Stronglifts, yes or no

Is StrongLifts 5x5 really a meme routine? Its in the sticky, but alot of people on this board seem to dislike it. I recently took a break from lifting and when I came back I decided on doing SL. Should I change to a different routine? Im mainly lifting to look big since im a manlet.

pic related are my current weights.

Attached: 021341C5-125B-4AD1-90A8-5859E29DE979.jpg (634x774, 81K)

what app is that?

Stronglifts app

its decent. do it for 6 months.
the main issue is that stronglifts doesnt have a good deload or periodization model
hence why you should run it for 6 months.
Although I would at first, add face pulls to bench day, and lat pull downs to ohp day, if you cant do chins

You should switch to Grey skull LP.
Its FAR superior
Or starting strength, which ofters intermediate periodization, and includes chins, dips, and other "bodybuilding" shit.

over time you can modify the program, but Grey skull , is much better for that.

ie Grey skull base

day a
bench 2x5, 1x5+ alternate with press 2x5, 1x5+
squat 2x5, 1x5+

day b
press 2x5, 1x5+, alternate with bench 2x5, 1x5+
deadlift 1x5+

day c
bench press 2x5, 1x5+ alternate with press 2x5, 1x5+
squat 2x5, 1x5+

you need micro plates
add 2.5lbs to bench/ohp
add 5lbs to squat/deadlift

The deloads are 10%, and the amrap sets allow you to PR and regulate, when you deload.
if you hit 10 reps on an amrap, add double the amount of weight
you can modify the base program, and add in movements, which is why its superior

the recommended modifications on the base is:
weighted chins 2x6-8 on press days
curls 2x10 on bench days
row 2x6-8 on bench days
facepulls 2x10-15 on press days

What do you mean with “alternate with bench”?

Why only 2.5kg increments on squat? Every other program I've seen uses 5 for lower body.

so in the end the recommended modifed base program would look like

day a
bench 2x5, 1x5+ alternate with press 2x5, 1x5+
curls 2x10 alternate with chins 2x6-8
row 2x6-8 alternate with facepulls 2x10-15
squat 2x5, 1x5+

day b
press 2x5, 1x5+, alternate with bench 2x5, 1x5+
weigthed chins 2x6-8 alternate with curls 2x10
face pulls 2x10-15 alternate with rows 2x6-8
deadlift 1x5+

day c
bench press 2x5, 1x5+ alternate with press 2x5, 1x5+
curls 2x10 alternate with chins 2x6-8
row 2x6-8 alternate with facepulls 2x10-15
squat 2x5, 1x5+

alternate means you switch the exercise the next time you do that day, so you bench 2x the first week, press 1x the 1st week, bench 1x the second week, press 2x the second week

seeNOT a super set

week 1
day a

day b

day c

week 2
day a

day b

day c

repeat and do the same thing with the other alternating exercises

>body weight 56kg
are you a woman or how the fuck did you escape auschwitz

Answering your question. Stronglifts is not a meme. make the bench press 3x5 instead of 5x5 tho for bit better gains. But stronglifts for beginners is a really good, top3 routine

1x5+, means you do as many reps as you can with your set weight.
if you get 10 reps or more, then add 5lbs to bench/press or 10lbs to squat/deadlift


Im retarded, I thought press=bench press.
Pic is my new schedule I guess

Attached: 38B8CDF3-901F-45D0-9B14-13F4D061CB4B.jpg (640x986, 140K)

You will have to deload faster

throw in some (weighted) dips and vary chinups with pullups, then you have an excellent routine

Added dips on Day 1, and instead of 4 times chin ups a week, I do 2 times chinup, and 2 times pullups.

Last question: If I hit 10 AMRAP reps, and double my weight, do I update my schedule to that double weight? Say I squat 100 kg and hit 10 reps. Then I’d have to squat 200 kg?

You double the weight you were supposed to increase by. So you go to 110kg instead of 105kg

That makes sense, thanks.

If you are lifting for size, you should start with a compound linear program like SL for a few months. You can add volume on your off days or do curls after your SL workouts. Then switch to a hypertrophy program.

Anyone who says beginners shouldn’t start with LP is full of shit.

how is my SL variant

Attached: prog4.png (246x177, 4K)

Good. It’s hardly a variant, the website says you can add dips and chins

I'm a beginner and I'm doing modified SL by replacing one of the squats with chin-ups because it fits my goals better; I wanted the lats and biceps and don't really want to do squats every single workout. So my routine is:

A: OHP, Squats, Chinups
B: Bench, Rows, DLs

Thoughts? Would y'all add anything on top of this if I still have energy after my workout? Sometimes I do, sometimes I'm totally dead after.

Why do you recommend fewer sets for bench for better gains, is that a thing? I'm doing SS, 5x5 not 3x5 though, but I've been failing sets occasionally with bench. I'm only 6 weeks in though.

This alright? Swapping from stronglifts

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