Hey Jow Forums what's your breakfast look like? Pics or it didn't happen...

Which is ok, if you're fasting.

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Is that marrywonna?

A glass of water.

basedeth thy boy

I typically try to eat 2 square meals before I lift.

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I had mixed Berry skyr with chia seeds thrown in and a can of monster ultra


>using an old alfredo sauce jar as a drinking glass
What the hell

I eat Dexter's Mom.
Ah haha...ah hahaha hahaha!

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my breakfast today was a can of energydrink because i woke up late and didn't had time. now i'm eating 2 bananas and little cotton cheese filled tomatos.

was too tired to make boiled eggs, so i tried a new recipe.
problem is, i forgot to do the eggs in one of those frying pan that doesn't stick. i used the normal frying pan.
since the normal frying pan stick when you don't use oil or butter, the eggs started to burn.
so my autism attacked and i started to throw milk at it in an attempt to stop the burning.
kinda worked, but the eggs were now too liquidly. so in another attempt to save my meal, i threw bread to absorb the liquid.
again, worked. but it tasted like shit.

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Some morning eggies and waffies with vidya before work mein Jow Forumsfriends.

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2 bagels
1 medium egg
160g of chicken breast ham
210g of egg whites
1 large cucumber

Just a black coffee and a cigarette now because cutting.

>sonny side up
Based and redpilled


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Can you mealprep breakfast? Make a ton of eggs and microwave them later? I cannot be bothered to cook in the morning.

Pickled eggs, buddy.

These are delicious, but not everybody likes them.
Boiled eggs keep for quite a bit if you keep the shell on them. But scrambling some eggs takes less than 5 minutes. I spend more time in the shower than I do cooking and eating eggs.

Its not the time, its just the idea of cooking and eating hot food makes me want to vomit. I don't know why, i think its the smell. I can only eat cold food after a groggy night and spanking my alarm clock.

Greek yogurt, then

250g egg whites
120g oats
1 banana

Pic from google, what I had was

A cup of coffee with oat milk

about 200g soi yoghurt with stevia
about a cup of oats
mango puree
bean flakes for the crunch

I'm a sucker for sweets and this breakfast will never fail me. My other 2 breakfasts are oat bread with banana and pb, and oatmeal with vanilla protein and banana.

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I thought it was for cigarette butts

That episode 1 racer good days.

3 eggs on nice bread with chopped tomatoes juicy and fit.