Decided to meet up with e-gf of 3 years

>Decided to meet up with e-gf of 3 years
>Went to airport to pick her up
>Got extremely nervous when I saw her and drove away
>Blocked her number

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Theres no going back to the way things were, is there?

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>made her take a flight for nothing

you deserve this

You stranded a hoe at the airport? You're a ill motherfucker

I wanted to be with her but got afraid and ran

go back bro. this might be the thing that will turn your life around for the better, dont fucking waste this opportunity shithead.

>she's still waiting at the airport
>"m-maybe he's just late"
>2 hours later
>"he's sure taking a while... did he forget to charge his phone...?"
>3 hours later
>"i guess i'll just keep waiting........."
>8 hours later
>"how am i going to get back home now"

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Holy shit user, this is the best thing I've read in weeks. Thanks for the laugh at your autismo

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Its ok user. Just picked her up in my 69 camaro. Good on you for leaving her for a REAL man. Happy holidays user

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I guess when it comes to fight or flight you decided to flight too huh.

You're an actual autist

literal retards itt believing this happened

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It's okay user, she probably deserved it anyway. She was a roastie

anyone who falls for op's larp should be banned

>Believing that anyone actually believes it
Whose the retard now, retards?

>ethot dabbed upon
nice job OP
go out and be merry

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Best things Ive read on here in a while. Why are you so fucking Autistic?

oh gosh i have nothing to say to that one

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Is it 2011 again?

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theyre vintage now

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What am I even supposed to say? I ruined her day by abandoning her. She probably hated me.

i know this is bait but i could unironically see myself doing this (the end result of course not the e-gf of 3 years part)

they've reached the ironic stage and are now cool to post again huh

>believing that someone believes that people believe op's larp
user, I...

you earned this, faggot. enjoy the sickening failure you've made of the only life you'll get.

that's not far enough back we have to go further

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>made her take a flight for nothing
based fuck whores

based, make the thot waste time And money

nice fucking larp faggot

>Believing that I didn't think they were ironically posting about the posters not being ironic and believing that the op wasn't ironic and my post was ironic about that

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