Does Muay Thai help build strength (bodyweight, lifting, you name it)? Will it damage my bulking...

Does Muay Thai help build strength (bodyweight, lifting, you name it)? Will it damage my bulking? Obviously it doesn’t build muscle but I want to use it as cardio.

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does he have klinefelters syndrome?

No, someone with klinefelter would never achieve this level of cardio and this physique.

Muay thai is very hip/torso rotation heavy, so it's rather usual to see for example a 140 pound 6'1" lanklet fighter with massive abs, les and hip flexors.

The guy in the pic is as elite as it gets

damn these manlet chinks are almost scary

don't know, but a few years of committed training will turn you into a wrecking machine. so maybe it's worth to lose a few pounds of muscle for it.

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These manlet chinks will kick your ass any day.

It will damage your bulk massively. It works wonders for a cut but don't be a tard and expect to bulk on muay thai.

I had massive tri, back and calf gains since i started mt training 3 times a week on top of lifting.

It builds core and hip strenght massively, a you're constantly drilling that.

DO NOT underestimate the cardio aspect of this sport. You will need to train cardio, otherwise you might aswell not een start. Expect to puke the first couple trainings.

You may think your cardio is pretty decent but dear god man do HIIT for a month or two befor you start or you will suffer, a lot.

This is not cardio like running is. It's more like short sprinting bursts, constantly, spread over 1.5 hours.

Even if you're built you'll get muscle fatigue in your legs and arms. I was very in shape when i started and got cought off guard by it.


What you can probably expect for a starter training:

- start with 30 min cardio: ropeskipping, sprints, the more intense shadowoxing drills, etc

- 45 minutes of drills (hell): kicks, push kicks, punches, knees, clinch and throws. You're paired with someone and go at it, switching sides wen the bell goes or your trainer beats you with a foam stick. When you've both done the drill, you do 10 tri push ups and 10-20 sit ups. It's not unusual to have done 200+ of both by the end of drills. In beween drills there are often short 2 minute rounds of sparring, each time different rules and limitation to test you.

- 15 minutes of sparring: you can go as hard as you want here. The dill spars are usually only 2 min rounds and for example kicking only or pure english boxing rules, etc. This ending spar is 3x5 min rounds. As a started you'll probably as in round 1 or 2, so try to conserve yourself. Dont feed your ego, your partner will hit as hard as you do. Thats the unspoken rule here. You go soft so do they, you go hard so do they. Don't underestimate woman, small or skinny or young people. As an untrained person you will need to tough this one out. You'll get the hang of it after a couple weeks. And for the love of god, dont try to 'prove yourself', don't drop your hands at any point and DO NOT LEAN ON THE RING

Dont mind my english, dont use it often anymore

They'd kill you with their bare hands no matter your size

goddamn i need to find a muy Thai club like this

Keep in mind that the place I'm describing here is pretty elite, some people drive for over 2 hours to train there.

I heared that american clubs tend to spar not as hard as this and tend to be weaker on cardio, being more focused on technique.

>it will damage your bulk massively
So it won’t work for a lightweight like me? I want to get to a middleweight class, that’s why.

If you eat enough to compensate for all the cardio

Oh okay, that’s easy to handle. How much does it help with lifting?

>This is not cardio like running is
You must train in a faggot MT dojo. The core of MT training is running. If you cannot run, you cannot fight. In Thailand, every MT fighter runs like 10-15km every morning.

go to the netherlands

I do 10k a day too, but HIIT is mich more effective than running for mt

Belgium has good ones aswell

martial arts alone wont increase strength unless is a wrestling/grappling martial art, stricking arts only increase cardio and endurance but almost every martial art has condition for strenght speed and power, specially in muay thai

Are you sure you are doing muay thai and not dutch kickboxing? At least culturally your gym sounds very dutch.

What is his cycle?

Muay Thai, Western Boxing, Greco-Roman Wrestling, and the various Jiu-Jitsu flavors are prettty much the only worth-it martial arts.

If you're losing size, you just need to eat more, dumbass.

It will drop pounds fast. And fuck up your knees (although that's everything but boxing really)

Why? You want to stay in the lightest class you can, and rehydrate to hopefully be the bigger guy in the ring?

Mike Israetel, Chad Wesley Smith, Louis Simmons and many other top powerlifters use(d) combat sports for cardio and conditioning work.

I dislike being light, I prefer being balanced.

Well my club is like 15km from the border with the Netherlands so yeah it's inflenced by it. A lot of the fighters also fight k1 bouts because it pays better and there are more fights than mt here.

Though they do focus hard on mt, kickboxing is just a minor influence due to the Dutch being so closeby.

Two training camps in thailand every year aswell.

Please do point out where i said was losing wheight you whore of a thousand gypsies

That's just what they do, doesn't mean they're right. The core of the sport is really short, intense intervals of extreme violence how the fuck does a gay ass jog translate better than sprints/jump rope/circuit training?

Looks more like a gook to me

do you live in germany?

lol this little boy is the size of a child

i am 6'3 i would pick him up and drop him on his head and he would run home and cry mommy

poor little guys in the world will never get success or recognition because of big guys like me

im huger than him

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shit bait kill yourself stupid lard fat fuck piece of shit idiot
big bone small brain neanderthal subhuman garbage
kill yourself 2 times retard fuck

maybe you.. not me

>he dreamed, lying face-down in the ring with a busted face and a cored asshole

>Obviously it doesn’t build muscle
Yeah the workouts you do along with the Muay Thai, do that
>Obviously it doesn’t build muscle but I want to use it as cardio
You should probably do just regular cardio, if you don't take it seriously you're gonna have a bad time

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no, lifting weights and getting big muscles makes you strong

training muay thai makes you efficient at expressing that strength via a martial art

these manlet chinks will split your shin in two, and throw your pasty white ass to the ground

Asians can be pretty lethal mate, look up the Gurkha soldiers, top lads

Found the insect

Gurkhas are not east Asian.

They're still asians.

Culturally Nepalese are basically Indians but their people look chinky as fuck.

I dated a Nepalese woman and I swore she was chinese or something.

his feet look like this disgusting

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is martial arts the ultimate manlet cope?

think about it. if manlets didnt devote thousands of hours to martial arts they would have a 0% chance of winning a fight vs a taller untrained man instead of a 10% chance.

i almost feel bad for them

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Please stop posting

Even in a fight between untrained people, you'd be a fool not to put money on the person who weighs about the same but is a couple of feet shorter, increasing their density and muscle mass.