
>Blue eyes
>Beautiful hair
So fucking cloze

Attached: 1536602666065.jpg (960x960, 73K)

you count as an aryan

Good trap material you might as well transition into the girl you should be, how long is your boiclitty?

height is only a looks multiplier, you SHOULD be wearing thick soled shoes *air force 1's* and height frauding as 6ft ALWAYS.

You must have a bad face. Enjoy the blackpill though.

No shit. I know that. Height wouldn't have changed that. I'm saying I was just a couple inches off from being perfect.

The same height as Hitler

Hitler would fuck you gucci

Bitch fucking same but 5'7 you fuckin nigger

>Blue eyes
>beautiful dark blonde hair
better luck next time man

Same but 5'4. I managed to get a gf user, you don't have the height excuse.

you will have beautiful half asian children

Exactly the same user
Try looksmaxing with haircare, skincare, better clothes, and working out

Also this

>blue eyed
>broad shoulders
>"Warrior skull"/heavy brow + angular head
>all of it ruined by extreme facial asymmetries

Attached: 1545575482989.png (464x452, 187K)

>blonde hair
>blue eyes
>480 lbs

dusty rhodes?

lazy twat just stop shovelling goy feed into your mouth and become chad
Ive no pity for fatties - their problem is self inflicted
>m-muh mental helf
we all fucked in the brain nigga

hey no bully pls

Attached: 1469226744479.png (205x246, 7K)

What are you gonna do,sit on him? Haha fat ass get bent.

>6 feet
>green eyes
>big curly blonde hair (big curls, not noodle hair)
>average face
I just got a fucked personality.. I can't make people stay

Attached: sad.gif (600x502, 37K)

>Blue eyes
>Blond hair

Still a kissless virgin

My dad's 5'9" and he's a Chad. I remember the night before his wedding when we went through the McDonald's drive through and he asked for sex then he and his buddies were all laughing about how he fucked the neighbor. I guess the latter explains why she was divorced all of a sudden.

must be your personality then user

>200 lbs
>blue eyes
>well built, wide shoulders, straight legs
>pretty but masculine face, good jaw, straight forehead
>can grow facial hair just fine
>still miserable, depressed and lonely

Jesus, how bad did you fuck up to end up on this board with those genes?