Broke up with my average boring gf last night on Christmas Eve for a fun more attractive girl that wants me to move in...

>broke up with my average boring gf last night on Christmas Eve for a fun more attractive girl that wants me to move in with her
I'm sort of starting to regret it
Should I go get the boring but safe girl back or should I live life on the edge and take a chance

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Who cares? At some point they'll realize you're a right cunt.

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kill yourself (originally obviously)

If you already did the deed why are you even worrying about the consequences now?
You knew them before. You made your decision. Finish the job.

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I suggest you leave this board

Fucking leave the board you normie faggot

Stop fucking lying, you retarded faggot. Literally no one cares about your deluded stories.

you're a fucking dipshit lol.

you're chasing the "new car" smell. you're asking how we can "right" your decision. we can't. you can't. it'll be an unsettling memory in your life

Don't worry op. That's a chad move right there.

Chad fucks hoes and doesn't waste a dime or ounce of energy on them let alone posting in this fucking place about it.

I would know, trust me

It's easy to dismiss people calling you a normie faggot and telling you to kill yourself, but take a moment to wonder what generates such angry reactions from people.
You cold-heartedly dumped your faithful girlfriend for a ''more attractive girl''.
This isn't your sad story. It's hers. You're a superficial scumbag.

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this was kinda hot to read
you know me so well user chan
it's the way the world works though, everything has a value, some things are more valuable than others

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You are not the arbiter of worth.

In my opinion your should just blow your brains out.

Why not both user?

>Broke up with gf to get with a better girl

>Is posting on r9k

Get the fuck out of my board, for if I saw you in real life I would take your life if not for the laws of this land. Cheating and unfaithful scum need only to be in one place, on a cross in town square.

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>Dumping gf on Christmas Eve
Might as well stay with the fun attractive girl then, you already fucked it with the average one. Don't try to go back and fix things, you'll just come off as wishy washy and you'll lose both

How about you fuck off normalfag? You and anyone ITT who humors you.

You reap what you sow.

Dumb robotfag.

You fucking retard. Why would you break up with someone during goddamn christmas. Why in gods name do people such horrible things.

My gf broke up with me today and this is the last straw for me to finally kill myself. This world never wanted me in the first place

>My gf
Yeah? How bout you get the fuck out normalfaggot?

Based Original Bang poster.

He literally is though. From his point of view the value of girl 2 was bigger than the one of girl 1