What are the best ab exercises ranked?

What are the best ab exercises ranked?

Attached: One_arm_ab_wheel_rollout_exercise_2048x.progressive.jpg (1056x420, 89K)

tryna suck ur own pp

Deadlifts, squats, OHP, no belt

Compound do shit for abs
Even fucking pushups are better for abs than compounds.

Do abs rollouts OP

Attached: Rectus-Abdominis.jpg (620x349, 66K)

>pushups are better for abs than heavy deadlifts and squats
>dyels actually believe thsi

Barbell oblique twists are my fav ab exercise

Post abs

>Even fucking pushups are better for abs than compounds.

Have I been lied to ?

Attached: 2019-03-12_11-48-08.jpg (529x417, 110K)

>not using a piece of equipment that makes you brace your core harder is better for your abs
fucking retard

>How to dislocate your shoulder 101
Best core exercises are weighted planks (for sets), Russian twists (weighted), and leg raises (for sets).

Leg raises, situps, russian twist, i really like those side planks where you go down with your arm under your stomach
Flag raises are great if you already have good core strength

What if I can only do knee raises? Still gonna make it?

No, this is flat wrong. These lifts build your core, but they build the whole core, front, back, sides. It’s a bad look for your abs when your whole core is thick.
Best ab equipment is the wheel and either a Roman chair or pull-up bar for hanging ab work. Your goal should be tight isolation of the rectus abdominus, not the bracing of your whole core.

If you do them hanging, sure, but if you do it on one of those things where your shoulders carry a lot of weight its useless

and thislooks like they have a retard

No, you’ve just misunderstood. Trunk stiffness relies on full core and trunk activation.

>imagine a world with 50% of the population with iqs less than 100

all of these exercise are mostly hip flexor movements. Abs work isometrically like during
^ this

>bench works my legs because I leg drive

L sits

rack pulls for time with focus on the mbc with your core and pelvic floor

post abs

Before I read the filename, I thought that was some sort of head harness ab roller combo for doing neck bridges while ab rolling at the same time. Seems like it could work, for someone strong enough, otherwise a good way to snap your shit.
