30+ Thread

What's your New Year's Resolution for 2019?

I think I'm gonna finally get the balls to end it.

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No one eh? And of course this post is unoriginal.

Getting high enough to forget my oneitis and her happy life. See you in the drunk tank, guys

30+ always much slower than 25+. And pretty much none existent compared to "imma incel xdxdxd" and "muh thots" threads.
As for resolution, i have none. Just gonna keep existing.

Everybody here is 15. Sorry old man

To finally get my apartment in order. Clean things up and then call a professional cleaning company.

To study more German so I can finally be fluent in it.

To get a gf, get married, and have a kid. I'm getting old and losing hope.

Because you make threads 30+ instead of 25, alienating a huge chunk of users in the process.

your threads are dying for a reason.

What are you going to do to get a gf? Just hope one magically appears?

It's a rolling timeframe. What would be the point of keeping it 25+? The 25+ thread has been going for a few years now and if the zoomers haven't learnt anything from those and then pop up saying they've turned 25, they got no sympathy from me.

Yeah, except you made 30+ specifically because you turned 30, not for a "rolling timeframe".

Technically speaking, if you kept adjusting the threads every couple years you'ld end up with fewer and fewer people actually contributing considering most people stop using this website once they reach a certain age.

>every couple years you'd end up with fewer and fewer people

I know, but watching similar posts of
>just turned 25
after the thread had been running for a number was fucking annoying, just watching people who should've learnt from the threads come here and complain that life sucks while having more opportunities than us. I swear to god if I had the chance to even be 23, I'd go out and make an ass of myself trying to socialise and move up the career ladder whether or not, I succeeded or failed.

Why are you so asspained about it?
The whole reason we started doing 30+ threads is because in the 25+ threads you'd constantly get posts like this
>hurrr duurrr just turned 20 not quite 25 yet guys uhhh redpill me does it get worse??

What are you talking about alienated rofl. The threads are 9 times out of 10, have for a few years now just been a few discord normies circle jerking a running conversation they've been having because they are too lazy to log in to any of their social media accounts and don't want to leave autofill password on so their girlfriend/wife/boyfriend/husband doesn't read their message logs, with a couple I'm not 25 yet but I'm an old soul and "to intelligent" for people my own age posts peppered in.

>I'm not 25 yet but I'm an old soul and "too intelligent" for people my own age
I always wonder what possesses someone of legal drinking age to associate themselves with desperate people who hanging onto life by a thread (pun somewhat intended).

get a job
improve my grades
get a bf/gf

I'm gonna finally lose the weight, get a job, move out of my parents place, get a gf, and have sex. 2019 is gonna be my year.

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I'm a 21 virgin dropout loser. Is there anything I can do to avoid posting in this thread when I'm 30?

Im not sure how you got that from my posts.
Why are so defensive you fucking autist

Enroll, work and socialize.

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>get a bf/gf
You know like fucking a dude and having a bf is two different things right as a "straight" man right?

This 110%
Good luck to you man
Just know there is another user out there in pretty much the same boat as you

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Is it advisable, hell is it even possible to meet women off of /soc/? Of the few women that are there I swear a lot of them are insta-models of good-looking, like there's some sort of power creep with each generation of anons.

NO! The ones who don't have dicks usually have a big black man hiding in the bathroom of the hotel room waiting to beat and rob you.

Funnily enough I'm probably not even good enough for the ones with dicks.

lol you know you won't, how the hell would get all that if you're really +30 without it in the first place? I know I damn won't just like this dying year.

26 KHV I'm getting bored as f of this shit, any tips anons?

Go for it but be careful. Many girls there are attractive but also have mental issues.

just turned 40 last week

should i kill myself?

almost 34 here, if you made it up until 40, why not last a little longer after all. just do like my uncle did, threw himself off a fucking cliff at 54.

just turned 40

should i kill myself?

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oops forgot pic

>almost 34 here, if you made it up until 40, why not last a little longer after all. just do like my uncle did, threw himself off a fucking cliff at 54.
I actually feel pretty good, I can still run and lift weights. I don't 'feel' old yet.

maybe ill give it awhile, I still have too many lines on my face to pick up any girl under 30 though

so what is really the point?

Do you have a reason to?

I guess you have some money (I don't even have that being +30). If I were you I'd just spend it on whores, just like I did in my 20s.

typical sad shit
>lose weight/go to gym
>find a better job.

>wanting to learn German
why user?
Deutschland wird bald sowieso untergehen.

I'm trying to find the will to stick around myself.

I recently lost someone to suicide.
I was too busy wallowing in my own childish ideas of depression, that I was ignoring the only person I ever really cared about.
Now the irony is, I do nothing but wallow in depression.

From 2011 to 2017 I lost:
_My father to cancer
_Then my uncle (suicide)
_Then my dog
_Then my grandmother (last grandparent)

What a decade... Once my mother goes...

>I guess you have some money (I don't even have that being +30). If I were you I'd just spend it on whores, just like I did in my 20s.
been on seeking arrangements lately looking for college teens

Why not? Who cares about what a few basement dwelling virgins think.

Great idea. Have fun.

Well, now that the rest of my family is gone, I'm just waiting for my mom to go, and then I'll be all alone in the world. The last attempt I had at making an online gf/friend/whatever failed miserably because I didn't understand how modern online communication works, so I'm not going to make another one because it's completely pointless to invest everything into a person that doesn't give a shit about you, especially if you have to pretend that you don't give a shit about them for it to work. Since there is no reason to continue with life with zero people to share it with, I'll make 2019 the year of settling my affairs.

>I'm just waiting for my mom to go,
I'm thinking about it everyday, every hour, like I want to prepare myself for it, accept the idea (since I already lost my father), but I don't think it'll do anything once it happens. That's when you kind of understand normies, if you have become a dad yourself, at least you can't quit.