

>GDE (genetic dead end)
Exercise low-responder. High injury rate, no sports background, weak willed.

>BONER (Bench Only No Effort Retard)
Wants to have the admiration and ego of someone who lifts, but doesn't want to get the squat or deadlift of someone who actually lifts. Copes with a combination of bench press and autism.

>CUCC (cuckold uninjured crying canadian)
Identify as injured, without medical diagnosis. Trans-herniated. Purposely do self-destructive programs like PH3, Smolov, etc. They wanted an excuse to quit.

>VOLEM (voluntary evermediate)
Late beginner, early intermediate. Panics when the bar gets heavy. Program hops, works on technique, or sabotages recovery as an excuse to not progress.

>CHODE (communist homo of dick eating)
Angry, godless little postmodernists who secretly loathe strong, masculine men who won't fuck their boybutt. Some transition into ugly rat faced pedos, others defend said CHODES. Also known as PHAGs (projecting homo ass goblins)

>TCHAD (tries consistently hard all day)
The Isleys, MAs, and other guys with average genes who actually like competing and getting stronger.

Clarence is a chad edition

Attached: Clarence_750_340.webm (1280x720, 1.85M)

Other urls found in this thread: Press. Is. King/page/19/

Clarence is a fraud

Daily reminder to ignore gym thots and don't give them the attention they want.

Who is this bench autist that Fig was talking about?

I didn't hop on the wagon soon enough for it to be free but it's less than half of any other programming and I know he's done well with Alex and George at least

Nice e-celeb blog


But they are so pretty!


I'm sure he'll pop up soon enough. He's the based "Bench press is king" poster.


It's either a new Sean character like TomatoFag, or it's a homosexual Chinese man named Hank

Some chinese leaf homosexual manlet 3pl8 deadlifter that spams the same copypasta about bench press being king every day
Then figman memes on him
Then they have a little back and forth for a while

It's been happening every single day for almost a year now Press. Is. King/page/19/

>for almost a year now
wtf how does time pass so fast

As far as I know fignigger has only started replying fairly recently.

I just checked, he started replying in December

is GDE a real thing or just people with low will who have no hype and train like retards


If your vertical jump is sub 20", you probably don't have enough fast twitch fibre ratio to have fun lifting weights.

I am at information overload trying to research what i should do for babbys first intermediate program. Someone tell me what to do and think for me please.

Plenty of people have fun with things that they'll never be even close to world class at. Go away

>Some chinese leaf homosexual manlet 3pl8 deadlifter

>a homosexual Chinese man named Hank

post proof of these claims

Oof. His post must have really strict a nerve with your GDE ass.

kill yourself

No, it's just the same bullshit posted over and over again, just like the bench press is king poster, Sean posting the same 3 programs, etc. Just gets stale. He needs a new schtick.

Things that trigger Fat Retard:

>Vertical jumps over 19"
>Jesus Christ
>A full nutsack
>Criticism of the sumo deadlift
>Keeping chest up in the squat

Add close grip bench

I do close grip bench though

What would be his routines besides lifting a fuck ton of weight and gear? Like other exercises? He just do whatever?

Me too, what's the big deal about it? Just hit it 2pl8 as a total dyel, not ashamed of it tho.

Nothing, just some anons strawmanning the shit out of me

How tf is PH3 self-destructive?

Destruction is just creation's long game

People end up as GDEs if they don't spend most of their training gaining weight while doing high volume. Usually it's due to people not being able to continually gain weight because they'll never actually stick to a cut.

e.g. someone is 5'10 so they decide they should compete at 93kg long term, so they get to 93 kg at 20% bf and just maintain there instead of cutting down and bulking back up

>5'10 so they decide they should compete at 93kg long term

Attached: sheiko_weights.jpg (480x360, 59K)

>PH3 is the best
>PH3 is suicide
Which way plg?

>Far from knocking a tenth of a second off my 100 yards time each year, however, I was adding a tenth of a second, and there seemed to be no doubt that the reason for this was rowing. The opinion of specialists substantiates this. The message seems clear: rowing does not go well together with sports where speed is an advantage, such as athletics, rugby, hockey, soccer and many others. These sports will not adversely affect one’s rowing ability, but one should give serious consideration to the disadvantages in the opposite direction.

bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.

nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".

bench. press. is. king.

Attached: 1512190626039.jpg (199x372, 28K)

Guys I don't know what you're talking about, this character is pretty funny

Attached: he would cut it open and turn it inside out and probably call it a silo.jpg (768x580, 53K)

it's just a couple of insecure pussy boys who know they have a shit bench, so they respond by lashing out like a diaper shitting bitch.

FR has a good bench though, all things considered

Delete this

Attached: 77 kg bodyweight.png (1251x1305, 494K)

4 months in and my abs are finally sore from squatting.
I'm coming for all of you goys.

He's just a character. Most of the time he just posts the same shit over and over again

>tfw no bench only gf

Attached: 1552427291884.webm (480x600, 3M)

>Are you trying to cope with the fact that you're an autistic 30 year old virgin?

I'm 29, I'm not a virgin, and I promise you that I didn't have an entire folder full of smug and laughing anime girls until I started posting in /plg/

I've been doing this since at least October

I don't know what to tell you, but I clearly remembering appealing a false ban for ban evasion (which was obviously false as I didn't have any ban to evade in the first place) in November in order to get back to BTFO'ing the Baby Penis Homosexual Asian Bench Autist. I had to do that shit again back in late January. Weird how I keep getting falsely reported shortly after I rectally ravage the Bench Autist.

Attached: Horrified Slots.gif (400x279, 1.78M)

Fig accuses everyone who doesn't like him of being the guy behind the bench is king copypasta

What if we talked less about people and more about not-people things?

Attached: 07B8BDBEDC9747F695D6BB17E4413F30.gif (300x197, 1.85M)

did you forget to remove your name sean?

Hi plg, owg is down so I come to you for help. Getting back into full lifts after time off and my squat feels way too far forward, awkward to descend, etc. What do I fix?

Attached: 20190312_183916_1.gif (368x656, 3.05M)

I bench 270, but only ever deadlifted 335.

I can squat 225 for a couple reps, but no idea what my max is.

Anyway, how do I stop having such a shit deadlift?

.t shit bench, shit squat, shit deadlift, shit every other lift, shit body, shit hobbies, shit job (jk you don't have a job LSHTMSEAHSPASOSCA [Laughed So Hard That My Sides Exploded And Hospitalized Seven People And Set Off Several Car Alarms]), shit life.

You need to get a hold of yourself, quit the delusional LARPing on an Ethiopian Autopilot Programming Enthusiasts' tard hatch, post your no doubt pathetic body and lifts, fuck off to get your life in order, and stop being so predictable. But you won't. You'll respond with the same copy/paste, feeble, damage control you always do, and get you ass scorched by your intellectual betters, like you always do.

Attached: Laughing Titans.png (800x949, 356K)

>tfw you realize Clarence Kennedy has atrocious form/technique

Name a cringeyer page

Attached: BAB16B94-4572-45CC-A20E-35FD57D91A22.jpg (1125x2184, 1.21M)

pls be kg

>Knees over bar
>Not straight line
He could lift way more if he fixed his form up..

Where do I contact him and how much do I pay monthly for his services?

Fig is a decent trip for a giggle, sort of like panzer except he has a good lift. Needs to work on his bench and dead though.

but it's painfully obvious it's the same dude, when he always posts with the same style and reaction images

I dreamt I met the girl of my dreams. We just walked around my huge dream land, nothing made sense, but she spent the entire time hugging me, talking to me, and we were so close together.

Now I'm awake I'm so sad

Will I lose all my progress if I miss one session and do it on friday instead?

Or should I go to the gym anyway, despite feeling sick and risk infecting other people so I can add 1kg to my overhead press?

Yes, you'll have to start over with an empty barbell.

It depends on how sick you are, if it's just a sneeze and a cough then go for it, just take more caffeine lol. If you have a high body temp and can't get out of bed then I'd take a couple of days off. Drink loads of water and get some extra sleep.

Attached: skärmskjut24.jpg (690x356, 61K)

feel like pure shit, just want a cigarette and to go back to sleep

>0 leg drive
No wonder she's lifting baby weight.

Then you're better off staying in bed and playing vidya. Get better, user.



Program hopping after not seeing 10kg PRs after a week and cucking nutrition under the guise of bulking are classic volem tactics.

Hey /plg/, i'm trying to get strong like all y'all but i worry a bit about my deadlift form, like i see my hips shooting up
If i share a vid, can someone give me some tips ? (can't resize the vid for some reason)
(I'm still at beginer level, my 1rm are 55/87.5/120/140 kgs)
Looking SLICC

Anyone here ever ran inverted juggernaut method?

Anyone here ever compete in equipped AND raw events? Was wondering what the noticable differences would be if I grabbed a squat suit and competed equipped at some point in time.

I've only used sleeves and a belt and still managed a decent 410 squat but I've always wondered how much more a suit helps people who are already insanely strong raw.

Attached: deep-squat.jpg (500x441, 137K)

Yes, I've done ~2 equipped and ~2 raw comps every year for the last three/four years.

It takes time to learn how to use a squat suit. It's straight up painful and difficult but to give you an idea, my best raw squat is 250 and best equipped is 325

In order to do my best in competition, my raw strength needs to be at a peak too, no matter the flavour of comp I'm doing.

"Shooting up" is a little strong, but they are rising just a bit at the start. I knew a guy who fixed much worse hip rise with banded paused deadlifts, with relatively light weight. You might not have the necessary wacky apparatus to use bands on your deadlift, but you can try pausing them right off the ground. Start with LMAO1PLAY for a few reps, then you should be able to do 225 lbs paused and feel it out from there.

based Isley.

I would imagine you'd have to learn to break it in and use it, rather than just slap the damn thing on and be all hurdy gurdy and try to max out the next week.

Do you generally train unequipped then start using the suit towards competition prep?

Yeah, for a longer cycle I'll start raw, get the conditioning back before I use it. If its less than 10 weeks I can't afford that time and have to go for it. But I'll start light.

I have seen some talented people in less tight kit throw it on and hit bigger weights but it's not the usual case (and then need to buy tighter kit a few months later anyway)

There goes my aspiration to hit big boy weights. I'm too fat to squat less than 500 lbs in competition.

On another slight note, is it even worth it to get a suit then? I don't see myself going too hard or even getting past any kind of junior/amateur hour competitions cause I've seen the records in my state alone and these guys weigh like 140lbs squatting 600+





wow that Norman khan bursted out into the toilet wow

I just had a really nice dream that I had a gf who loved me
Then I woke up

pls be kg

Please comment on this, what do you think? You're the only one who has substantial rowing experience here

Honestly my dude it doesn't matter, if it's just a hobby then do what you want. There are worse ways to waste money than trying out a new aspect of something you enjoy.

Love isn't free you Dingus, you have to work for it

If you want to get stronger and compete, get stronger and compete. Quit obsessing over what other people are doing

I'm a weakling with a 405 back squat raw and I do equipped. It's really fun. Imo as long as you have fun it doesn't matter if you're breaking records or not

I've got some bands at disposition in my gym, will try that. Thanks !

daily reminder that you will never have a president who would die for his country

Attached: yang == trump.png (768x580, 68K)

You don't have to work for anime though. And anime will never leave you.

Attached: Deja Vu.jpg (680x385, 32K)

Nobody wants the Commander in Chief of the best military in the world to die in battle. This isn't a third-world shithole.

It's a mindset. Not serving Israel or just rich guys in the country, but serving it as a whole.

People who have that mindset don't become politicians. They become soldiers

Generals have that mindset, not politicians

>They b̶e̶c̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶s̶o̶l̶d̶i̶e̶r̶s̶ die for israel
Thats where you're wrong kiddo

Regardless of a few dreidel spinners pulling strings, soldiers are still dying for American citizens you incell fuck wit

You're starting with your hips slightly too low. Unless it's a very light weight for you, your hips will shoot up if you have them too low on deadlift.

>soldiers are still dying for DoD contracts to flow to the constituents of senior Senators


Try Canada if you don't like freedom.

I think pin variants are deteriorating my form, gonna not-do-them in the future.

vs. pause variants which seem to improve my form and strength like magic.

>Purposely do self-destructive programs like PH3, Smolov, etc.

OP is a DYEL (Do You Even Lift)

Attached: whores.png (449x401, 490K)

>yeah my wife cut off my balls, but I'm still the man of the house

Hahah so true

why arent you guys building momentum

Attached: Deadlift 700 x 1.webm (406x720, 2.84M)