Oh! oh! oh, hah! hah!

oh! oh! oh, hah! hah!

ow!!... ow!!... ow!!...


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Other urls found in this thread:


I have barely played DKC1, but earlier I was playing DKC2. It is very difficult, and stressful to play desu.

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That one level can be tricky. Its the race right?
You managed to complete it?

It is the race, nah, not yet i will try tomorrow or later once I get less stressed over it. The previous world was difficult as fuck.

Yes, the castle can be tricky. And this race level takes a few tries for you to learn the do's and don'ts.
You might find the final boss a bit of a puzzle.

Are you completing the bonuses and doing the Lost World levels?
Those can be extra difficult, but are fun.



Attached: asdasodkas.png (949x573, 124K)

yippy yippy!

Attached: asdasd.png (722x491, 63K)

>"hih! hih!"

Attached: paskdkpas.png (769x580, 89K)

>"eh! eh!! eeh!"

Attached: asasdq13.png (740x507, 77K)

>tfw actually in a secret donkey kong cult

prim prim
prim prim prim prum prum puh


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yippy yippy yippy

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fuck, I lost momentum.
11 minutes to complete three levels, what is this rookie bs

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Diiiiddddd-ayyyyyy konngggggg raaaayyyyyy-ssssssssiiiiinnnnnnggggg

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>mfw never touched a n64

it just werks

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I mean, SNES9X is at least tolerable, but there's no reason to use ZSNES unless you're on a Pentium 2 or something.

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levels from this world are fun

fear factory coming soon.

Its the first emulator I messed around with several years ago, and it kind of turned into my default choice.
I don't know others and since this one simply werks I never had a reason to switch.

Attached: asokdokas.png (512x448, 36K)

>fell for the ZSNES meme
It was good around the late 90s/early 2000s, but it's been surpassed by several emulators, and hasn't even seen an update for over a decade.

Higan is a bit of a meme, but if you have the horsepower, it's super accurate. I'd recommend that one most of the time, or at least SNES9X.

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i mean how complex SNES emulation can be, if anything the differences must be minimal

Okay so what should we use these days?

More complex than you may think. Biggest issues are going to be sound and some graphical glitches here and there, but sometimes things may completely break.

Higan, or the bsnes mednafen core through Retroarch (or just Mednafen if you don't mind that interface)

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Are any usable on android?

Any one those are free?(as in freedom)

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lol for some reason I thought the name of this level was fear factory its actually blackout madness.

Lost focus and so many lives, in the old days I would be here without dying once and with 99 lives. those were the days.

Attached: not fear factory wtf.png (512x448, 27K)

Retroarch is available for Android, as well as the bsnes core.

Don't really know exactly what kind of license they're under, but the source code is freely available. Believe that they're free (as in freedom)

Attached: 1278773240038.jpg (500x710, 304K)

Blackout basement**

Might check them out. I actually wanted to switch to something else. For some reason I cant get out of window mode anymore
thanks you are a true fren.

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what games you play brother?

You're welcome user. Always a pleasure to share some knowledge.

Attached: Suigintou_Render_II.png (300x600, 371K)

go to bed mel

>29 repIies
>6 posters

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how do i become a cool normalfag like you?

Actually more into Genesis/Mega Drive myself, but I do like some stuff on SNES. Mega Man X, DKC, Magical Pop'n, Super Metroid, Tales of Phantasia, Yoshi's Island, some of the Sailor Moon games, the Magical Quest... uh, other stuff.

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I got his ass!


Attached: lamar.png (350x436, 178K)

Based kong poster:

>"heh heh"
>"oh oh ah ah ah"

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>how do i become a cool normalfag like you?

suck my pee see :)

>"The end"

Thank you for playing.

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Just like the gay general!

dont mind me im just the best soundtrack ever made

>grabs your gf's ass

Continuing HD with some big DONG energy