I ate 3 cans of pringles in one sitting again lads

I ate 3 cans of pringles in one sitting again lads

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I'm not your lad, lardo, lmao

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The 21st century was a mistake.

I actually can't believe people can eat that much shit, I once ate 2 bags of dorritos and spewed it. Haven't had them since

How though
A single tube tears my mouth up

They all had different flavors. Every time I ate a new one it was a whole other experience and before I knew it all three were empty.

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Dont buy that stuff in the first place, you cant eat it if its not there. Just substitute it for a protein shake. Its easy.

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I can barely eat two, how fucking big is your stomach?

Glad to see other anons able to binge chips like I do
>eat whole bag of kettle cooked bbq chips
>wait a few hours then eat a whole bag of chex mix
Super comfy, only do it every once in a while though

lol what a pleb
get on my level, i woof down at least 4 and a half in one sitting
i bet you lift as well
pringlets BTFO

Weak. I used to buy 4 cans of salt and vinegar at a time

Once you pop, you can't stop!

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literally came to right this, tak

I ate a kilo of grapes yesterday, because they were there. This is literally mental illness.


I mixed an entire jar of peanut butter with an entire bottle of corn syrup, stirred in several cups of oatmeal and ate the resulting paste sandwiched between milk chocolate bars. I had a family size bag of lays original on the side, for the salty+sweet thing. It was over 10k calories.

I've also eaten an entire devils food cake covered in buttercream. It was a Bravetart recipe, I don't know the calories. But there were 3 lbs of butter in the recipe, between the cake and the frosting.

I am like the food equivalent of a real crack fiend. But I don't do it often. I'm 195 lbs at 6'3''. Most of the time I get diarrhea right away

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Pringles aren't potatoes they're made from a potato substitute with bread.
Read the can, you ate 3 cans of fried bread you pig.

42% potato

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1) why the fuck are you even buying junk food faggot?

2) why are you robbing your moms groceries faggot?

3) why are you going to the store and eating shit off the shelves without paying faggot?

4) why are you letting your wife's bf buy you junk food faggot?


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Don't waste your energy

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Nice try, buddy. I work at a pringles factory and i ate them off the conveyor.

>pringles factory

Nice try
b8 is obvious

Next time, buy carrots instead of Pringles cans.

Not gonna lie user, almost threw up reading that