Old pic of me 5 years back when I was 19

Old pic of me 5 years back when I was 19

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Thanks for showing us, Mr. Pignose.

you look like a fucking poo

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Yeah but white bitches still love me over white guys tho. 777

go back to your shitting street pajeet

Gib bobs ur vagemite

you look like a little bitch haha

>Yeah but white bitches still love me over white guys tho. 777

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At least I don't poop in restaurants with black dyels like your white bitches

>At least I don't poop in restaurants

We know, you poop on the sidewalk

>At least I don't poop in restaurants with black dyels like your white bitches

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Pooping outside a place where you eat food is Xmillion times better than pooping in the actual appleBEES


Are you going to post the *after* photo or what?
Don't leave us hanging bro

restaurants tend to have bathrooms in them. I know the concept of toilets is hard for you to grasp, considering you've been raised to shit in the public streets

do you own a toilet?

Shitty grooming, but heres an alright pic from 6 months back. I'm getting back into the gym today.

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I remember reading an article about a curry restaurant which washed its pots and left them outside to dry
Someone pooped in them, then they just cooked the food in them without properly cleaning the poop out and made everyone sick

>today, I will make them show me their bobs

Here's a goofy one for my frat bros that I put on facebook for some reason

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You looked better 5 years ago
Did you even lift since then?
5 years is enough to get into mid level bodybuilder levels


>Coping crooked nose jew

hes trying to communicate

Based on a lot of anecdotal evidence I've come to the conclusion that sandniggers and curryniggers can only make it with steroids. Whenever I see them in the gym they have the most feminine, skinnyfat, bad postured bodies I've ever seen. 99% of brown people who make it are on gear


I doubt that VERY much. I don't think theres a single white girl out there who would prefer a dyel pajeet over chad

Tubby balding pajeet thinks he can pull white girls

i know a black guy who on cycle runs 10.3 100 m dashes, without cant even broke the 11.4. mark...

Yeah well, they used to marry based on dowery and status rather than love, so ofcourse there genetics are shit
Any old fat balding manlet could get a hot wife, all he needed was a bit of status

ty for making me feel better about myself pajeet

Poo Laa LaA

Dont forget to wear your best polo shirt to the curl rack pajeet

wtf is goin on in this thread

further proof bulking is a meme

cut for aesthetics

I see that hair fading away, get yourself a fine pajeeta before it's too late