how do i get qt e-gf. i can't bother with irl girls
How do i get qt e-gf. i can't bother with irl girls
>euro girls without bf
>Jow Forums
Good luck with that, brother.
You yuropoors are all progressive and shit walking around naked in your homes and having universal healthcare and dumb shit it should be super easy to get some yuro girl just go to the nightclubs or ballets or wherever you fucks congregate and talk some of your fancy yuro language
some context on the original pic, it was a reply on this thread
originally the last one i will provide
forgot pic kekeroni
Which part of europe tho?
this entire thread is so fucking pathetic.
you're all autistic and i hate you all
Belgium europa
Easy play an MMO. The more obscure the better. Join a big guild and everyone edates each other. Youll mostly get eastern euro girls also a few dutch and British ones as welll. But edates almost never work out and you end off worse than you were before.
>thread bitching about how undesirable they are
>have a bf teehee
sounds about right
Where the hell do you go to get those kind of girls?
What games how do you do it
I wish you a merry christmas too
Germany represent
e-relationships are a fucking joke, you'll maybe keep the attention of the other person for a week or a few months at most if they're a NEET with zero impulses.
There are no gfs in Germany anymore, it's all just degenerate sex shit.
>There are no gfs in Germany anymore, it's all just degenerate sex shit.
hmmm if only someone had tried to prevent this
Don't I know it, but what else but looking for an exception can be done.
Are you younger than 25?
I am
fuck that guy be my gf
Older than 25 and in Germany, buying gf
I'm 22
id be up for a christmas e-bf in the US. i legitimately have no one to spend it with
[email protected]
Email my throwaway please. I need something nice for once....
How to BE e-gf? OwO
Well you are male apparently so don't
What makes you think I am male? :3c
Could not tell you off the top of my head user
That's how I got my e-bf, I want to be respectful but it was a Christmas sweet hearts thing.
Please tell me it can work user
>send one email and no reply
Welp merry christmas to me
>in the US
Oh :(
She didn't reply to me at all user don't worry
Which part of the US are you from? I'm in Southern California. I'd legit love a Christmas gf.
Honestly, I've always wanted a Christmas GF. The task feels near impossible and no one ever is in southern california
if you have discord I am available
tfw no qt e-gf to watch movies with this lonely christmas day
What movies would you want to watch?
Christmas movies, anything
I would want to watch rudolf and the little drummer boy
ill be your gf for the next year, should I drop my discord? Sorry im new to discord and idk how to share it.
sure. just drop your username and tag and i'll add ya :))
Idk if this is ok -_-
I will never find a girl (real, online, or even a fucking cartoon) that understands my musical taste, even though music is my favorite topic, why even bother?
That sounds really comfy, I would like that very much.
I will watch movies and anime on rabbit with you
any girls in uk?
I will never find anyone that even wants to discuss it at all, which is even worse. I just want to talk about the poetry of lyrics, the structure of the piece itself, the creative process, the histories of various authors, and so on.
its (probably) not that hard
the real challenge would be finding an e-gf in your country so that you could realistically see eachother sometime in the future
there are no australian fembots
how do i contact you to watch rudolf and ldb?
Love Tentacle#8431
Not a problem in the EU and Americans can come here easily (not the other way around though).
This isnt me but I do have discord.
personally i'd just feel better if it was the same country, it would seem more plausible
whats your discord then?
So the person who replied isn't the femanon?
add me
Lol dont add this faggot, I said i am male and wanted to watch stuff and removed me right there, dude you must be really pathetic irl.
>dude you must be really pathetic irl.
Are you a zoomer who just got here? Where do you think we are?
Im a 21 yo female you retard lol, you just showed you only want "femanons" to date, not to watch actual stuff, jesus thats pretty pathetic.
unironically good advice. lot of women play mmos than people realize. biggest two that i found that they play is FFXIV and Guild Wars 2 for the fashion that both MMOs offer, especially Guild Wars 2.
Literally the first post in the entire chain was about an e-gf to watch things with with. There was no false advertising. You saying you were male when it was clear that I wanted an e-gf is your problem here.
Don't date MMO girls, it's a really bad idea.
dude, get a real life
>user says he wants an e-gf
>add him and say you're male
>get removed
>get butthurt
Would any robots like to help me understand women?
Ever consider that you're on the wrong board? Perhaps if loser virgin spergs that are desperate for women bother you Jow Forums is the wrong place to be. It's like an anti-semite going to a synagogue and acting pissed because Jews are there
chill out and get a real life, loser
Because your personality isn't your music taste.
Yeah but it's just an option if people are into that. Id have done it if I was younger but too old that it makes me feel weird now..
Adding to your post. I want a scottish qt so much
how do i go about even meeting e-girls, much less making them my gf
Not him, I understand what you mean. However, my music is one of my biggest passions and I make and listen to music a lot, so of course I would like to share in that in some way with whoever I am partnered with. Of course I'm interested in other things and not ever interest has to line up it's more about the chemistry between two people and working together.
mmorpgs as others have said. or dating apps. or just get lucky. places like Discord though, no chance. girls on Discord already have 50 orbiters. you will just be one of many.
I require a at British woman whose childhood was as bad as mine but is also stable enough to be functioning.
Because normies have no idea. If you have a bad time girl, a normie would have no idea what to tell you. But, safe in the knowledge that I have been through the same hell, we can go for a walk into the sunset and just live in that one moment of retro orange skies and kisses that don't end until the suns eventual rise
I'm so lonely kill me pls
Are you any where near Virginia if so we could talk
I'm in Virginia but I'm a guy.
They don't call it virginia for nothin
are you a cute gay
Virginia is a trash tier state.
t. maryland
But I live in the appalachian mountains and it's beautiful (the cities are super shit though)
user I'm in the Melbourne area. Are you cute? I can give you my discord
Chad anons getting gfs and I'm alone on christmas ;-;
Hahaha it's okay I'm an ugly fag in Phoenix larping. No one's getting an e-gf through r9k; I though this was known fact.
If you're honestly this desperate go drink at a bar and let drunk you persuade some uggo. worked for me.
im in the northeast so we are sort of close
Well what method would you want to use to talk, that is if you do?
fuck off she's mine i emailed her first
Well I'll email you and then you'll be mine hows that sound?
Where in the northeast, please be in Maine.
Well this is just getting harder and harder to distinguish any of us so we've all just fucked ourselves.
I am frenlianon the guy you emailed before.
you can make me yours, user
no accept my emails already ;_;
it's not my fault your internet cut out
This is really confusing. And I am going to assume this is larp because I don't know what you mean.
im not pretending to be a girl i was just being gay
No larp, I'm the one you sent an email to first I think. The larping is pretty bad though.