The future looks bright, how will women recover from this?
Dolls can't give you real love and affection unless you're delusional.
>dolls can't
>women won't
I fully support your decision to prefer these lovedolls
Take the /clonepill/ user, there is plenty of research on the subject online. just sample a human eggcell and the Cell nucleus of your oneitis and Incubate this Cell in order to grow into a fully fledged human.
>doll's can't yet
>women't won't ever
still an upward trajectory
Neither can most women really.
It should help balance out what has become the most imbalanced economic catastrophe in moden history.
Can't wait to get rid of my lust for roasties and see them lose their power over men
Not to unfuckable incels, true..
not from men who arent losers. lets be honest, every normie guy ive asked about this has said it wouldnt replace the women they can get (but that most would like to try them)
so nobody is really losing out here. Women don't want the sort of guy who will be fulfilled by a sex doll
>Take the /clonepill/ user, there is plenty of research on the subject online. just sample a human eggcell and the Cell nucleus of your oneitis and Incubate this Cell in order to grow into a fully fledged human.
Remember to wait at least 14 years (18 in some places). Also, if you're their legal guardian you can't put your dick in anyway.
this tbqh famalam
truly very original
You can either pretend that a woman loves you and is giving you real love when in fact she is just a typical self centered roast, or you can pretend that an unfeeling inanimate object loves you. Honestly, it seems that the doll is the winning choice since it will never give you any indication that it hates you or does not love you.
reminder not to buy a doll if you live in commiestralia
i'm on the verge of truck of peace
cloning humans is illegal regardless so you have to keep her past hidden
I know, maybe it will make they less insufferable. Still gonna pump and dump till I die tho. Fuck em
Yeah being a triggered female won't get you anywhere around here. We don't care about you and we don't care about what you think. No one does really, but some betas still think it's the way into your pants. - enjoy it while it lasts little buddy.
bad luck my dude
The kind of man who is delusional enough to think that fucking a doll is the same or better than having an actual relationship with a person who can love you and give you children is not the kind of man I want to date anyway.
lol you think only a female could have that opinion? its just the cold hard truth, like it or not.
>with accessories
What kind of accessories user?
>an actual relationship with a person who can love you and give you children
Most women can't do this either you stupid fuck.
Most women are emotionally, as useful as, and mentally on the same level as a bunch of pieces of plastic.
>Most women can't do this either
Maybe not for you personally, but women can definitely feel love. I have plenty of examples in my family and I feel deep love myself.
People say this and yet try to stop progress on this front at every opportunity. If you really didn't care you wouldn't comment. If you hated them you would support research into this so you never have to deal with them again.
not her but literally who is trying to stop this apart from some crazy outspoken feminazi types. You get that with everything. The average women couldn't give less of a shit about what some lonely virgins do to feel companionship
Once technology makes women obsolete, women need to be put in fucking death camps.
>People say this and yet try to stop progress on this front at every opportunity.
I honestly don't give a shit, you can do whatever you want and buy all the dolls you want.
>If you hated them you would support research into this so you never have to deal with them again.
I don't hate them. I already don't deal with them. I don't see why I should support research on this when I don't care.
none as far as i'm aware i guess the built in fuck hole counts as accessories
So you admit that some people are unfuckable and need sexdolls??? I can't tell if you're against them or not.
All we need is artificial wombs. Ideally the perfect scenario would be
>artificial wombs
>sex dolls
>sex bots
>traps and shemales
and men would be set for eternity. Women like to pretend they don't need men but when it comes down to it we have a lot of options. We don't need them.
i want to impregnate another human being and start a family with that human being that i impregnated
You can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need.
>Drive to customs office
>"What can I do for you sir?"
>"Uh yeah I had a p-package and g-got this notice"
>"What's your package number?"
>"Ok let me che- oh..."
Can you do that? I hope anons creepy sex doll isn't lost forever, they're a lot of money.
To get love from a woman you need:
>be emotionally unavailable
>do not invest more into the feels than she does
>be stoic
>never show weakness
>be good looking and taking care of yourself
>or at least be a good provider
>take the lead, aka do whatever the fuck you want while letting a girl follow you around in your doings
Probably more but, tell me what's the point of getting a woman's love if it's all conditional and on top of that you don't even get to enjoy it as much as you'd want to otherwise her pussy dries up.
That's like promising a harem of hot bitches if they were willing to turn themselves into eunuchs.
What a joke life is.
neither can women hahahahahha
Neither can most real women. At least with a doll, you won't ever have to worry about it getting fat & nagging you
You just made an argument in favor of sex dolls you idiot
Ok, so then why are you even mouthing your opinion? Obviously you had no relation to such a guy before, why are you weighing in on his life choices now? Fuck off to hell, roastie
I wish my mind thought your post was senseless and stupid
How's the cost on them? I know quality was improving, but I'd like them to be cheaper before they start making them womanotronic.
c-could Alexa be put into a sex doll? maybe anime or... horse women?
>Obviously you had no relation to such a guy before, why are you weighing in on his life choices now?
Said him, on a board where 4/5 of the posts are about how women are horrible whores.
For $6500 dollars you can have one just like her!