Imagine being a carcuck
Imagine being a carcuck
Lycra faggots get the rope first
imagine being such a flaming faggot you think bikes are better than cars
yall are ballerina niggas on bikes
sweaty palm soft hand niggas
put some real shit on
I'm waiting for the all electric fully autonomous car revolution.
Spinning circles around you cagers
Ayy nuff knows what’s up these crackaas been SLAWIINN
>not driving your own train
skin tight clothing is for gays and women
Who even is that faggot?
*gets run over*
yeah dude bikes are superior lmao
*gets in a fender bender and is crippled for life*
yeah dude cars are superior lmao
>dental student
>have to haul heavy carts with materials around to my school 15 km away (no college living quarters in my country)
>public transport is shit
I’d love to bike more often but >tfwnobike because it was stolen and no money for another one because >tfwdentalschool
At least my shitbox is comfy and not that gas thirsty
bike = free weight
car = machine
im already wagecuck, might as well be carcuck, fuaaark
>tfw can't go to the gym tonight due to my car battery dying out of nowhere
just run them over, cycling cia nigger, just run them over. in 1990 i rammed a cycling cia nigger off the road
I don't care if you got trips you watch your mouth.
The true patrician source of transportation is walking. There's not a more natural movement for humans to do than to walk. Wheel cucks need to fuck off
>inb4 complaining that it's too slow
than just run lmao
you drive a plastic car?
Absolutely fucking based
your spine and brain can become absolutely cucked by even a small accident in your death machine
Absolutely fucking based!
Laughing at all these americans who are so dependent on their cars
I actually prefer walking but I guess there can be a problem with distances.
When in traffic, slow your roll.
>Get Back blasts from the stereo
why do you live in a nigger country with no winter
>he lives in a country so poor, so absolutely impoverished, that they just recently put together an internet connection
>hasn't found the wiki page for "winter tires" yet
Oh man, I hadn't even thought of that.
Supposedly the polar vortexing is just gonna get worse as solar activity driven climate change progresses, and I wonder how much it'd suck to cycle to work in -15 weather.
Truly the car has preemptively saved us once again from the ravages of an uncaring world.
Nigger-tier behaviour. Slow your roll.
Cycling below freezing isn`t as bad as you think, you just need to know how to dress properly.
I dont get it
Yes, inferior beings are often prone to fits of autistic rage
In the city, it's amazing how superior biking is, unless if you're carrying something heavy. I really wish cars were just prohibited downtown. Only a tram and engineless vehicles.