Broskis, I need some advice...

Broskis, I need some advice. Some ugly white trash type of woman who tried to get me to betabuxx her through tinder while back is now asking me to drive her to her parents house for christmas which is in a another city and she is telling me she will pay me back on her next paycheck. She contacted me after like a lifetime of not talking to me.
what do?

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you should definitely not do that

ghost that roast and never look back

do not do it you legend. you wont hear back from her and then your hate yourself for being such a dumb ass

definitely don't do that unless she pays cash or venmo upfront. she does not plan on paying you back.

She is blowing up my phone right now with messages and calls. She is crying that she is all alone in her room in the christmas eve. I kinda feel bad desu

Roasted or toasted?

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>those shaming/pity attempts
>now she suddenly CAN pay for a cap?

I was about to say "hey maybe you should", but fuck both that bitch and my meek heart.

>Tell that bitch you will
>Ghost her last minute

You might wake up at that night without your kidneys or eyes. Don't do it user

Post it on le Reddit and get upboats then link it to her

Get out reddit fag. No one likes you.

>Some ugly white trash type
no, don't associate with them unless thats who you are too

tell her to fuck off and go find another beta to driver her around.

Been here longer than you have my guy :)
Do you know what adtrw is?

No one cares about your sad life and how long you have been circle jerking here for.

this guy has a really old rancid tumor in his brain is what he's trying to tell us

What's the matter little fellas? Not watched enough fortnite and tiktok vids? Mommy take the computer away during the holidays?

How insecure are you that you try to look superior here?

Do you know how sad and pathetic you are?

Don't worry Zoomzoom, soon you'll be able to play some more fortnite!

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I don't play fortnite or watch tiktok vids, but if it makes you feel better about yourself. Sure. Just remember you won this argument. Give yourself a pat on the back.

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Guess you really are a loser user

faggot alert breaker breaker huge faggot inbound over

You should do it a woman needs help and is trusting you enough to help her asking was pretty brave.

Another victory under my belt, too easy

While I have your attention gentlemen, I'd like to make announcement as well

Fuck niggers and FUCK JANNIES

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That's the spirit user! Merry christmas and a happy new year.

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don't fall for it OP, she's trying to leech off of you

don't do it. It will spiral down to a shit show. But knowing you dumb faggots you will do it anyway.