Been binging FACEandLMS videos and I actually want to kill myself. Like I thought eggy's blackpill video was depressing but this shit is the literal definition of suicide fuel. What the fuck how are we supposed to cope even?
Been binging FACEandLMS videos and I actually want to kill myself...
Other urls found in this thread:
lel, all the videos from this channel uses the most 2Ks brit TV stock music ever, lel
It's great music though
Women generally don't care about looks very much. As far as money goes, for most females making enough to support a family and not struggle is more than enough money. Status is a tricky one because it can be defined in many ways because there are thousands of hierarchies you could have status in. Being exceptionally funny compared to most guys is a form of status. Being a a good video game player is a form of status. Being exceptionally well tempered and easy going is a form of status. Being good at sex is a form of status. Intelligence is a form of status. Literally any positive trait you can imagine is part of a potential hierarchy in which excelling could attract a potential mate. Some girls don't care for funny guys. So if you were very funny, you have 0 chance of getting with any girl who has no interests in what you excel at.
That's how courtship works in a nutshell nowadays. As far as face goes just learn about proper mouth posture and build up the jaw muscles by chewing lots of gum and you're pretty much set via not being a chinlet. Pills aren't healthy my guy. Black blue or red. Pills are a way of conceptualizing life into a small box. A box that ignores the big picture of reality. Don't take pills.
Thank you user, I needed that. Honestly.
Stop obsessing over your looks. Go learn jujitsu instead.
this retard didn't even watch the video or watch real life because no (worthwhile) girl is impressed by your gaming status
But yeah, while those vids are absolutely brutal, Ive found them quite liberating after letting it sink in. Sure you lost at a game of luck, but now you can be free knowing that really, it's not your fault. I made the mistake of letting women be the judge of charector, but now that I know the truth I feel better knowing that my value has nothing to do with a lucky number and women can't really make me feel bad if they judge me on that.
Well robots, check this oregano channel too:
>It's great music though
Yes, if you are into generic UK infomercial 10 seconds ong audio loops.
Then work at getting better at something more desirable. People like you, entitled, like the world just owes them something, piss me off. Get up and work and stop waiting for handouts. Be a man, because this mindset you have is that of a boy
So, the only way is to get surgery, I'd guess.
You have the mindset of a quitter and that's why you'll never get a girlfriend. If you were a woman, would you date a mentally weak cry baby?
>video games
Fucking retard
Yeah yeah, go read your books and get really good at Mario kart.
This guy literally walks up to women at bars and says "lets fuck"
I'm fine, Senpai, I'm just not buying your discounted memes tho.
if i see one more of these fucking retarded threads i'm going to lose my shit. the reason you have a shitty jawline is because you've been breathing through your mouth your entire life or you haven't been properly engaging your tongue on your palate. look into mewing and quit shitposting about this retarded nonsense already, please.
I'm not making "memes", I'm trying to give you actual advice so quit deflecting it by making is disingenuous. Seriously, man up for once buddy
Mewing is bullshit. Genetics determine your face and jaw, chad never thinks about tongue posture, nor has he ever. Your mewing is really just straining your face, making you even more autistic looking. I know multiple hockey chads who are constantly mouth breathing but are still slaying
>Getting surgery is quitting
Idiot thats the opposite of quitting, thats last stage lookism.
It's what level I'm on, I've done literally everything else possible to get a gf. Just cut my face open senpai.
This is either bait or you're super bluepilled. If the case is latter it's a yikes from me dawg.
So what are you saying is that getting surgery isn't manning up? I'd bet you piss yourself at the thought of getting an influenza shot and you'd better appease the symptoms by being charming and confident with the virus.
>I thought eggy's blackpill video was depressing
link plxs
It's not. It's just some normalfag stating the obvious when he was never even a robot to start with.
I'm trying to become some type of pseudo monk since I can't get laid. I believe I can be happy without sex or intimate relationships, but I'm also afraid I might burst and regret not trying harder.
Sure I pointed out your shitty personality traits so I must be an antivaxxer. Fuck off you whiny cunt, surgery is literally the lowest you can go, paying a doctor to change the face you were born with, what a dishonor and shame to your own self. My dignity would never be so low
He's probably a baby boomer, having a beer and LARPing that he's giving advice to his son about how to be successful with the "chicks".
There's no way you've done "literally everything"
You're choosing the cop out, don't come crying when you realize you've dug yourself even deeper with surgeries
Personality is a meme you bluepilled brainlet
I've chosen to pay to win
I'm sick of losing the same game over and over just because I got a shitty hand from the start
So you're mad that the previous generation of men were actually men.
i used to look like the left pic in OP's picture. i started mewing for 8 months and now i have more prominent cheekbones, a significantly better jawline, better support under my eyes, etc. chad doesn't think about tongue posture because for most people, they know the proper tongue posture without having it to be taught to them. my mom was a mouth breather, so i naturally picked up on her instinct to mouth breathe and ended up ugly. quit commenting on a subject you know nothing about.
You're a coward, you're lying to yourself and you're not man enough to admit it. This is why even after surgery, after you fuck up your face, after you make yourself look unnatural, you'll still fail.
>There's a way to fix somebody's face but doing it is not having a dignity.
What an Idiot, go kill yourself deluded blue pilled cuck.
You're full of shit and delusional. Simple as that. I know mouthbreathers with huge jaws and cheekbones, see Joe Rogan for
>choosing to pay a shady foreign doctor thousands of dollars to slice open your face and screw in a bunch if silicone
Yeah ok
What's the non cowardly way? Hanging yourself in the basement?
No, you're the deluded coward. You faggots all sit in this circlejerk cesspool, asking for advice yet having an autistic fit whenever the truth looks at you hard
If you aren't a boomer(yikes). Are you actually having sex with a girl nowadays? or just swiping right, hoping for a whiff of pussy while you pay for the date and then come back home alone like all the simps like you.
Women i know will fuck old, balding gross losers if he makes her feel good enough.
nobody asked for your advice, grandpa.
OP just posted a video, go adopt a war orphan or something, look for validation somewhere else, piece of shit.
The noncowardly way is expecting who you are, being comfortable in your own skin and working on yourself to be more desirable and a better overall person, not only for possible mates but for yourself. You dishonor yourself by being so insecure you need to artificially change who you are down to the very physical roots
Please just listen to daddy anons advice, you'll regret it man I'm trying to help you
do you really think they're mouth breathing 24/7? most people keep their mouth open during a conversation or when interacting with other people. when they're not interacting with others, they have their mouth shut. it's literally this simple. do some research, retard.
All of this stuff is true but people will deny it to keep themselves happy.
I don't even see a point in trying to argue with normalfags about this stuff though. Their minds are so little they cannot accept it. They keep playing the rigged game because that's what they're told to do.
>He can't even entertain the thought normal people don't need tinder to get laid
Boy you are out of touch
No, I literally see my close friend, who plays hockey and is a chad, with his mouth hanging open 24/7. Guy is literally slow as fuck, mouth breaths but is still handsome and slays
Toastie detected, when did I say I wanted anything? All I said was I was contempt. The only thing your entitled to is your shitty opinion.
Donating to Twitch thots aren't dates, chief.
>Just accept being alone forever bro
And how would cosmetic surgery changes be any different from career changes? Or working out?
then there's a few possible explanations. one being that he picked up the habit recently and, as it takes years to change your facial structure, is still a chad for the time being, second theory is that he has a good diet full of foods that need to be chewed thoroughly, which would explain good cheekbones, but not necessarily a good jawline; maybe he has correct tongue posture while he sleeps? either way you'll probably see his looks degrade to an extent within the next 5 years if he keeps mouth breathing.
Normalfags don't like it when you cheat your genetics because it gives you a big advantage over them.
I'm having such a good laugh at the concerned blue pilled normie trying to uplift you incel guys. haha.
I'd bet he's totally projecting and trying to fullfill a role, like a big brother, father, cousing, whatever, haha.
Hey there ph4m, you know what? Got some news for you, he'll be a virgin all his life because he's a loser, and by association so you are too, deal with it.
Nice projection buddy, believe or not, getting into a relationship isn't as hard as you pretend it is.
You've completely missed my point, you're a hopeless delusional.
Actually I've known him since elementary school and he's been mouthbreathing since then. Keep pulling excuses out of your ass though basedboy
No, he can do what he wants. I'm trying to give him serious advice but he want's to ignore it because he's a coward, perhaps like yourself, which is why you felt the need to defend himSamefag, keep making up delusions, what ever helps you live yourself
>getting into a relationship isn't as hard as you pretend it is.
Enjoy either your #MeeToo or your divorce rape, simping cucko.
No man I don't play that feminism bullshit, just stop pretending you know how the world works to give yourself reason to be such a coward
Defending who of what? Man you're really so seriously into this haha.
I'm just shitting myself here out of the comedy gold you're putting on the thread.
Keep trying to give your manly dude advice to these imbeciles, I'll be having a good laugh at all this shit.
Alright buddy tell yourself what ever you have too. You're desperate to make me disingenuous as well, I wonder why?
>I'm brave because I'm stupid enough to expect neither a divorce rape nor getting #metooed.
Grandpa, that's because, nobody gives a shit about you, not even the women in your life.
It's very exaggerated, but I mean, is it such a shock that people prefer good looking people? Just do yourself a favor and stop watching that garbage though, it can only bring you down. It's basically propaganda and is not handling the information in a balanced way. The point of the video is for the author to feel sorry for himself, and to convince everyone watching that they're in the same boat, and then have a giant pity party together about how hard they have it. It's worse than useless.
Ok man, say what you have to, but I know what I said is sticking in the back of your mind. Think about a little deeper and maybe you'll get it one day
okay, then explain to me how many people's looks, including my own, have been improved by mewing if it's just bullshit?
You're free to do as you want, bud.
Don't mind me having fun over here.
I know your type, I'd been in dozens of threads like this one, and it's always like this haha, keep saving the world f4m4l4m4.
Needed lies?
I made an image for the deluded normalfags in this thread.
Enjoy spending all effort to court a girl into a relationship when she put out for some superior Male on a whim.
My god you people are so out of touch with reality. No wonder you're seen as an actual threat some of you are deluded to the point it;s actually just insanity, you are literally dangerous. But keep pretending it's your looks that are holding you back
>but I know what I said is sticking in the back of your mind.
I think that's my line, considering the degree of confidence you shown about females being in your life, betabux, I hope you really enjoy being used by them for the whims.
>is it such a shock that people prefer good looking people?
Those woman said all other guys would have to be murderers for them to consider dating a short guy, that's absolute repulsion, not a preference.
Are you this new to roboland?
So your summerchild friends told you recently about this huh?
Man, holiday free time is sure fun.
sorry fren I actually have a handsome face, it's a shame I have the tism too.
This shit makes me want to kill myself. How can you refute any of the information is saying? Like it actually physically hurts knowing that's how society determines your value. Even if your a rich, successful, doctor 10 figure doctor people would still laugh at you for something you have no control over. What the fuck man.
So the normie got a little red-pilled by the sole mention of AWALT and left afraid.
It's the power of the blue pill. oreganolly.
I pity the simps.
satanic triples show the light
I think most normies mean well, they just want people to not give up and succeed, but we're analytical autist who see the 95% chance of failure, not the 5% chance of success, but that's because dating for weirdos like us is a statistical nightmare.
Serious response?
My solution is setting a goal in my life to acquire enough money to go and build an academic commune for forgotten men to live as monks.
It's the only thing that keeps me going.
Simp is not afraid of AWALT for he craves pussy whiff, and tries to give advice about how to fully get into betabuxing simphood. News at 11.
I've been here since 2011 my young friend. Quit acting a like bitch and man up now seriously you guys are fucking ridiculous. Take my advice before you end up like Elliot Rodgers, your ideology of gender relations and dating is deluded and you're a narcissistic prick just like he was
Dude, I'm not putting a gun in my head even if the chances are as low as %5.
And that 5% of probable shitstorm is even at chad mode, robots are way fucked than that about the odds.
Where are you getting the premise that I "betabux?" Me and my wife both work, I may work a little but she raises my children and is the strongest woman I've ever met in my life, relationships don't work how you're deluded mind thinks they do
>Being this contrarian
So I'd guess you give this much advice to incels, because of reasons? Fuck of concerned troll with obvious XX chromosomes.
She has cheated on you, even if in her mind, you're a simp, and your daughters are whores too. Go read some statistics, cuck.
As an above average looking guy who has fucked plenty of (mostly average) women, no matter how pretty or ugly they are, in the intimacy of a bedroom they will all tell me about how ugly xyz "actually tried" to get with them, or about how repulsed they are when ugly guys look at them etc. I can't even hate them because I know any one of us would behave the same way if we were them.
The thing is, your value to women is only one way to frame your overall value. Some of my ugliest friends who are knowledgeable and trustworthy deserve way more of my time and mental attention than any girl I've ever met. Lacking physical intimacy sucks due to our biological drive towards it but there's so much more to existence that supersedes basic instincts like sex. You can make your life whole through the sum of other parts. Even if you're not good at friendships you can get a fucking cat and it will love you more than any girl loves chad.
The pleasure of certain drugs far exceeds any "I love you" while cumming inside level of pleasure. The platonic closeness you can develop with your brethren can go far beyond that of cuddling a chick in bed. The positive effects on your family friends and communities that you can shape with your own hands can satisfy you far beyond a loving smile returned by your crush. In the end it's important to accept the world as it is, but being 'red-pilled' is just knowing facts; it's not a directive on how to live your life and what you can amount to. Don't let yourself down with negativity.
You realize that women earn money these days too right? How is it betabuxing if you gf makes the same money you do? You idiots have a buzzword for everything. Not only that but it's much cheaper to live with a gf who pays for half the rent, than it is to live by yourself. If you find a good one it seems objectively better. Of course there are risks, but everything has risks. Being completely isolated for decades has its own risks as well, like loss of motivation, depression, stress, and eventually suicide. I've heard all your redpill/incel bs before and I don't believe any of it anymore.
>I may work a little but she raises my children
HAHAHA, what a duped fool, you're the joke here.
I'm in the thread this very moment, so why wouldn't I continue to try to change your mind before you massacre innocent people? You'll literally say anything to continue your self delusions and you and I both know it. I think I'm seeing you fucks are not going to change because you don't want to change yourself, so before you try to act like you know what the fuck you're talking about maybe listen to an old user who's been alive a lot longer and has been through some shit and gained some wisdom. Until you wanna act like an adult, I'm done trying
>Of course there are risks, but everything has risks. Being completely isolated for decades has its own risks as well, like loss of motivation, depression, stress, and eventually suicide. I've heard all your redpill/incel bs before and I don't believe any of it anymore.
A little more* I mistyped. I go out of town to work for weeks at a time, I cheated and she still sticks it out for our children, meanwhile I'm the fucking idiot. I leave my kids for so long sometime's that my son looks and sounds completely different when I get home but she still has the family running and she does it all by herself. You have no right to disrespect anyone, let alone an entire gender just because you're a little asshole
>so why wouldn't I continue to try to change your mind before you massacre innocent people
You are the only one that had mentioned that kind of violence, idiot. Nobody but you had mentioned that. You're just prejudiced as fuck.
Yeah as unfair dating and sexual selection is, its not like you need to be attractive to woman to be happy. You have to accept that its just one of those things you're not gifted enough to excel at, like how Rock Lee focused on hand to hand fighting to compensate for not being able to do gay ninja magic. We suck at being attractive to woman, whatever, learn to play the piano or something.
LOL, this idiot's life, and he think's I'm a little asshole for laughing at his cucked betabux existence.
No, I said that because I see how some anons are acting here. It may not be you personally, I can't tell who's who exactly because obviously we're all anonymous here. If you feel personally offended by this though, there might be some deep underlining cause
You're hopeless kid
99 problems but a cheating wife and ungrateful kids ain't ones.
You're not fooling anyone with this samefaggotry, in fact you're making yourself look worse
>being this condescendent and still feel good with himself
You're an hypocrite idiot piece of shit npc who's only posting in this thread for self-righteous normie points.
I hope your wife will cheat on you again, rape divorce you, and that your stranded kids will put you in a nursing home, because it seems like you are already suffering from dementia, oji-san.
Oh, you thought I was referencing you?
I guess why? It had to be because of something? Makes you think.
There is no such thing as an "NPC" fuck off with your incel buzzwords you pathetic fucking rat. You'll never make it in the real world you weak little twat, people like you is the reason society is the way it is, you have no one to blame but YOURSELF. MAN UP FAGGOT
No it's because you've been throwing the same insult throughout the whole thread. You don't think a whole lot, do you kid?
Women are effectively demons
>No, I said that because I see how some anons are acting here
You are being prejudiced telling we are going to kill somebody, you're a low life piece of shit amateur armchair "samaritan".
>there might be some deep underlining cause
Yes, that you're playing games and trying to ridicule people here, and blame them for violence that only exists in your mind. Go hit your wife and kids or something, or cheat on her again, low-energy wage-slave troll.
Cheating wife and ungrateful kids are insults? You are the one that's not really thinking that much, and it shows all over the thread.
I wasn't even referencing you, but well. I think I have to start insulting you for real then.
So now you're that much angry.exe
Can I take the blame for that? lol
Haha, what a waste of atoms you are.