Death and suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to death and suicide go here

Death and suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to death and suicide go here.

Imagine just letting go from that height. You wouldn't even hear the impact.

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And for a few moments you'll feel like your flying

That's pretty fucking scary desu but if you're gonna go out you may as well do it in style.

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what kind of insane nigger would jump off that shit

>Death and suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to death and suicide go here.
>Imagine just letting go from that height. You wouldn't even hear the impact.
Here's a better idea

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I tried to kill myself by parking my car in my garage, rigging a .5 foot diameter metal hose to the exhaust pipe into my car and took vallium

Fucking battery died. Now I'm stuck here believing that someone sent me some fucking omen. Or I need to charge my car battery

>that pic
absolute goals. probably would be dead instantly

2019 is the year. I'm gonna do it, robots. I've researched plenty into how to make an exit bag. It's about fucking time.

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Me too. I've been drafting and redrafting my note since I was 19 (22 now)

My depressive/panic episodes are getting worse and I don't think I can take it much longer. I don't think my parents are going to be enough to keep myself around anymore.

Life is meaningless yet I'm in so much pain, it's stupid.

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Sauce? Origanolio de la Rosa Verde

>not posting the chan version of the pic

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>using helium
>not using argon or nitrous oxide

Christmas is the worst time of the year for me. Family that doesn't like me comes over and insults me and judges me even though it's not really possible to be a high social status Chad at a 2nd semester college sophomore

>republican step dad can't be okay with the fact I'm gay
>squatting with 4 other people, 2 of them stoners, 1 a sex offender and the other is a low spectrum autist but functions normally
>super liberal professor who fails every white person in her maths class and the school can't do shit.
>make min wage at pizza shop, barely enough money to afford cigarettes and food
>2 months late on rent

Family is sitting in neckbeard apartment shared by 4 other retards and me and all they can do is insult me and where I live.

Boyfriend wanted to come over for Christmas. He's really the only one who understands me at this point and I can't be happy because if my dad even thinks about me having a boyfriend he'll disown me.

If anybody has any right to kill themselves it's me. Bf is only thing keeping me going. Being able to sleep in his arms is enough motivation to be alive but my life is coming down anons

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Mind sharing how exactly? And why you feel like 2019 is the year?

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id use helium and blow up a shit ton of balloons everywhere first with a second tank

>fill room with balloons
>kill on bed
>people have to dig through balloons to find your corpse

I see no problem here

>1 a sex offender
Have you gotten any surprise buttsecks yet? Also checked

Holy fucking shit I got quads. That's the coolest thing to happen to me this week.
Thx for telling me.

No, no buttsecks. He had loli hentai on his hard drive and someone thought it was actual child porn. He's not actually a pedo. I scoured his computer when he was in court. He's just really really really into hentai. None of us care.

Just going elsewhere on christmas eve when you have to be there has a surprisingly big effect

I could go to my boyfriend's house but my parents know that these 4 bastards are the only friends I have and dad would shit his pants

Go to a bar and book a hotel, go somewhere nobody expects you for a few days

I'll try to stage a meet up with my bf. Parents left for a hotel. Gonna go get drinks with him. Thanks user for making me feel courageous enough.

I've always wondered how often people jump off famous buildings.