This is chad's body count. How does this make you feel?

This is chad's body count. How does this make you feel?

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>body count
So he's killing these roasties? Pretty based.

>tfw no Tinder redhead gf

>How does this make you feel?
Pretty grossed out

So many women to #metoo him. Sounds like he is fucked.

>max 8 a year
That's no Chad.

I recently got into Tinder
It's not hard to find a fat hoe, and if you go to some girls dorm hit up her roommate

Tinder is for all women and exceptional guys to get laid. For average guys you can scrounge opportunities if you feel like being pathetic

>3 fatties
this aint no chad lmao someone with no standards more like it.

Absolutely degenerate male roastie.

>he keeps track of the girls he's been with via this table

This. That's closer to a normie.

>male roastie
He isn't homosex

Pretty okay. I went through my hookup phase and felt like shit. I also risked getting stds and did catch a fungus or some shit from a thot on tinder. Now I only have sex in relationships, dont worry about stds, dont have to wear condoms because birth control, and I get to have loving sex and fetish sex, even loving fetish sex.
Also, high body counts are offputting to many women contrary to popular belief, just like high body counts are offputting to men in regards to women.

>having a table let alone remembering names of girls you fucked
You have my reply lol

this. This is lite Chad lite

>remembers the roasties names
lmao this is an upper tier normie.

ya well you know firsthand why it's offputting because you caught ligma

>tinder fat

they don't deserve a name lmao

Attached: 1545655692457.jpg (1488x1231, 255K)

This. This makes me feel less than human, like a domestic animal living in a field by itself.

>autistically keeping a spreadsheet on the girls he fucked
that's not chad, that's just some insecure faggot who thinks putting his penis in many holes matters

So it took him 4 years to amass the lays I've gotten this year? Women are garbage, they will only bring you down.

tinder fat