so it's banned in every board?
lot of people hated this for some reason
but i liked it, it was one of method able to make some 'friend'
So it's banned in every board?
It got really fucking annoying.
they hate it because retards shitpost their invite links to their shitty servers full of underaged ironybros with 100 people in them
it's not an inherently bad program even though it's just zoomer irc #82
If you can make even online friends you aren't a robot. It doesn't belong here anyways.
r9cute killed it. kind of a shame because its just a messaging app.
don't talk to tranny pedos who feed you pink pill memes and you'll be ok
yeah idk why anyone would want to join a chatroom these days
so you get banned if you post discord in any board now?
Lord knows your baby dick wasn't gonna get anything done
Where are you reading this? I don't see where it's banned.
Thank god. Discord is a fucking degenerate mess and is only good if you want to become a blackmailed tranny or deal with huge faggots because you can't make friends irl.
Just because you evaded the spam filter here to shill your shitty 'server' doesn't mean it's banned in every board, retard.
Go to where you belong
Have to agree, it overheats my cpu in matter of minutes and I use linux and block those shit along ads.
I never met anyone interesting there. It's eerie how cookie-cutter online personalities are, or how similar people are to one another. 90% are sad 13-25 year olds with anime girl avatars and the same interests.
Pretty much this. Everyone on it is in highschool and on ssri, benzo, ritalin or is a literally mentally ill homosexual. They vomit up memes, porn, gore so it is like /b/ meets irc.
But unlike on either, here people make their own retarded invisible tribes and all that they do is harass anyone who is an outsider in most cases you werent in from the start of that random server you get treated with scorn, snark, irony no matter what you do.
For you to be granted the invisible true pass on discord you have to be a founding member and play retarded shooter games online with them.
Nobody over 25 or with an actual life has time for it. No one, period.
They are the same type of social rejects so like in no way representative of their generation.
But my hunch says it is for protection to create these avatarish personas. I did the same years ago when I was trolling forums. I made up the characters and stuck to it.
The main trick is to let retards hallucinate shit about you
>you seem like X
then you just
>yes I am how did you know you are so smart
then you tailor it a bit for your real personality so you never fall out of character.
So why was it deleted that dickscord is a potential crypto miner?
Jow Forums isn't for advertising your dumb clubs on.
ye i got b& for many days, like a week or so. faggot mods
100 bucks you've been in /hg/ lol
Dafukk is that? Spent like less than 2 days on discord with 2 separate accounts, both at different distant dates. I just clicked on random invite links here on this board. Stayed on the servers around 200 people for a few hours. A lot of them are dead, like barely 10 people. Then when you do voice chat 4 or 5 motherfuckers will speak at the same time.
Honestly. It's not so bad if you're me
but otherwise it's a rotting, frothing pile of shit on fire and it's literal cancer. I know most of you don't and can't get to interact with that many people, but the interactions I've had and the people i met on there... jesus.
Never again.
All social media is bad robots. Never go on discord (its like literally made for me and i dont use it, that tells you enough)
pic related.
Looks like you are about to smash some boipucci. Plenty of unpassable traps in there.
Lol I know that one, enjoy getting cucked nigga.
Inb4 it is literally Eliza herself.
The way you keep posting this exact same screenshot and humblebrag leads me to believe you have some really deep narcissism issues
enjoy ur boipuss :33
Dude I can post tons of screenshots like that from discord, even some of them literally girls calling me daddy lol just stop
For the social connection and for having real discussion without le like upboat emoji facebook and reddit system?
Maybe it's because a boomer but I'd rather ask myself why wouldn't anyone join a chatroom
You know like benis in vagene is what matters not flirting. I remember the time when I was actively going out and alone since my friends sucked in college. Had drunken makeouts, it rarely turned into sex. Words mean even less than physical contact, especially online. Dont be fooled I did online dating too.
Lol, I literally fucked someone from here so ok
I hate it
every time I join some server, there's noone to talk to, everyone already has friends and I can't fit in
I grew with the internet, I remember dial-up, windows 95, irc, text based email clients. Nothing really changed it attracts the creepy strange people and these days it does it like a fucking black hole.
Normies go on insta post pictures of their life, meet people irl and just keep contact with them in whatsapp or similar. Ultra-normies dont even bother with social media anymore it is literally a faux pass for the cool people to yell at pixels on a fucking screen.
Inb4 4Chad and Brittany Venti.
irc with no firewall is a much more secure alt to discord
i cant even make friends with people on this site let alone a discord full of zoomer fags
lets just make pic related again
inb4 b&
Nobody is looking for friends online but a quick buck, a quick fuck, or a punchbag. Orbiting camwhores and traps on instagram is unironically as pathetic as looking for friends online ever.
Follow the white rabbit? That is Matrix bs. Dat feel when you are getting too old for this tiktok level shit.
If you can talk on the discord servers youre not a robot
user said it already but yeah it was rumor spreading and leaking peoples personal info, couldn't make friends because they used the real info maliciously
dubs confirm. discord is just for failed normies, zoomers and literal fags
This, seriously.
They ask for your info and if you give them it they block you and make a thread with the info you gave them
Someone gimme a rundown on the tranny blackmail. Not finding anything on Jewgle.
You know it is like bags of pixie dust and a keltec.
Well that is just anemic.
What kind of nigger shit is this? How am I supposed to get nudes from femanons now?
Idk I guess you just pay for hookers like I do and then you get pussy as well not just optics.
No thanks, I prefer to keep it free. Paying takes the fun out of it
Discord isn't banned on all boards I think, just threads pertaining to shilling discords since it's advertising which breaks Jow Forums rules.
Is this because of the Jow Forums and Jow Forums genocide raid?
>getting nudes from tumblrina zoomer grylls on a US hosted spyware platform
Tell me how I know you are retarded.
What u on about m8
Just enjoy the nu
>make a /comfy/ r9k discord server in early 2017 when it was big here
>met a bunch of lonely spergs like me who were just friendless losers but still nice people and just wanted companionship
>now we're all good friends and talk every day, play vidya together sometimes
>the other 95% of r9k servers are tranny hugbox dramafests and pink pill shilling so can't post a server link on r9k to invite new comfy friends without getting banned and /soc/ is fucking cancer
If people are talking in a thread and then swap discords to keep talking I don't care, but when a board gets shat up with server links it's aids. No one wants to join your tranny servers you goddamn degenerates.
You forgot antifa and resetera fags on discord. They want doxx Jow Forums and send people to court for hatespeech.
Actually i liked it when it was issue on early 2017, because i had purpose on making friend playung some game.. and offtopics as you mentioned
but some faglord ruined what so over anyway it missed opportunity to good AIM or IRC related stuff
still managing tinyass server which barely use by the way
daily reminder if you have Discord Hypesquad you get 1 month of free nitro subscription but you can only gift it
I just looked it up. Fuck it is cancer.
Technically speaking I find it a very good software. Most servers are full of annoying zoomers but I enjoy some smaller ones with older people. The last server I joined was a 25+ one and it's nice.
It is all toxic zoomers, tumblrinas, homosexuals. Without overstating it. Tinychat and Omegle was not as fucked up as this place.
Omegle is mostly males looking for females though I don't think it's that much better. It's equally got about as many people seeking erp as discord does as well.
All the """servers""" (which are more like rooms) that I joined to see what the fuss is all about were filled with total fucking faggots. Fuck off with this onions shit.
Only good r9k discord.
Fuck npcs
Fuck traps
Fuck normies
Fuck niggers
> must verify by phone
> 1000+ members
> gay bot shit
youre the cancer ruining r9k
based dormin shilling his server
to the guy that doxxed and hacked into discord niggers accounts you have my applause user
Steam is better anyway
Fuck normies
Fuck npcs
Fuck roasties
Join TA faggots
He is a retard that only gives us more rep haha fuck anons
Fucking kill yourself aIready
Thank fucking god and finally
a-anyone got any small still community forming servers?
it's not banned on /soc/, but /soc/ is even worse than /trash/. imagine having to hide 75% (not exagerrating) of the threads because they're all just about penises