Why haven't you taken the cig pill yet, user?

Why haven't you taken the cig pill yet, user?

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Don't want to spend 20 years suffocating on a daily basis before I finally get to die

Heart disease, lung cancer, esophagus cancer, throat cancer, mouth cancer, yellow fingers, yellow nails, yellow teeth, bad smell, cigarette cost (It's over $12 a pack even for shitty cigarettes).

Many reasons. But perhaps the worst of all is you look like you don't give a fuck about your health, which makes you look like a reckless and stupid person.

>implying i dont smoke pack a day

Fucking aspie

Lol at this guy implying he doesn’t lift and trt

Do you want to know what i smoke?
Billions of people smoke cigs and cannabis.

Few million people on this earth smoke DMT and 5-MeO-DMT

Makes you age horribly (granted, pic related smokes 3 packs a day).

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I smoke cigars/pipes on my own at home. I'm not flamboyant about it, in fact, no one knows I do it.
It actually tastes great, it is 100% pure natural tobacco, it's relaxing, I get the nootropic good effects of tobacco/nicotine without getting addicted.
Superior in every way to cigarettes.
Can't refute this.

I dont want low test.

I took a puff from a friends pipe and it was pretty nice.

I could see me every once in a while puffing on it while out drinking with my buddies

> But perhaps the worst of all is you look like you don't give a fuck about your health, which makes you look like a reckless and stupid person.
based and unironically healthpilled

>gay ass tats
>blue collar fag
>obviously on trt or roids
>muh ciggies and alcohol
He's a

>That snobbery

it is great. Pipe is good beccuse you only buy 1 good pipe and then just buy tobacco, which is cheap and lasts long, now cigars, the good ones are expensive and its a 1 time thing


Brad Pitt is a smoker.

>mild to no effects
>smells absolutely foul to everyone who still has a functioning olfactory system

hard pass

Fake news. I'd never smoke because cost and health, but the smell is great.

Are you trying to open your third eye or kill yourself?

t. Mike Pence

>doesn't mention the TRT and the training he does and not to mention all the rice and chicken he eats

fucking instagram lmao

it is not about you, individuals should be free to put anything into their bodies. However smoking in public places should be banned, it makes everything putrid.

Also, smokers are just retarded by default who will litter everywhere. They should do this at home.

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Are you a blue collar wageslave perhaps?

>implying anyone would cope over not being white trash

Imagine deliberately funding isreal whilst destroying your organs.

This. Smokers are scum, number 1 littered substance in the world is cigarette butts.

>teehee just rolled out of bed like this

>Because effortless perfection is far more alluring to normies than "I autistically weigh my food, eat basically the same boring shit every day, can't go out eating and drinking with any regularity and lift weights all the time".

Try lying to a normie the next time he asks


Smoking is for teenagers. If you are older than 18 and smoke you are a loser.


also posing for the photo for your co worker and then posting this shit on instagram as a 38yo is sad.

I did and it destroyed my lungs for 7 years. There are days where I would feel like death after a heavy night of smoking cigs. My lungs were so tight I could barely breath. It delayed my gains for 5 years. I couldn't even run a block anymore. FUCK CIGS and FUCK YOU for this bullshit thread

why did you pick up the smoking habit?

lmao imagine being so low IQ you get addicted to cigarettes

I am a college educated financial professional. I just don't think I'm better than people who do real work

I don’t like the smell and bad breath.
Making out with a girl who smokes is nasty too.

I’m no better either since i use a juul but i dont have to deal with wheezing & short breath when I go running.