Incels are basically goblins

Incels are basically goblins.
And the only good goblin is....

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I understand you don't like people based on curcumstances they can't change but can you at least keep your ugly thoughts to yourself or at least go back to Facebook you fucking cock polisher.

americans are basically goblins

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>we should kill people just because they aren't getting laid
>I should post pics of me donating to suicide prevention programs

Have you tried not being an incel???

cull all incel goblinos

What is a circumstance you can't change and why does it make you an incel?

The only good incels are the ones who never come out of their stinking basements.

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i can't wait until this word gets retired holy shit the way normies use it

>dont go outside? incel
>only like 2d girls? incel
>come from reddit? incel
>come from Jow Forums? incel
>dont respect women? incel
>dont respect minorities? incel

It's not the fact that they misuse incel that pisses me off. It's the fact that they aren't robots
fucking normie sheep

you're on this board so if they direct it at you, chances are they are using it properly

>be a winny bitch
Stfu incel

Blake incels. They started identifying themselves as such and have tried to expand the definition. You even see incels trying to equate virgin male with being an incel.

None of those are wrong. Also my Goblins better.

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Goblins are the ones doing raping and pillaging, goblins are the normies.

Low energy bait thread

Tyrones and Abduls

Maybe if your ilk didn't antagonize us all the time the violence would stop

Also goblins are pretty chill

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If we didn't keep calling terrorists evil and violent, they would stop being evil and violent. Right?

When reddit sends their goblins, they're not sending you their best.
They're sending goblins who cause all kinds of trouble.
They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're bringing rapists. And some, I assume, are good goblins.

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>normies get repulsed by the gore of that show
>normies just brush literal brown people beheading innocent white girls head off and almost definitely raping them.
>brown people behead and rape woman
no, you're right it's the incels that are goblins.

Incels were reposting the gore videos of those girls getting killed and praising the terrorists and calling for more roasties to be brutally killed. But of course incels are the good guys.

>If we didn't keep calling terrorists evil and violent, they would stop being evil and violent. Right?
That's not even close to the entirety of what you interventionist kikes do to antagonize terrorists.

That's because roasties are daemonettes, and they must be slaughtered for the glory of the imperium of MAN.

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