Which female youtubers have the best advice?

for me, it's megsquats

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She tries to make herself look as masculine as possible in every picture. She’ll choose some filter and face to make her jaw look huge and her shoulders massive. Why the fuck does she do this. Is it daddy issues?

Mental illness

agreed but she still has a few more breeding years

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>actually needing advice to lift weights and eat extra protein

go away meg, you did this already
and the advice if a woman no less
asian is way better looking in this pic

horrible taste

Erin Stern

does she have a balding pattern? I have the same Im scared of my hair falling off...

god meg needs to be bred. I know she's ovulating because she keeps talking about babies. I would love to pin her THICC legs back and blow a 30+ day no fap load deep into her cunt raw and get her pregnant. Then I would make her bf raise my bastard while still impregnating her every 9 months or so haha


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Meg would be a solid 8.5 if it wasn't for her receding hairline.


>yfw Meg has a 24/7 prolapsed anus due to forcing her rectum out during squats
I aint even joking.

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why the fuck would you take advice from a woman lmao

Marisa inda is probably the most reliable cause of the juggernaut affiliation

Outside of Greg Nuckols, RP or juggernaut (and those they are affiliated with) I find it very hard to trust anything anyone says as either correct or well intentioned

Lmfao she’s got the male balding hairline to match the physique

Who is RP?

Renaissance Periodization, a company who could be described as a sort of Juggernaut but for bodybuilding (natty and non natty, but mainly they handle natties). Honestly they're absolutely fantastic and are the only accessible treatise of natural hypertrophy and honest drug use strategies I've ever encountered. Before anyone accuses me of marketing/shilling I don't get anything out of posting about them on Jow Forums and neither probably do they.

Check out the "Hypertrophy Hub" and "Training Volume Landmarks" articles they have. It's a lot of reading but it's the best reading you'll ever do for hypertrophy. Afterwards check out Mike Israetel's podcasts with Revive Stronger on YouTube and prepare for some serious fitness redpills.

RP will be the most recognisable and fastest growing company in natural bodybuilding coaching and research in the next 10 years, you heard it here first

Are you negotiating?

i saw this vid as well and it permanently ruined my crush on her and her gigantic ass

I thought they were part of Juggernaut for some reason. Maybe I saw a video from JG featuring RP.

What vid



warning what can be seen cannot be unseen. btw she tries to save face by calling it something else, but /plg/ knows whats up


They work together closely - Mike Israetel co authored a book with Chad Wesley Smith so maybe you're thinking of that

Christ, she definitely takes it up the shiter if she's popping hemmeroids

Didn't know about the book but I remember seeing Chad and Mike together when I was looking up periodization.

You dont get hemorrhoids but bracing. It could theoretically happen if there is increased intra-abdominal pressure 24/7 but not intermittently (during lifting). You will notice other glaring symptoms before you get a hemorrhoid. Anal prolapse is easier to get than hemorrhoid because you are actually putting pressure/pushing your rectum out. But even getting anal prolapses from lifting alone is rare - she probably gets reamed in the ass every night.

is it worth it to purchase the juggernaut and israetel shit?

>how jelly can a fatty incel really be?
You have answered this

>tfw her PRs are my warm ups

t. fat manlet retard who needs to compare himself to a petite girl in order to bolster his self esteem. total fucking embarrassment. kys.

>petite girl


>megsquats thread
>only 2 photos of her, one featuring ass

hemorrhoids != prolapse, goober.

how far into the vid? i dont see shit?

hello strong strong fren!

Put the fucking timestamp 2 minutes of fucking cup shilling jesus.

Around 8 minutes

yes you can nigger

t. got hemmies after squatting twice


if eating her asshole meant i suffocated and died i would still do it

never mind i just watched

Internal hemorrhoids can prolapse.

>tfw prolapses are my fetish

i need to get a powerlifting gf RIGHT NOW

>best advice

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>tfw you will never suck on meg's prolapsed hemorrhoids

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>wants to take advice from youtubers
>wants to take advice from FEMALE youtubers

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Disappointing lack of Adrienne itt.

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well clearly it is Stefi Cohen, though she isnst a youtuber, but top notch actual useful advice

Chris beast mode Jones

Well, she doesn't give out advice but I like her lifts over megsquats

Pic related is very talented. Always been a huge fan of all here onscreen endeavors

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Cute doggo

saw this chick piss in a cup kek

>taking advice from a soulless anavar whore
>watching jewtubes
>good goy

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Remember when this roidwhore was disliked into obvlivion for shilling the sugarjew.

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It’s just a commercial, not sure why you’re spamming this shit all over this board