week on big compounds.

Madcow, any general Starr program (oldschooltrainer.com/bill-starrs-5-x-5-training/), 70s Big, Greyskull, etc.

>tfw because of shoulder injury i have become a wide grip bencher
See ya later sub 4pl8 benchers.



Bridge 3.0

bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.

nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".

bench. press. is. king.

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.t shit bench, shit squat, shit deadlift, shit every other lift, shit body, shit hobbies, shit job (jk you don't have a job LBMDASWTAILMTYHCFOAP [Laughing Because My Dumb Ass Sense Was Tingling And It Led Me To Your Hilarious Cope Fest Of A Post]), shit life.

It seems you've finally lost to courage to respond to these pure #FACTS, as you know, deep in your heart, you'll only get absolutely intellectually dominated again. Again. So get a hold of yourself, quit the delusional LARPing on an Cambodian Stick Fighting Enthusiasts' guild, post your no doubt pathetic body and lifts, fuck off to get your life in order, and stop being so predictable.

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how cute to see that my little bitch was really waiting for this one. reminder that THIS is the dumb shit behind these bitch fits:

>shit bench
>looks like shit

no wonder this obnoxious loser is so obsessed with his superiors lol

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>Call out that the Bench Autist is too bitchmade to respond
>He immediately responds in a desperate attempt to save face
>The only result is a savage and unrelenting BTFOing

Dance, puppet. And post body/lifts while you're at it.

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my face goes red like tomato when i bench

is it bad?

If it hasn't killed Isley yet, I doubt it will hurt you.

Wrong, Isley survived PH3.

Didn't he say he took a bit of the stuff out?

anyone have any experience with block pulls

never tried them before myself

If your face looks like tomato you're fucked dude

only the bodybuilding shit

thats why he looks like a garbagebag filled with pudding

don't put them too high

That's actually because Isley has a large amount of subcutaneous fat, particularly around his midsection. Not because he skipped out on some bodybuilding stuff for 9 weeks or however long he did PH3 for.


whoa that sounded like spraying the last bit of ketchup out of the bottle followers by a volcanic eruption!

That Norman khan was just waiting to explode into the toilet!

Squuuuish splosh
Squish splosh


Ph3 is 13 weeks but feel free to run back to back for 26 weeks or even back to back to back for 39 weeks


he has no mass in his vanity areas, all the arm delt and back work wouldve made him look like a bloated jacked guy, not a bloated pudding bag

>Retired (uninjured) light weight moving enthusiast blog of cutting

5@300, 315
5+@335 (did an easy 8)

5x5@180 (60s rest)

Inverted Row, Push-ups, Pull throughs in circuit.

Done in 45 minutes, bodyweight down 33 lbs from early December. 7 more lbs to go.


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why you liftin babbyweights my man

Have you seen Isley pre-bulk? He has great aesthetics, homo.

I don't have plan on competing anymore, so I'm cutting 40-45 lbs.

any lean twink with minimal mass will look ''aesthetic'' with no shirt with a good angle

No mass! No mass!

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you will be after you realise youve become a weak twink

Goal body tbf.

you look like a garbagebag filled with pudding

Cope. He was in great shape


no but your mom does with black bulls

your face looks fat as hell.

Isley mogs everyone here. Unpopular fact.


*runs towards you*

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Aspiring powersharter dyel here.

What do i do when one of my lifts isn't making progress on LP but my other ones are? My OHP keeps stalling at 105 but my other lifts are doing good. I've reset it twice now.

you add volume

switch your progression on the overhead press to weekly instead of session to session and keep the other lifts the same

PLS be kg

more volume

decrease weight a little increase sets

Thanks frens. I will do this.

Sorry user-kun, its pounds. I know I'm a weak babby but maybe if i train really hard and eat big, I cam be strong like you!

>aunt is amateur painter
>"look user I painted a robot thing but he's muscly like you"
>mfw it's a fucking twink
At least I know it's not actually supposed to look like me, I'm fat

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Looks like he has good lats and delts, and nice arms

stop being a fatty

The only good mussels he has is traps, retard

stfu fat bitch

No you shut the fcuk up

holy shit lads, I fixed my DL, after two years I fixed it. I tried deadlifting with my feet extremely close to each other and opening the knees more. It put my back in such a better position holy shit.I might look retarded lifting like that but I don't care. I've been happy all morning


thank her and say you love it and are flattered, don't be an autist you fucking faggot

lads I finally did it, just deadlifted 1000

That's exactly what I did retard

Please be grams


I am maxing out OHP on Sunday. Should I do some singles up to 90% today?