Gym bully

Just minding my business on the stairmaster today. I did 4 hours of cardio nonstop. This guy walks up the machine next to me and 5 minutes later tells me he's 'been seeing me look around and knows what Im up to' and 'recommends I look the other way'. I literally no idea what this guy is talking about. He's really vague and not talking very loudly. I ask if he's talking about the television which is playing Anderson Cooper on CNN. He just puts his headphones in and keeps using the stairmaster for a few minutes. Then he takes it back out and is like 'Im not being an asshole man but you clearly had no idea what I was talking about okay'.
I just go along with and say 'oh my bad'.
Then he leaves after a few minutes.
If you browse Jow Forums, dude, did you really think I was looking at your buttocks or something? Whats up with that? What sort of disease you have in your head that you look for victimization in seeing homosexual predators where there are none? I'm doing cardio dude!

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Are you really that upset hours later you try to confront him on Jow Forums an anonymous forum? I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about you sound like you're autistic

What in the monkey fuck are you talking about?

Reminds of a time when I was on a cardio machine in golds gym.
>over a dozen empty machines all around me
>doing a 7 min pace, starting my fourth mile
>Fat fuck comes up right next to me and starts walking on the machine
>you know the type, grey hair, LARGE potbelly, wearing shorts and an olive green shirt that hangs off his body like a bag
>dude smells like pee and poop
>after a minute of this horrible stenchmogging I’m forced to leave my station
>mfw didn’t get to finish my fourth mile
>mfw I catch this big Lebowski fuck smirking as I get off

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What the fuck is your problem ask the dude what he was talking about?

As far as he knows he thinks you're a huge bitch now cause you apologized for literally nothing.

i'm mad you made me read this and you weren't a based strokeposter

He was clearly paranoid I wanted to sodomize him.


> be me
>at gym gettin my workout in
> feel like i havent been pushing myslef
> stairmaster is only set a 32 stairs per minute
>decide to ask gentleman next to me what level he's up to
> notice hes furitively checking around him
>fear he may lose balance on his machine if he keeps craning his neck
>mention something to him but anderson cooper is blasting so loud i dont know if he can hear me
>decide its too loud to attempt conversation and put my earbuds in
>guy has a sour look on his face
>realize he may have thought i was talking shit about anderson cooper, who he probably likes
> try to explain that he probably confused what i was trying to say
>he just mumbles something like oh my bad
>wtf is this guy not hearing me but pretending he is?
decide to leave because it's just to awkward
>make sure to get a good look at his ass as i pass by

Then establish your dominance and tell him you'll butt fuck him and rape him in the showers if he talks to you like that again.

Don't be such a fucking bitch for LOOKING SOMEWHERE.

I zone the fuck out during my rests between sets and sometimes I'll straight up stare "through" people. No one says shit.

encounter with an actual scizophrenic

had a good chuckle


No, he was letting you know he was available, but playing hard to get.

Ey yo, it was me. I remember you. Don't do that shit again or I'll beat your ass.

He's just a random bully. They just happen. Solution is to grow a pair and set your boundaries by telling them to fuck off and have means to enforce it if he doesn't comply. Instead you get intimidated and act like a massive cunt first by acting submissive to him and then coming here and spilling your passive aggression around. Maybe 4 hours of fucking cardio are not the best use of your time, maybe some serious lifting and learning how to fight would equip you with better mindset for situations like this one in the future. Just a thought...

I deadlift 450

>4 hours of cardio
The fuck?

3 hours stairmasters (1400 kcals)
1 hour walking (270 kcals)
30 minutes weights (all natty so low weight)

Is no one going to comment on the four fucking hours of non stop cardio?

Well, congratulations. Why didn't you just tell him to fuck off then?

> 4 hours
> 4 miles

This has to be bait

I had no idea what this roid monkey was doing trying to tell me where to look while I do my boring 4 hour cardio.

Well - cutting out all unnecessary intellectualizations - a guy comes up to you and talks shit and you just don't know what to do, right?

Yeah. I guess I should have just stopped and asked him what his problem was. He's not the boss of the gym.

What the fuck why

Not precisely, but close. When you confront someone always leave them a way out. Most people will take it. Asking "what your problem is" leads to straight on escalation (unless you manage to intimidate him). A better way would be "dunno what you're on about so either be more clear or this conversation is over because I'm busy here as you can see" or something to that tune. Assertive without unnecessary aggression.

Had a situation similar to this.
>Be me at gym benching for strength.
>On my second set about to finish last two reps
>When I suddenly see some dude walking towards me
>He's carrying a huge fucking duffel bag
>Short fat bald headed dude with glasses and a patchy beard.
>His face is beet red as if he has high blood pressure and he drank a liter of Dr pepper
>He kicks me in the shin
>I rack the bar and shoot up to my feet
>He tells me "Out Bro! I got stuff to do"
>He backs up while he puts his hands on his hips.
>I grab his duffel bag and I throw it on top of the power cage.
>He loses it and starts to get in my face
>His nose is literally one inch away from mine
>Mfw he is fucking tip toeing just to get in my face
>I tell him "Get out of my face man. I don't play none of that gay shit"
>Black Boomer loses his shit and nearly spits out his water next to the leg press machine
>Highschool kids start laughing at him
>Gym Chad appears and pushes us away from each other.
>Manlet baldy has to use the deadlift bar to push his bag off of the power rack.
>He leaves while chugging a bottle of water and he throws the bottle at some blonde milf on the treadmill.
>Angry dickhead is banned from the gym

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You can't get "bullied" as an adult

Ill bully you with my dick in a second

d-did you do 4 hours of cardio on a stairmaster nonstop?


Based and quite possibly redpilled

Why not

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Just tell him 'don't test me'.

Join the zero gains twink club

That was me faggot, nice how you can talk it up on here but when i was next to you you shut your fucking mouth. Yes, you were staring at me you dumb pile of thrash, do it again the next time i see you i'll throw a dumbbell at your fucking head.


You cant quit me, Jeff

What are you even talking about dude?