Post results and a description of what you did today

Post results and a description of what you did today.

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my score was 27 rly didnt think i was gonna be a autist XD

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Do the other part

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I did this a few months ago, got 39-41 on the times I took it and got officially diagnosed in October.

if anyone has any questions about if they might be unironically autistic, or the process to getting diagnosed, i'll check the thread for a bit.

yeah the thing am so autistic i cant talk to my family or anyone else let alone a therapist

I wouldn't mind reading your story if you want to share it.

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I got a 42 out of 50.
Today I woke up, made coffee and eggiwegs and toast for breakfast and then went to work.
I work in a grocery store because I am a failure. I spent my shift packing out products. I try to be nice and help people when they ask me questions but for some reason they react to me with disgust. Except spics, I fucking hate them and am a passive aggressive asshole to them on purpose. I try to be nice to my coworkers but they don't seem to like me either.
Then I left work and started driving home. Some asshole was tailgating me so I drove slowly, then he illegally passed me but we were about 50 feet from a red light anyway. The single lane split into two and he was in the left, so I gave him the finger and turned right, and I really hope he saw but I wish I did something worse, like roll down my window and scream obscenities at him
I fucking hate the human race. I fucking hate people. I just want to be alone.

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I meant the description of your day user

The story of how I got diagnosed?
I was always different growing up and never really fit in with other kids my age. I would always want to play my vidya or be alone, but it was always put down to me being a loner or just a bit shy and odd.
Fast forward to my late teens and I had a feeling I may be on the Spectrum , due to researching it and making some autistic friends. I'm not having any problems majorly, I am enrolled in uni and can play vidya when not in class, so I leave it.
Leave it another few years, early 20s, and I am about to graduate. I decide to revisit the idea in February and then again in June. I did a lot of research into it, alongside talking to autistic people and doing quizzes like this. I went to my doctor, got referred and diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (Aspergers, really, but they dont diagnose this anymore).

Seems like a shitty day to me. Is everyday shitty for you?

nothing rly exciting happend

woke up starved as hell was trying to make some nuggets for dinner and breakfest while making nuggets burned my hand fucking ouched oh and i made fries and i watched the whole day dexter the guy who kill bad guys nothing interesting rly

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Went to work after being sick and interrogated some of the people there about what other people said about me while I was gone. I refuse to be disrespected.

Wheh you were younger did you perfer older company or anything like that?

Most days yes. I know I'm just a miserable person but I believe the source is because I just don't fit in with people, I don't know how to function in this society and don't know how to cope. I just can't deal with people and their expectations. I am clearly not a social person and therefore I do not meet their expectations, so they shit on me.
This never used to really bother me because I'd be preoccupied in my own little world in my mind but lately peoples asshole attitudes seem to have increased tenfold and I'm at a breaking point. Or maybe I've just grown more self-aware lately.

Yes, most definitely. Mostly as it allowed me to just sit there and play Pokemon or whatever, but I would have taken being the only kid in a group of adults over being in a group of other kids.

Dexter is a great show

woke up at 10pm so nothing except watch youtube videos

Did anyone say anything about you?

yeah imagien that and times it by 10 thats me for you know living in a 3rd world country is hard especial if you autist

yeah the only thing rly making me get excited about my day cuz am bored out of my mind vidya is so boring to me now the only joy i got is dexter

People can be assholes, I've dealt with some of your problems myself but you seem to have it worse because I'm indifferent to it. Maybe you need an new environment or just need a break for while.

I'm a little confused about the "stimming" and "special interests" aspects of the disorder, could you go into detail about that? I think I have those charecteristics of it, but I'm not sure.

fucking shit i always get around 39 too in every test

Yeah. They refuse to say it to my face, but now I know.

Stimming is repetitive body movements which help you. It can be leg shaking, spinning, rocking back and forth. Usually done when someone is over-stimulated. I tend to chew things and shake my leg. If in public I can sway from side to side if things are too much.
Special interests are just that, something you are interested in that takes up a lot of your time. For some it's weird things like trains. Mine is Vidya. You tend to get annoyed if you can't pursue these

>tfw scored 17

maybe there's hope for me after all

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Mostly laid in bed watching a 15 hour run of SMT Nocturne. Turned down an invite to go see the Spiderverse for a friend's birthday.

25/50 Literally on the edge. Don't know how I feel about it, honestly.
I'm at family's for the holiday, so I mostly just spend time on my laptop in my room because why would I want to talk to people. Turned down offers to go places and watched the new Sabrina series on Netflix. It's alright.

I guess I'm just socially retarded then. Honestly I feel a little worse that if I was autistic.

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I guess I'm just socially retarded then. Honestly I feel a little worse that if I was autistic

About my day. I spent it playing Dead Cells and looking for places to live when I move for a job coming new year. I'm really anxious about it.

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I got the same score man

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Scored 33
I don't think I'm autistic, just socially inept. Back then I would've probably scored over 40 but I've slowly been getting better at social situations.

Forgot to describe what I did today.
I'm a student on winter break and live with my parents. Also my grandparents are here for a visit and we keep getting lots of guests coming to see them.
I woke up around 10 am. First thing I always do is grab my phone so I don't fall asleep again, but I was too unaware to remember what I at have done during the first minutes I was awake, let alone remembering what time it was. So I stayed in bed until around 12 because I didn't want to see anyone (My grandparents always want me to greet them in the morning but I never liked doing that). Finally got out because I had to go to the bathroom. I washed my face as per usual because I can't fucking stand the feeling of a greasy forehead. Then I got back to my room after having to greet my grandparents and having eaten breakfast. I played GTAO for a couple hours until it was time for lunch. After lunch I kept playing, but my dad asked me to run an errand, so I finished what I was doing and went out. Got back and kept playing. My brother and mom went out to buy cases and screen protectors for our phones and when they got back I mqde sure to place the glass impeccably because it angers me when it's not perfectly placed. Had a quesadilla at around 9 and kept playing looking for an empty server to play more peacefully, without all of the fucking manchildren. Should've gone to bed though because I just overheard a two hour long argument among my dad, uncle, aunt, and grandfather. Family issues. Got me thinking how I was absolutely unphased by it despite its intensity and made me wonder why he fuck everything I feel is so toned down.
So now I'm here.

> Score of 18
I'm unemployed and poor, just playing some Quake and did shopping yesterday.

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Scored 34 out of 50.
Went to church, ate lunch w/ mom and grandma, came home, played vidya until now.

20 out of 50

Today I postponed waking up until 6am (it's 7:33am now) and took a shower then got ready for work

I only gotta work half the day today since its the 24th. After getting home from work I plan to spend the rest of the day chatting with camwhores on mfc and browsing Jow Forums

Humans lifes are interesting

Did he use a Rough Rider to an hero?

36/50 which is apparently in the range of significant autistic traits. Today I woke up at 2pm, got out of bed 2 hours later and lifted my little dumbell in the dark until my scrawny arms couldn't take it anymore, ate 2 peanut butter and jelly sammiches, took my first shower in 3 or 4 days, then sat around at my computer and talked to my e-gf up til this point.

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I just woke up but have not bothered to get out of bed, its warm. I think I am going to hug my pillow some more.

Imagine killing urself over Bjork.

Why spics specifically? Are you also a spic?

Sleep, watch king of the hill and play payday until 2 am.

29 out of 50, and I probably fudged some of the social answers a little in the "social" direction.

Today, I did very little except hung out on my phone and played online of course. Did go to a Xmas party tonight but spent pretty much the whole time talking to one other person I already know. Spent the rest of the time eating lots of food and being irritated any time somebody needed to get past me or wouldn't get out of my way when I needed to get past them.

Pic related but it's not me

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I stayed home and lurked on here, played some vidya (Rimworld) to keep me company. Nothing else.

woke up at 6 pm, made a cup of coffee played a couple games of league, smoked a ciggeratte, eating some chicken nugs rn while playing minecraft



slept from 1 pm (haven't slept the other night) till around 7:30pm yesterday and did absolutely nothing up until now which is 8:50am where I live. gotta love that incel neet life

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i went to church with my mother (do it to make her happy) then home and played vidya for a few hours. went to a neighborhood christmas party later where there was only old people and talked to a vietnam vet for a few hours which was interesting. went home and fell asleep for awhile and now i'm on Jow Forums in the dead of night


Woke up at 12.
Smoked a tobacco pipe.
Showered and did a skin care routine. Drank three cups of coffee, peppermint mocha cream 2 aspartame packets each.
Turn on TedTalks.
Makeup until 2:10, hair and work uniform. Left house at 2:35. Stopped to get a large ice coffee, caramel swirl 1 sugar 1 cream less ice with an espresso shot. Got to work at 3.
Rode the ambulance for about ~10 calls, one cigarette at 6:30.
Left 11.
Went to convienent store spent $14. Went to McDonalds spent $9.
Got home and smoked a tobacco pipe.
Put on comedy show with Bo Burnham.
Ate 2 cheeseburgers, 2 mcchickens, large fry, bottle of salsa con queso, half a bag of Tostitos, two mini-bags of cheez-its (jack pepper/Parmesan), 4 glasses of water.
Threw it all up at 1:15.
Smoked a pipe of tobacco.
Drank two glasses of water.
Went online and posted on forums.
3, made a bag of popcorn and posted here.

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>woke up at 7pm
>talked to my only friend on discord
>about to sleep now

that's all I do, been a NEET for 5 years, been outside about 5 times in those 5 years.

holy fuck dont eat so much

>I am not very good at remembering phone numbers

You mean to tell me it's considered normal for people to remember these tapeworm motherfuckers?

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26. I went Christmas shopping and got some socks. Came home, watched a basketball game, then a movie.
I guess I got a high score due to my increased isolation and hatred of parties.

I have a bmi of 18/19
I just throw it up
I have to be doing something

Only got 20

why am i here

suck it dorks

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25/50. Am i half autistic ?

idk are you?