Tfw there are people who were born attractive, have friends...

>tfw there are people who were born attractive, have friends, a gf/bf and enjoy life while you get to live as an ugly piece of shit and rott in loneliness for the rest of your life

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Life of unfair. Civilization/society tells us we are equal and all have a shot at life but nature is still more powerful. Most male animals dont reproduce and the species is all the better for it, even if the men suffer as a result. We are more like animals than we care to admit. And would you honestly do any good keeping you genetics in the gene pool?

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the guy's face in panel 3 looks like nathan explosion

Also, in that comic Oswald never even talks to that redhead. Yet he expects her to love him. But blonde is charming, spends hours in the gym every day, takes charge of his fashion, career, finances and family and is still fun to be around. Yet he is the bad guy.

I didn't know blonde guy was such a developed character

It's that the kid from the Addam's Family?

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>"Um life is unfair, get over it!"
>"Now Chad, where were we?"

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The acting career barely paid off so he got swole. Go figure.

What the hell is this shit the incel character looks like me.
Where is this from?

What's scarier is that he accurately portrays me more.
Right down to that fucking death glare.

It's scary, and it reminds me to keep losing weight or I'll always look like him.
I don't care for love right now, I just care not to look like that beast.

>just be yourself bro
>just change your looks
>just change your personality

normies have an excuse for everything because they can't admit some people are born down on their luck already.

It's disgusting. You can't be yourself and change shit at the same time.
'yourself' means projecting that image from your brain to your body.

I assume that's what they mean but once you do that, you're not really yourself anymore. You're now just a robot in sheep's clothing hopefully getting some Arby's, because that's what normie women are forever and ever until Russia or some shit takes us over.

what a cucked comic, they made the girl less attractive than the guy for reason to pander to female entitlement

What comic is this from, user?

I can no longer tell if we are being sarcastic now.

>men who can't get 10/10 pussy are worthless!
>you should always defend the weak, helpless, and downtrodden; unless they're white males, in which case you should attack them relentlessly and mock them
The absolute state of modern (((society)))

i see this argument a lot but never really feel like telling you why you're wrong because i know you're being disingenuous. How is females animal like behavior "good for the species"?

I might be wrong but I think the blonde dude was also talking good of The Penguin to the girl before he got killed. It's been ages since I read that particular issue so that might be all wrong.

He's right though. Nobody likes chunky roasties with horn-goggles. That's simply female ego believing they can be a gross piece of shit while demanding 10/10 Aryan thunder god cock

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>there are people who are happy
>I could have been born normal

everytime I think about it it makes me want to kill myself. i just cant believe that there was a chance that I could have gotten friends, a gf and a social circle. I cant believe it.

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But sometimes it makes me wonder. Are we meant to be happy? Do we actually deserve that? I don't I do.

>image search leads me to
damn is correct. the white man is really the most alienated group in the world today.

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the saddest thing is im not even ugly, i'm average but overweight. I tried to lose weight but you lose willpower when you don't have the emotional support you need so i stopped trying.I also don't have female friends because where i'm from, dating does not exist, you have to be friends and turn the friendship into a relationship.

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Blondie tried to help Penguin get with her, but she freaked out because Penguin has been following/creeping her openly. She even says he would have been cute if not for the stalk.

We dont deserve it, but theres nothing we can do about it, its also not unfair. There is no fair or unfair in live, things just happen for no reason. No one deserves to be happy from an evolutionary standpoint, we are just animals. There is no allmighty god who watches over us so that life is fair. if something happens then it happens, just like how Ants get squished for no reason.

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Just be urself worked for me, oddly enough. It ain't perfect, but I got someone who accepts me for who I am.

>unironically going to the beach wearing dark clothing, bringing a black mat and umbrella

why tf you shit if thats how its gonna be than stay inside why bother coming out

Should inferior boys be allowed to reproduce when true men could be having kids? The more men have children, the fewer man babies in the future.

Penguin like most robots demand people change for him. Not the other way around.

based me origanito

>born attractive
Pedophile faggot

For the other bullshit, stop being lazy and you wont be alone. Youre not that special

If you're a man that's not the problem. If your are a girl, I feel sorry for you honestly.

glad it did user but dont know what it even means when normies say that.. not sure if I even have a self of my own.

>you lose willpower when you don't have the emotional support