How are you holding up Jow Forums?

How are you holding up Jow Forums?

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i-i'm ok

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Whatever it is just lift it away m8

Can’t sleep

that's the plan

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Doing ok just trying to make it

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Just got dumped

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Did 9 chin ups max today with the 45 as total volume, feeling pretty great. Can't wait for something stupid to bring me back down.

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i'm not

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a bit better than the previous days
albeit still thinking about my ex and how she gave no shits about my feelings the second time around

Had nutricionist appointment at the gym, lost weight, lost some belly, my BF% is down and my muscular mass is up

I want to die everyday, but at least I got good news today

It's going to be okay user, lots of fish in the sea.

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Lots of shitting today. Keep telling myself “it’s just fat leaving the body”, but it’s getting distracting.

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I feel pretty good. I finally tried fasting because hit a plateau on my weight loss. This is my third day with no food and it's not difficult. I'm going to eat tonight, but I'll probably fast for a few days at a time every once in a while.

Everything not fitness related is terrible of course

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Pretty great actually, just got out of my plateau and am the thinnest I have ever been in my adult life
My bodyfat% finally got under 17% for the first time too

>see each other again for a couple of months
>apparently i misread your actions
>we were basically back together without saying it
>a-user i felt pressured so i fucked this one guy friend

fuck you, seriously, fuck you for playing with my feelings
full knowing what you do
full knowing that you WANTED to sleep with him, fuck your pressuring shitty bullshit excuse you bitch

i'm an idiot for wanting to stay in contact
not one text from you in the last 3 weeks asking how i was
just me being an IDIOT clinging onto whatever i thought there was to cling on to

pls end me now

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I wish I could be dumped at least once, just to know how it feels...haha...god kill me now

I don't know if I can handle having a woman in my life. I always see posts like this and it makes me think I'll end up killing myself over a girl

it's gotten better for me user but still i get that

Why? The feeling sucks. Especially if the person who dumped you isn’t honest about why. First girl I ever dated dumped me, and she told me it’s because I was less affectionate to her. Turns out the bitch had been dating my best friend for a month.

You move on get over it some find a new chick some can never love again

bb's first cycle, second week, doing 300mg test e Monday and Friday. Been lifting for 6 years, 30 years old, feel good about it. Will post in /fraud/ in a month or so with pics.

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got stopped by the police yesterday and had to do a drug test. I used to smoke daily so of course it was positive. Waiting for the blood tests now. I feel like shit right now. Should I just end it now guys?

im feeling extremely anxious despite being on the right track
im doing well in uni, doing well with my job, i have a loving gf, im working out, im trying new hobbies like learning japanese, and everything is clean/tidy. i don't know why i feel so uneasy and unable to rest. i can't focus on reading because i'm so uneasy. i'm thinking the comment my doctor made the other day is nagging at me. he said i should go get a test for adhd.
going to lift extra hard today, i hope this helps

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I took the MGTOW pill a couple years ago and I haven't felt lonely very often ever since.

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Thanks user :)

It feels empty and sad, It was my first gf and my first time, she was distant during our most of our relationship, and told me she didn't really have any feelings for me

I don't wish this upon you man shit hurts

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i had a shoulder injury not long ago (bursitis) but it's recovering.
lifts are fine and weight is dropping
been applying to several jobs with so success though. i have a full time job, but it's a dead-end and brainless desk job. i just want to engineer things bros.. this is getting me down quite a bit. if im honest with myself

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Because I am dead inside since I can remember. I always thought of myself as a realistic version of Tin Woodman. Once loved a girl and now I just feel dead inside. No emotions at all, no hapinness, no sorrow, just this endless limbo.

Trust me, user. It gets better. Focus on the stuff that makes *you* happy. Do/try all the stuff she wouldn’t let you do when you were dating.

fuck college exams

I want to go the gym but I constantly have school work I need to do before shit's due and never have time to go to the gym

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manage your time better or rework your routine to make it shorter.
work more effectively and procrastinate less so you have time to lift.
i was able to lift and studied chemical engineering.

I keep improving. Career-wise, intelligence-wise, body-wise. I even seem to be on an upward trajectory in terms of social skills and people seem to enjoy to be around me.

But then I still make all the people who get too close, who like and love me, bang their hearts against the imaginary wall that I've created between me and them. I still reject person after person in my life, and some day will come that I will reject the last one and nobody else will ever try again. Fucking lmao at me.

Who else fake lone wolf here?

i need a better paying job. My job is stressful and I keep getting new assignments and im only making $15/hr and I have a finance degree

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>No motivation to start studying for July LSAT even though I'm one good score away from a top law school
>Almost 3 weeks into eating clean and lifting, but feeling extremely demotivated about how it will probably be at least 8-9 months before I look decent (5'11 245 pounds)
>Last semester of uni and even though I have good grades, I feel like I wasted a lot of time and missed a lot of opportunities
I need to start studying for this fucking test bros. Still have plenty of time, but I am the biggest procrastinating piece of shit.

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im fine

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kinda did the same thing, i had this bad period where listening to henry rollins helped a lot , i still try to get bitches though but i dont feel to disappointed when it doesn't work out, most of them dont deserve me their slobs to the core even the best looking stacies and the beta arthoes all thrash

Girlfriend cheated on you? Okay, it happened. Move on she was obviously not the one if she acted this way and it’s better you find out sooner than later. You probably enjoyed being with her so you wasted no time. These things happen, move on and things will be okay. You will find a better girl and become a better man. You’re okay.

I don't make enough money to get out of my mum's house
All my friends have moved out by finding a girlfriend to share the costs
It is very difficult to find a girlfriend when you live with mum

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Girlfriend broke up with me.
For 4 and a half years she said that she wanted to marry me, and that i was her soul mate. She even had a promise ring.
I told her were would get married after I was done with college so I could support both our dreams but she fucking ended it yesterday.
She said she still loves me and didn't want to hurt me, but she claims she just didn't "feel it" anymore and for the last months and a half she felt this way and was just going along with the motions.
This was after a week of her barely talking to me as well.
I asked her if she would have felt the same if we had moved in together and gotten married and she just said she didn't know.
I fucking hate her, but I also love her. She meant everything to me and she took away that.
I can't fucking imagine what my life is going to be like without her.

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Da real greek freak

Weird mix of anxiety and fear of the future combined with mild satisfaction with my slow life progress and happiness coming from simple gratefulness for that I'm alive at all. Lifts still are shit though after almost 8 months.
t. 29yo post neet incel

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